Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves

It most certainly was.....what other form of slavery kidnapped people in the MILLIONS and shipped them across vast expanses of ocean with the high percentage who died thrown overboard? What other form of slavery took away their native NAMES, RELIGION, CULTURE, LANGUAGE? What other form of slavery based it on race right down to one-drop thru the mother? What other form of slavery had breeding plantations for centuries, sold families apart for centuries?


The United States was formed in 1775. The end of the Civil War, officially freeing the slaves was 1865. Slavery in the United States existed for less than 100 years. 90 years to be precise.

And what year could they finally vote, eat where they wanted to, buy a home where they wanted to, ride in the front of a bus and not give up seats to whites?

I love how slavery is looked at as ancient history. The lasting effects happened in my life time. Why is this so hard to understand?

what lasting effects?
In the history of slavery throughout the world and throughout history, blacks were slaves in the United States for less time than it takes to blink an eyelash. Less than 100 years. For that they want accommodation for the rest of time.

When the Brits get accommodation for the years of Roman slavery, and the Irish get recompense for the years of British slavery, and the Jews get recompense for centuries of slavery from everybody, lets talk about accommodation for years of American slavery.

Go fuck yourself

Ahhhh an admission that I am correct!

Thank you.
So none of you rightwingnutters are willing to say slavery was bad and it's good that it is now illegal? Instead your going to justify it???

Jesus wept.

slavery wa an unmitigated disaster for the US

happy now?

That's not quite the same thing, is it?

You people continue to ensure a win for the Dems in the next presidential race.
The slave trade:

Africans preyed upon other Africans capturing them and selling them to Arab slave traders, who then sold them to European transporters, who taught them language, rudimentary skills and trained them, who then transported them on ships throughout the world to be sold into servitude.

The winners were of course the Africans who fought and captured other Africans to begin with. Of all the intermediaries, they had the least investment and the most reward.

We're supposed to be horrified that Africans were picking the pockets of Americans and Europeans? Really?
In the history of slavery throughout the world and throughout history, blacks were slaves in the United States for less time than it takes to blink an eyelash. Less than 100 years. For that they want accommodation for the rest of time.

When the Brits get accommodation for the years of Roman slavery, and the Irish get recompense for the years of British slavery, and the Jews get recompense for centuries of slavery from everybody, lets talk about accommodation for years of American slavery.

Go fuck yourself

Ahhhh an admission that I am correct!

Thank you.

No its an admission that you are tryin to say something isn't bad because it didn't happen long.

No, it's not because of your bullshit attitude toward blacks its because it really was a short amount of time. Which has nothing to do with it.

Now tell everyone how the Holocaust wasn't a big deal when compared to other history. You wont...because you're a fucktard
Republican platform: the darkies should be grateful that Americans enslaved them.
May 23, 2013, By Susan Jones @ Michelle Obama: 'It Is Our Responsibility As a Nation' to Remember the Slaves | CNS News
First Lady Michelle Obama joins children learning about the Emancipation Proclamation at historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2013. (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) - In remarks at the historic Decatur House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, first lady Michelle Obama remembered the 20 slaves who toiled at the mansion around the corner from the White House, where "some of our nation's foremost leaders" lived and hosted parties.

The stories of those slaves "too often get lost," Mrs. Obama said.

Oh come on! Gimme a break Moochelle. It's been over a hundred years and nobody alive is responsible for it. You and your husband simply cannot stop playing the race card, can you?


Whats controversial about it?
The slave trade:

Africans preyed upon other Africans capturing them and selling them to Arab slave traders, who then sold them to European transporters, who taught them language, rudimentary skills and trained them, who then transported them on ships throughout the world to be sold into servitude.

The winners were of course the Africans who fought and captured other Africans to begin with. Of all the intermediaries, they had the least investment and the most reward.

We're supposed to be horrified that Africans were picking the pockets of Americans and Europeans? Really?

There were Jewish Nazis too. So the holocaust doesn't matter...right?
Go fuck yourself

Ahhhh an admission that I am correct!

