Michelle Makes It Official, Says She'll Never Run For President

Lots of politicians say they will not run...............so the say..........until they do.

I hope MO is keeps to her word.
She'd lose

Agreed. Everyone likes her because she doesn’t talk, but if put in a position where she’d have to speak it would be easy to she she’s devoid of intelligence, integrity and charisma
18 to 24 year olds would probably vote against her in droves because of what she did to school lunches.

And even though her School Lunch initiative cost billions, it didn't succeed. Children of that age bracket are no more fit than they were before they were put on the Michelle Obama starvation diet. I don't know what Mrs. Obama could have been thinking. The German government had a similar diet for those folks it incarcerated at Auschwitz. I saw pics of the inmates that were released at the end of the war- they were NOT the picture of health IMHO.

Moochelle doesn’t know a single thing about quality nutrition.
The more you lot hate her, the more I like her. She has ten times the class, humor and graciousness as that thing squatting in the Oval Office. As does Melania.

The more you are jealous of Melania (a true Goddess) the more I like her. Michelle was the squatter.
18 to 24 year olds would probably vote against her in droves because of what she did to school lunches.

The garbage pails in schools across the nation were full of tasteless, overcooked veggies every day.. brownies micowaved (little meteorites), apples and pears bruised and wormy... They sure didn't come out of Mike's garden; the photo-op of his biceps gleaming in a sweat-soaked blouse was a one time deal...nobody ever saw him out there again.
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Michelle Obama Insists There's 'Zero Chance' She Will Run For President

Don't flatter yourself you big bag of hot air ,you would never have a chance ,your husband came close to destroying the Country.
Why would any sane person go through a presidential campaign to run for president?

President Trump wanted to give something back to the country he loves, and serve as our President.

And running for the office and going through a campaign was the only path available to him.
It's sad that Republicans forced him to get rich in the process... He's a real trooper for putting up with that.
Forget about Michelle Obama saving the Democrat Party. She's never going to sit behind that desk in the Oval Office. She's made it official. Michelle Obama says there's 'zero chance' she'll run for president: 'It's just not for me'

For the record.....Michelle didn't do much to hide her disdain and disgust at the inauguration. I was wondering why she had such a sour puss during the festivities.

She was looking at the crowd of Americans and saying to herself, "This doesn't represent America".

Apparently there were too many white faces in the crowd.

So we won't have a racist in the White House. And Michelle is definitely a racist. She's always hated America.....because she clearly stated that her husband being nominated was the first time she wasn't ashamed of America.

I never thought she would.
I wasn't one of those out of touch nuts that thought she would jump in to win at the last minute.

She NEVER expressed ANY political aspirations so I dunno why so many dumbasses thought she would jump in
Michelle not running for prez is bad news for most republicans here who seem to not have much of a life to begin with other than bitchin' about libruls. Now they gotta look for something else to whine, bitch, and moan about. Must suck being them.
Michael Moore Vomits Something Dumb
And People Pay Attention ??
Who First Floated This Idea, Anyway ??

Michelle Is Notoriously Lazy At Everything
She Hasn't An Ambitious Bone In Her Body
There Was Never A Chance She Would Ever Run For Anything
I Ain't Slammin' Her For It, I Have Other Interests Too
LeeOnLido said:
she is no more qualified to be President as a 16 year old girl working behind a McDonalds counter
It Seems She Was Never Happy At Anything Anyway
That Dietary Thing
Was Most Likely Because As First Lady
She Had To Promote Something
But She Had A Crew To Attend The WH Veg Garden

She Seems The Type That Goes Along To Enjoy The Sights And Functions
She Was Probably Glad Barry's Presidency Is Over

Hi. During this convo, a 'black female conservative' speaks about HATEFUL Michelle Obama admiring liberal Americans threatening VIOLENCE toward peaceful, free-thinking citizens. :sad:

America's Pro Black community explained >>

_American People, Denounce Tariq Nasheed, Mechee X, Umar Johnson.png
EVIL woman Michelle Obama_02.jpg
First Lady Michelle Obama Wale.png
It Doesn't Take Any Special Skill To Be An Asshole
It's A Reflection Of How Miserable They Are Inside
I've Never Seen It Any Other Way
In other news, after stating she will not consider running for President, the Washington Foreskins, facing a depleted linebacking corps for next season, have decided to offer Michelle Obama a tryout! They figure with an ass that size, running backs would be slowed down enough going around her that the other players would be able to make the tackle. Her ass could not be reached for comment as her husband was playing golf.
I never thought she would.
I wasn't one of those out of touch nuts that thought she would jump in to win at the last minute.

She NEVER expressed ANY political aspirations so I dunno why so many dumbasses thought she would jump in
Because they're desperate.

You see the down car of idiots these people have.

They need a savior. Someone without a real record to examine. Like BHO.
I wish Michelle would run. You don't even have to dig far to show what a white hating racist she is.
Michelle Makes It Official, Says She'll Never Run For President

Good, the World is better for it. we would be third world in a year.
Michelle not running for prez is bad news for most republicans here who seem to not have much of a life to begin with other than bitchin' about libruls. Now they gotta look for something else to whine, bitch, and moan about. Must suck being them.

Pricelessly ironic.
Take a tour of this board, you Lefty's are completely deranged. The Left here is completely discombobulated over losing in 16. There are enough blind partisans on both sides to go around, it is patently stupid to assign that crap only to "Republican's.

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