Michelle Obama Does 25 Push-Ups

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So she's average.

Average ain't impressive.

When was the last time you thought a C was an impressive grade?

You idiot, those are Averages for MALES...She just did what was average for a GUY HALF her age.


Any person of average fitness should be able to do 25 pushups regardless of sex.

And you have no idea what kind of pushups she did do you?

Was she doing the girly on your knees pushups?

As I said my wife is 45 and will crank out 200 pushups in a workout (not the girly kind)

Now that's impressive.

25 is pathetic.

Its hard to kick a field goal when you're running around with the goal posts strapped to your back.
So she's average.

Average ain't impressive.

When was the last time you thought a C was an impressive grade?

You idiot, those are Averages for MALES...She just did what was average for a GUY HALF her age.

Who gives a fuck whether she can do a few more push-ups than the average person?

Any which way you want to present it, it's not impresive !

the real question is why do you really care one way or the other...and who cares if it is impressive or not?

She is the first lady and she did push ups while on TV.....she could have been juggling for all I care. She was doing what first ladies do...connecting with the audience....connecting with America.

Or would you prefer she spend her time picking out new china for the White House?
Who gives a fuck whether she can do a few more push-ups than the average person?

Any which way you want to present it, it's not impresive !

:thup: Obama derangement sydrome :thup:

Aren't you sick of hearing how "impressive" the fucking Obamas are?

Especially when they ain't that impressive.

Impressive? or not that impressive? this is about push ups not how impressive the Obamas are...your partisan is showing
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I just watched the video link and not one of those things that Michelle did was a pushup.

This is a pushup

You idiot, those are Averages for MALES...She just did what was average for a GUY HALF her age.

Who gives a fuck whether she can do a few more push-ups than the average person?

Any which way you want to present it, it's not impresive !

the real question is why do you really care one way or the other...and who cares if it is impressive or not?

She is the first lady and she did push ups while on TV.....she could have been juggling for all I care. She was doing what first ladies do...connecting with the audience....connecting with America.

Or would you prefer she spend her time picking out new china for the White House?

:confused: I'm not criticizing her for doing push-ups.

I don't think she deserves a medal for doing 25 push-ups either.
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Who gives a fuck whether she can do a few more push-ups than the average person?

Any which way you want to present it, it's not impresive !

:thup: Obama derangement sydrome :thup:

Aren't you sick of hearing how "impressive" the fucking Obamas are?

Especially when they ain't that impressive.

Yeah I am. I think he is an awful president.

But I'm also equally sick of stupid nonsensical hate threads. This kind of shit makes us look pathetically desperate.
Got it So Skull disagrees with it because of the following reasons:

It's not impressive
It's average (until he found out its better than average)
It's not THAT impressive
Ok it's better than average but not better than my wife. My wife does a gazillion pushups!
Michelle was doing "girly push-ups" and thats wrong because shes a girl
Elbows werent flexed enough
then posts a vid of a guy doing push-ups to show what REAL push-ups look like.

:thup: Obama derangement sydrome :thup:

Aren't you sick of hearing how "impressive" the fucking Obamas are?

Especially when they ain't that impressive.

Yeah I am. I think he is an awful president.

But I'm also equally sick of stupid nonsensical hate threads. This kind of shit makes us look pathetically desperate.

Hey I'm just calling a pushup a pushup and she didn't do one pushup never mind 25.
Aren't you sick of hearing how "impressive" the fucking Obamas are?

Especially when they ain't that impressive.

Yeah I am. I think he is an awful president.

But I'm also equally sick of stupid nonsensical hate threads. This kind of shit makes us look pathetically desperate.

Hey I'm just calling a pushup a pushup and she didn't do one pushup never mind 25.

To be fair isn't the accepted standard for girls push ups usually involve their knees on the floor?

That's what I remember from my younger years in the gym anyhow.

Ultimately this is much ado about nothing. And I'd rather hear about Michelle doing push ups than Nancy consulting the stars any day of the week.

+1 for Michelle.
Got it So Skull disagrees with it because of the following reasons:

It's not impressive
It's average (until he found out its better than average)
It's not THAT impressive
Ok it's better than average but not better than my wife. My wife does a gazillion pushups!
Michelle was doing "girly push-ups" and thats wrong because shes a girl
Elbows werent flexed enough
then posts a vid of a guy doing push-ups to show what REAL push-ups look like.


What she was doing weren't even pushups so the premise of the entire thread is wrong.

