Michelle (Michael Robinson) Obama admits one truth, still calls birthers "racist"

Is Richard Branson a cocksucker?

Why did QUEER-O go and GAY OFF for a day with Richard Branson???

Is Richard Branson a cocksucker?

Why did QUEER-O go and GAY OFF for a day with Richard Branson???

And predictably, LA's homoerotic Obama fan fiction kicks in....where our resident conspiracy theorist shares all of his deepest Obama related gay fantasies.

LA's posts should come with a condom and a wet wipe at this point.
Show us, don't tell us.

Go make a statement to the FBI on US soil (not a phone call from ISRAEL) that you know Michelle is really a bio female....

5 years for that....

Translation: You've got jack shit. You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate. And you made up your entire claim, backed by nothing.

Thank you for once again demonstrating how hopelessly gulliable you are.
You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate

I do not personally possess it.

I do recall conversing with a McCain campaign person in 2008 who said

"Michelle Obama does not exist"

meaning THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE with Michelle's name on it.

There is one with MICHAEL's...


Google has it

2017-11-07 19.01.35.jpg
Just waiting for all of the "non-racist" Trump supporters to denounce this thread...

Wouldn't want anyone to think you support this kind of racist tripe...
You don't have Michelle Obama's birth certificate

I do not personally possess it.

I do recall conversing with a McCain campaign person in 2008 who said

"Michelle Obama does not exist"

meaning THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE with Michelle's name on it.

There is one with MICHAEL's...


Google has it

So your first baseless, batshit claim was that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says Michael Robertson.

Now you've abandoned your first batshit claim and come up with your second: that there is no birth certificate.

All backed by nothing. Oh, and tinfoil? That birth certificate is from 1854. Unless you're arguing that Michelle Obama is 164 years old....

......you've been duped again. Again, demonstrating how hopelessly gullible you are. And how little it takes to convince you of the most insane conspiracy theories.
OK, that "birth certificate" looks pretty unreliable... what you get from going to Goog for 20 seconds...

Still, the evidence is overwhelming, and you cannot produce "Michelle's" "birth certificate," just like you can't produce QUEER-O's either...
Birthers may be racists, yes, but all are brain damaged.
How did Obama's Harvard Law yearbook make the "mistake" that he was BORN IN KENYA???

How did the newspaper "STANDARD" make that SAME "ERROR?"
OK, that "birth certificate" looks pretty unreliable... what you get from going to Goog for 20 seconds...

You have nothing to back your claim that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says "Michael Robertson".

And yet, in a fanatical demonstration of your own hapless gullibility, you gobbled the conspiracy down backed by nothing.
You have nothing to back your claim that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says "Michael Robertson".


You have nothing to refute it. And the evidence that Michelle was once a "boy" is overwhelming.

The evidence that QUEER-O is a COCKSUCKER is equally overwhelming....

You have nothing to back your claim that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says "Michael Robertson".


You have nothing to refute it. And the evidence that Michelle was once a "boy" is overwhelming.

The evidence that QUEER-O is a COCKSUCKER is equally overwhelming....

You made a baseless claim that you can't back up. And demonstrated that you don't use evidence as the basis of your insane conspiracies. You simply believe whatever you're told to think.

You insist that Michelle Obama's birth certificate says "Michael Robertson". Yet when pressed to show us the birth certificate to back your claims......

.....you slink away with your tail between your legs, tin foil.
What caused QUEER-O to call Michelle "Michael" twice on FILM during his Senate run???
In my opinion, Obama is most likely gay. As I said on the other thread, usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. And with him there’s a lot of smoke. Anyone who denies that either hasn’t done any research, or is a partisan lemming who defends him simply because of the letter by his name.

But that isn’t the problem with Obama. The problem is that he’s a phony, like most presidents these days. But that’s a topic for another thread.
You made a baseless claim that you can't back up.

Bull. This topic is filled with FACTS and TRUTH you hate...

Then show us the birth certificate that says that Michelle Obama was born Michael Robertson.

You can't. You made that up. You don't use evidence as the basis of your claims. You simply believe whatever you're told to think.

Sorry, Tinfoil....but you blinked.

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