Michelle (Michael Robinson) Obama admits one truth, still calls birthers "racist"

In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.
You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate

I do not personally possess it.

I do recall conversing with a McCain campaign person in 2008 who said

"Michelle Obama does not exist"

meaning THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE with Michelle's name on it.

There is one with MICHAEL's...


Google has it

Aaand, the conspiracy troll posts a certificate of death. Nice! :spinner:
And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

I'm not afraid of posting more EVIDENCE, you are...

1981 High School Football Team Photo Leaves Little Doubt that Michelle Obama Was Born Michael Robinson

A google search revealed that Michelle was first outed (as a man) in a story posted on June 30, 2011 by Matthew Glosser at a web site called Christwire.org. I’ve reposted his originMichelle was bornMichael LaVaughn Robinson and was a football player in both high school
(photo below) and won a scholarship as a linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers in his first year at college. al article and photos below. The Glosser article says that a former Obama staff member told him that Michael reportedly left school and had a sex change operation on January 13, 1983 (a significant date for satanists. Helena Stoeckley was also murdered on this date) and afterwards entered Princeton University (which is listed among the top eightuniversities in the USA with an acceptance rate of only 7%) as a female student, Michelle Robinson.
You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate

I do not personally possess it.

I do recall conversing with a McCain campaign person in 2008 who said

"Michelle Obama does not exist"

meaning THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE with Michelle's name on it.

There is one with MICHAEL's...


Google has it

Aaand, the conspiracy troll posts a certificate of death. Nice! :spinner:

For someone born in 1854.

Apparently Michelle Obama is 164 years old in LA's delusional wasteland!
In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

Of course you're not going to get into it. As your 'evidence' is exactly what I told you it was: conspiracy headjobs making shit up. And then repeating themselves over and over.

This you call 'smoke'. As LA just demonstrated for us, its just imagination. Shit that LA made up, backed by nothing.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.

I call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. This thread would be a lovely example of the kind of silly, insane nonsense I point and laugh at.

In contrast, I call Whittaker's appointment to the role of acting AG unconstitutional. Not a 'conspiracy'.
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You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate

I do not personally possess it.

I do recall conversing with a McCain campaign person in 2008 who said

"Michelle Obama does not exist"

meaning THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE with Michelle's name on it.

There is one with MICHAEL's...


Google has it

Aaand, the conspiracy troll posts a certificate of death. Nice! :spinner:

For someone born in 1854.

Apparently Michelle Obama is 164 years old in LA's delusional wasteland!

I KNEW IT! Vampire!
How is BARACK calling Michelle "Michael"

conspiracy headjobs making shit up




Everything that is so-called "racist" is FROM BARACK"S COCKSUCKING MOUTH
How is BARACK calling Michelle "Michael"

conspiracy headjobs making shit up




No, he didn't write his bio for Harvard law You made that shit up.

See, I already know where you're going. And I already know what you're going to offer as 'evidence'. And I already know what it was written for. And I already know who wrote it. And I can prove all of it.

Here's a lovely little preview into how hopelessly, haplessly wrong you are: Miriam Goderich.

You can prove nothing.....as you don't use evidence. You make shit up. You insisted that Michelle Obama's birth certificate said 'Michel Robertson'. But when pressed to show us said birth certificate......

......you ran. Conspiracies are like cockroaches. Turn a little light on them, and they scury away.
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he didn't write his bio for Harvard law

Gosh, an IVY LEAGUE "educated" person too DUMB to write up his own bio... did you write it for him???

So much for Affirmative Action....

IS Farrakhan "racist" too??

he didn't write his bio for Harvard law

Gosh, an IVY LEAGUE "educated" person too DUMB to write up his own bio... did you write it for him???

So much for Affirmative Action....

IS Farrakhan "racist" too??

Laughing....if Louis Farakkan said it, it has to be true, huh?

You are so hopelessly, adorably gullible, tinfoil.

But tell us more about the "Harvard Bio' that you claim Obama wrote. So we can all point and laugh at you more.
In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

Of course you're not going to get into it. As your 'evidence' is exactly what I told you it was: conspiracy headjobs making shit up. And then repeating themselves over and over.

This you call 'smoke'. As LA just demonstrated for us, its just imagination. Shit that LA made up, backed by nothing.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.

I call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. This thread would be a lovely example of the kind of silly, insane nonsense I point and laugh at.

For example, I call Whittaker's appointment to the role of acting AG unconstitutional. Not a 'conspiracy'.