It should have been.

Michelle Obama does pushups incorrectly and people think it's great.

You'd think that the mouthpiece of diet and fitness would at least know how to do a pushup correctly

So it still ain't impressive.
They'll think up another reason to critisize Michelle..it's a symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome. Next they'll only be impressed if she does push-ups with Ellen sitting on her back.
I'd criticize anyone who called those things, whatever they were, pushups regardless of party, or sex.
Got it So Skull disagrees with it because of the following reasons:

It's not impressive
It's average (until he found out its better than average)
It's not THAT impressive
Ok it's better than average but not better than my wife. My wife does a gazillion pushups!
Michelle was doing "girly push-ups" and thats wrong because shes a girl
Elbows werent flexed enough
then posts a vid of a guy doing push-ups to show what REAL push-ups look like.


What she was doing weren't even pushups so the premise of the entire thread is wrong.

It should have been.

Michelle Obama does pushups incorrectly and people think it's great.

You'd think that the mouthpiece of diet and fitness would at least know how to do a pushup correctly

So it still ain't impressive.

Wait, you mean you criticized her before you even watched the video? :eusa_whistle: Now you are complaining about form after your orginal complaint fell flat...I believe you :doubt:
Got it So Skull disagrees with it because of the following reasons:

It's not impressive
It's average (until he found out its better than average)
It's not THAT impressive
Ok it's better than average but not better than my wife. My wife does a gazillion pushups!
Michelle was doing "girly push-ups" and thats wrong because shes a girl
Elbows werent flexed enough
then posts a vid of a guy doing push-ups to show what REAL push-ups look like.


What she was doing weren't even pushups so the premise of the entire thread is wrong.

It should have been.

Michelle Obama does pushups incorrectly and people think it's great.

You'd think that the mouthpiece of diet and fitness would at least know how to do a pushup correctly

So it still ain't impressive.

Got it So Skull disagrees with it because of the following reasons:

It's not impressive
It's average (until he found out its better than average)
It's not THAT impressive
Ok it's better than average but not better than my wife. My wife does a gazillion pushups!
Michelle was doing "girly push-ups" and thats wrong because shes a girl
Elbows werent flexed enough
then posts a vid of a guy doing push-ups to show what REAL push-ups look like.


What she was doing weren't even pushups so the premise of the entire thread is wrong.

It should have been.

Michelle Obama does pushups incorrectly and people think it's great.

You'd think that the mouthpiece of diet and fitness would at least know how to do a pushup correctly

So it still ain't impressive.

Wait, you mean you criticized her before you even watched the video? :eusa_whistle: Now you are complaining about form after your orginal complaint fell flat...I believe you :doubt:

I rarely watch posted video clips.

Even before i watched it i wasn't impressed with 25 pushups. No one should be but after i watched I realized that she didn't even do one pushup.

You can call that impressive if you want but I don't grade on a curve.
And she looked damn good doing it. No wonder the fat R's hate her.

But, so much worse is that she wants America's children to be healthy. My gawd, this woman sure has the nerve, huh? She has the nerve to want kids to get ONE meal a day that isn't full of fat and calories. Unlike Mittens' investing his money in other countries, our First Lady wants us to invest in our children. She wants to fight childhood obesity and diabetes.

The loving parents can still stop and McD's on the way home and they can still give their fat, diabetic darlings donuts for breakfast so really, what would be the harm of ONE nutritious meal a day?

Here's a unique idea, how about those loving parents you refer to feeding their own damned brats, instead of Mooshell robbing others to do it? And the loving parents can feed their offspring whatever they feel is suitable. We don't need some self-righteous, buffalo-butted, elitist whore telling us what to feed our children, or what we should be buying to feed someone else's brats.

You should tone down the rhetoric and find an issue that matters. Posts like yours and the many others like it in this thread only serve to marginalize you with other posters.

Also you do realize it is probably 90% genetics that make her the way she is. I'm sure you have an imperfection of some kind with your body so chill the fuck out.

Yes. and Yes. Butt, it's a bit of fun on a thread like this. Although I do think how people eat is one of those issues the government needs to stay out of and another way that our tax dollars are wasted.
In Michelle's case, I could care less about her eating habits than I do about the many other profligate ways she wastes taxpayer dollars. Have you ever wondered how much a family vacation cost the Obamas before they moved into the White House (even discounting the cost of security)? That's an discussion for another post, though.

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