Thank you.

No its an admission that you are tryin to say something isn't bad because it didn't happen long.

No, it's not because of your bullshit attitude toward blacks its because it really was a short amount of time. Which has nothing to do with it.

Now tell everyone how the Holocaust wasn't a big deal when compared to other history. You wont...because you're a fucktard

The Holocaust was a VERY big deal. So, for how many years is Germany expected to fully support Jews from cradle to grave? Forever? Is there an affirmative action program in Germany for Jews? How about leniency for Jewish criminals? Does Germany at least provide that? Forget Germany for a minute. What is France supposed to do for Jews because they turned Jews over to the Germans for the crime of being Jewish?

The only request coming out of the Holocaust is that it never happen again. Black slavery in America will require revenge forever. As a fact, black slavery existed in Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. It existed in Europe for hundreds of years before the US was even discovered. Slavery existed in the US for less than 100 years and the nation is expected to prostate themselves before blackness forever more. Why? Because if they tried this shit in any other country they would get slapped upside the head real hard.

Once you realize that the "we wuz slaves" argument exists ONLY in the US no matter who all else held slaves it becomes somewhat clear.
Ahhhh an admission that I am correct!

Thank you.

No its an admission that you are tryin to say something isn't bad because it didn't happen long.

No, it's not because of your bullshit attitude toward blacks its because it really was a short amount of time. Which has nothing to do with it.

Now tell everyone how the Holocaust wasn't a big deal when compared to other history. You wont...because you're a fucktard

The Holocaust was a VERY big deal. So, for how many years is Germany expected to fully support Jews from cradle to grave? Forever? Is there an affirmative action program in Germany for Jews? How about leniency for Jewish criminals? Does Germany at least provide that? Forget Germany for a minute. What is France supposed to do for Jews because they turned Jews over to the Germans for the crime of being Jewish?

The only request coming out of the Holocaust is that it never happen again. Black slavery in America will require revenge forever. As a fact, black slavery existed in Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. It existed in Europe for hundreds of years before the US was even discovered. Slavery existed in the US for less than 100 years and the nation is expected to prostate themselves before blackness forever more. Why? Because if they tried this shit in any other country they would get slapped upside the head real hard.

Once you realize that the "we wuz slaves" argument exists ONLY in the US no matter who all else held slaves it becomes somewhat clear.

No it wasn't, Instead of blaming Hitler why don't you blame the Jewish Nazis for giving up their own ppl?
The Holocaust only killed a small number of ppl in comparision to slavery. And since you said slavery wasn't a big deal because it was a blink of an eye in history. The Holocaust must be the flap of a hummingbirds wing...an even SMALLER deal than slavery.

No its an admission that you are tryin to say something isn't bad because it didn't happen long.

No, it's not because of your bullshit attitude toward blacks its because it really was a short amount of time. Which has nothing to do with it.

Now tell everyone how the Holocaust wasn't a big deal when compared to other history. You wont...because you're a fucktard

The Holocaust was a VERY big deal. So, for how many years is Germany expected to fully support Jews from cradle to grave? Forever? Is there an affirmative action program in Germany for Jews? How about leniency for Jewish criminals? Does Germany at least provide that? Forget Germany for a minute. What is France supposed to do for Jews because they turned Jews over to the Germans for the crime of being Jewish?

The only request coming out of the Holocaust is that it never happen again. Black slavery in America will require revenge forever. As a fact, black slavery existed in Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. It existed in Europe for hundreds of years before the US was even discovered. Slavery existed in the US for less than 100 years and the nation is expected to prostate themselves before blackness forever more. Why? Because if they tried this shit in any other country they would get slapped upside the head real hard.

Once you realize that the "we wuz slaves" argument exists ONLY in the US no matter who all else held slaves it becomes somewhat clear.