You have no idea what I was referring to, so don’t tell me what I have or don’t have. Continue licking boots and defending corrupt politicians… it’s what you do. I see you doing that on every just about every freakin thread. Again, I know your type.
In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

Of course you're not going to get into it. As your 'evidence' is exactly what I told you it was: conspiracy headjobs making shit up. And then repeating themselves over and over.

This you call 'smoke'. As LA just demonstrated for us, its just imagination. Shit that LA made up, backed by nothing.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.

I call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. This thread would be a lovely example of the kind of silly, insane nonsense I point and laugh at.

For example, I call Whittaker's appointment to the role of acting AG unconstitutional. Not a 'conspiracy'.

You have no idea what I was referring to, so don’t tell me what I have or don’t have. Continue licking boots and defending corrupt politicians… it’s what you do. I see you doing that on every just about every freakin thread. Again, I know your type.

More accurately, you have no idea what you're referring to. Which is why when pressed for evidence to back your claims, you give us excuses for why you can't.

The conspiracies are always iron clad and irrefutable....until you ask for the evidence. Then they fall apart.

And my type is one who demands evidence. Which is why we don't see eye to eye on this issue. But hey, if you want to try Paul Horner or Larry Sinclair conspiracies, go for it. It won't end well for your argument.,
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In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay.

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

Of course you're not going to get into it. As your 'evidence' is exactly what I told you it was: conspiracy headjobs making shit up. And then repeating themselves over and over.

This you call 'smoke'. As LA just demonstrated for us, its just imagination. Shit that LA made up, backed by nothing.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.

I call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. This thread would be a lovely example of the kind of silly, insane nonsense I point and laugh at.

For example, I call Whittaker's appointment to the role of acting AG unconstitutional. Not a 'conspiracy'.

You have no idea what I was referring to, so don’t tell me what I have or don’t have. Continue licking boots and defending corrupt politicians… it’s what you do. I see you doing that on every just about every freakin thread. Again, I know your type.

More accurately, you have no idea what you're referring to. Which is why when pressed for evidence to back your claims, you give us excuses for why you can't.

The conspiracies are always iron clad and irrefutable....until you ask for the evidence. Then they fall apart.

And my type is one who demands evidence.

Stop patting yourself on the back. There are certain people who are a waste of time to deal with, and you’re one of them. I like dealing with sincere people who have a genuine interest in truth… Not bootlickers who do nothing but defend corrupt politicians, day in and day out. If you’re not getting paid for it, you should. You spend enough time doing it anyway.
BTW, I miss John Rivers. I may not agree with her politics, but at least she was honest. And unlike many, she was bright enough to understand that there’s corruption on both “sides.” As you can see in some of these clips:

Nothing says 'gay' life a wife and two kids.

Nope. What you have is a lot of conspiracy headjobs making shit up, backed by nothing. And then laughably trying to use their accusations as evidence that their accusations must be true.

Its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

Not at all. The rumors were around long before he got elected. And there’s other evidence too, but I’m not even going to bother getting into it here.

Of course you're not going to get into it. As your 'evidence' is exactly what I told you it was: conspiracy headjobs making shit up. And then repeating themselves over and over.

This you call 'smoke'. As LA just demonstrated for us, its just imagination. Shit that LA made up, backed by nothing.

You call everything you don’t like a conspiracy theory, because either you can’t fathom that the government could ever be dishonest with us (which is absolutely pathetic and as ignorant as it gets) or because you’re dishonest yourself. Anyway, I know your type. There always seems to be one or two on just about every forum.

I call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories. This thread would be a lovely example of the kind of silly, insane nonsense I point and laugh at.

For example, I call Whittaker's appointment to the role of acting AG unconstitutional. Not a 'conspiracy'.

You have no idea what I was referring to, so don’t tell me what I have or don’t have. Continue licking boots and defending corrupt politicians… it’s what you do. I see you doing that on every just about every freakin thread. Again, I know your type.

More accurately, you have no idea what you're referring to. Which is why when pressed for evidence to back your claims, you give us excuses for why you can't.

The conspiracies are always iron clad and irrefutable....until you ask for the evidence. Then they fall apart.

And my type is one who demands evidence.

Stop patting yourself on the back. There are certain people who are a waste of time to deal with, and you’re one of them. I like dealing with sincere people who have a genuine interest in truth… Not bootlickers who do nothing but defend corrupt politicians, day in and day out. If you’re not getting paid for it, you should. You spend enough time doing it anyway.
And clearly you deem anyone demanding evidence for your 'gay obama' conspiracy to be a waste of your time. Got it. We both knew that the moment you first posted.

Which is why you've avoided evidence like it were on fire. Making your claims about 'genuine interest in truth' all the more disingenuous.

As people genuinely interested in truth use facts and evidence. Not excuses for why they can't.

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