Michelle Obama complains about money's influence on politics, then asks for FAT CHECK


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
The HYPOCRISY of these "Chicago Thugs" is NEVER reported about by the subversive MSM! She's a piece of FECAL MATTER and a LEGITIMATE POLITICAL TARGET!

First lady Michelle "Moooch" Obama is complaining on the fundraising circuit about the evils of money in politics -- while also asking Democratic Party supporters to “write a big fat check” before the November elections. “So, yeah, there’s too much money in politics,” Obama said during a fundraiser Thursday in her hometown of Chicago. “There are special interests that have too much influence.” However, she quickly pivoted and urged attendees at least twice to write a hefty check.

Michelle Obama complains about money's influence on politics, then asks for 'fat check' | Fox News

Michelle Obama complains about money's influence on politics, then asks for FAT CHECK

Good, right on both accounts.
The HYPOCRISY of these "Chicago Thugs" is NEVER reported about by the subversive MSM! She's a piece of FECAL MATTER and a LEGITIMATE POLITICAL TARGET!

First lady Michelle "Moooch" Obama is complaining on the fundraising circuit about the evils of money in politics -- while also asking Democratic Party supporters to “write a big fat check” before the November elections. “So, yeah, there’s too much money in politics,” Obama said during a fundraiser Thursday in her hometown of Chicago. “There are special interests that have too much influence.” However, she quickly pivoted and urged attendees at least twice to write a hefty check.

Michelle Obama complains about money's influence on politics, then asks for 'fat check' | Fox News



"Hold on, the most intelligent part of me is thinking up a new hate Obama thread!!!"
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
CaféAuLait;9522540 said:
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
Yeah, but you can't fix it by being out of office now can you?
CaféAuLait;9522540 said:
Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
Yeah, but you can't fix it by being out of office now can you?

No, you can't. But to bitch about it and do it, it says to me one really does not care. Romney nearly, matched Obama in 2012, so that is a wash.

BUT Obama nearly doubled McCain in 2008 and then repeated ridiculous spending 2012.

I agree with you, it's politicians for sale. I don't care, left, right, or middle, if one rails against something and then does it, it looks silly.

And I don't think something will be done by congress, they are all crooked, all of them with their perks and special interests. Pork into bills, etc. It enrages me.
No hypocrisy. The fact that one wants the rules changed, doesn't mean one can't play by the rules as they are. As a matter of fact, it would be stupid not to.
she and hubby are typical democrats

their main thing in life is Money money money
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

This is the memo: Politics is for sale. Don't complain about too much money and influence as if you are going to do something about it only to turn around and ask for more money so that you can be influenced. Hypocrisy.
CaféAuLait;9522540 said:
Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
Yeah, but you can't fix it by being out of office now can you?
When did they try to fix it...ever? Not everyone, but the person(s) under discussion.
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Did we expect anything better from Michelle?
CaféAuLait;9522540 said:
Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
Yeah, but you can't fix it by being out of office now can you?
Obamashitforbrains hasn't fixed anything, he has just fooled brainless twits like you into thinking he has. Talk abouit thinking, something you are unable to do with your head so far up obamashitforbrains arse.
CaféAuLait;9522540 said:
Politics is for sale here, to the highest bidder, or did you miss that memo?

I get it Paint, I just think it's hypocritical for her to even comment on it, with the ridiculous amount of money Obama spent to get to the WH.

I think between him and Romney they topped over 2 billion for the 2012 election alone, sick.
Yeah, but you can't fix it by being out of office now can you?

He had his first two years in office to fix it.

But he didn't.

Wonder why that was.
CaféAuLait;9522514 said:
That's rich, coming from the wife of the politician who spent the most money in history to get elected.

Spending near 2 billion dollars for 2008 and 2012.

Did we expect anything better from Michelle?

Well, we expect better of the first lady.

Did her speech writers not see the hypocrisy in what they had her say?

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