No it wasn't, Instead of blaming Hitler why don't you blame the Jewish Nazis for giving up their own ppl?
The Holocaust only killed a small number of ppl in comparision to slavery. And since you said slavery wasn't a big deal because it was a blink of an eye in history. The Holocaust must be the flap of a hummingbirds wing...an even SMALLER deal than slavery.


Can anyone be more of a pig than Katz?
Throw that idiots arguments back at him suddenly he understands what a asshole he and his ilk are
Whats the big deal about remembering the slaves? why does this make people feel insecure and so angry?
So none of you rightwingnutters are willing to say slavery was bad and it's good that it is now illegal? Instead your going to justify it???

Jesus wept.

slavery wa an unmitigated disaster for the US

happy now?

That's not quite the same thing, is it?

You people continue to ensure a win for the Dems in the next presidential race.

so we are saying slavery was good and it should be legal again? WTF is your problem?

" you people"?

isn't that racist?
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I wish she would be more concerned about the global elites making slaves of us all than worrying about what happened in yesteryear. But bringing up the past serves to divide the population. This keeps us from focusing on the true masters, and our true problems. If we do that, than we will never get out of the slavery they have created for us now.

The civil war didn't really free any slaves, it just changed the nature of their slavery. In fact, the men who fought the civil war lost more of their freedom and had their bondage tightened by the political and financial elites by that war and joined their ethnic brothers in bondage by that very action. Sure, we'll remember slavery, we'll remember we're all slaves to the whims of the political, financial, and cultural elites. Everyone here is so divided, arguing amongst themselves, my she has done such a fine job, hasn't she? She has achieved her goal. She has kept the attention of the slaves off of the masters and off of the condition of the current group of slaves. . . . .

That was the intent.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A]The Story of Your Enslavement - YouTube[/ame]

Masters are the one's that control what and how their slaves are educated and what they see and hear. Is their a law requiring you to go to school, and what you must learn? You bet. Do corporations control what you see and hear? Affirmative. If you don't actively go out and choose what you are going to read, and hunt down and search what to watch and listen to, rather than just flipping through the TV and radio stations. . . . :cool:

YOU ARE what they call a human resource. A slave. So this is to you, let's take a minute to remember you. :beer:
No its an admission that you are tryin to say something isn't bad because it didn't happen long.

No, it's not because of your bullshit attitude toward blacks its because it really was a short amount of time. Which has nothing to do with it.

Now tell everyone how the Holocaust wasn't a big deal when compared to other history. You wont...because you're a fucktard

The Holocaust was a VERY big deal. So, for how many years is Germany expected to fully support Jews from cradle to grave? Forever? Is there an affirmative action program in Germany for Jews? How about leniency for Jewish criminals? Does Germany at least provide that? Forget Germany for a minute. What is France supposed to do for Jews because they turned Jews over to the Germans for the crime of being Jewish?

The only request coming out of the Holocaust is that it never happen again. Black slavery in America will require revenge forever. As a fact, black slavery existed in Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. It existed in Europe for hundreds of years before the US was even discovered. Slavery existed in the US for less than 100 years and the nation is expected to prostate themselves before blackness forever more. Why? Because if they tried this shit in any other country they would get slapped upside the head real hard.

Once you realize that the "we wuz slaves" argument exists ONLY in the US no matter who all else held slaves it becomes somewhat clear.

No it wasn't, Instead of blaming Hitler why don't you blame the Jewish Nazis for giving up their own ppl?
The Holocaust only killed a small number of ppl in comparision to slavery. And since you said slavery wasn't a big deal because it was a blink of an eye in history. The Holocaust must be the flap of a hummingbirds wing...an even SMALLER deal than slavery.


You deliberately deflected as part of your plausible deniability. This is common among liberals which makes you no longer worth my time.
Are we still doin' the Forty-Acres-and-a-Mule thingey?

And are we still bellyaching about Michelle Obama saying it's a good idea to remember slavery times?

How much more mileage are both sides gonna milk outta this one?

It seemed like a non-starter to me earlier, or, at least, a short run, but I was apparently wrong...

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