Michelle Obama knocks it out of the ball park

By the way oreo, being a conservative is not a party. Switching parties should have no baring on you core values. Just more proof you're a liar.
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Aside from her husband and Hillary being compulsive liars and her supporting it, it was a good one sided speech.

You are soooo DONE.

Done with what?

You're done with all the Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories, you're done with Benghazi & Emails, that you have invested two years in. Your RNC convention looked more like a funeral procession.

And on the very 1st night of the DNC convention you had several speakers in one single night outdid the performance of 4 soap box opera stars, one washed up NFL Quarterback, a Wrestler, and this.

You're done--this election is already over.

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Yeah--I used to be a Republican. I changed my party status to Independent and it so refreshing to be able to blast any asshole candidate--versus being required to defend them or vote for them.

Yeah, I've heard that line before. I even uttered it. Then I realized that despite being an "independent" I still had biases. I would criticize one candidate or policy more than another. That was always the case. So I stopped using that excuse. It is a dishonest way to get out of being associated with a party you actually support. There are true independents, and then there are people like you.

You're not an independent, you're trying to hide behind such a title to prevent people from seeing you as a flaming liberal.
I remember the days when the op pretended to be a conservative..... ahhh the good old days!

Yeah--I used to be a Republican. I changed my party status to Independent and it so refreshing to be able to blast any asshole candidate--versus being required to defend them or vote for them. I actually vote for the best candidate now-a-days, regardless if they have an R or D behind their names.

Donald Trump is on my hit list.

You screwed the pooch with this nominee--and now you're going to pay for it.

And Michelle Obama just gave one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard.
Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

OMG another fake republican.type.......you're leftwing......Republicans have been a center right party since the 1880s......and even Lincoln was moderate....

So let's drop the act
I remember the days when the op pretended to be a conservative..... ahhh the good old days!

Yeah--I used to be a Republican. I changed my party status to Independent and it so refreshing to be able to blast any asshole candidate--versus being required to defend them or vote for them. I actually vote for the best candidate now-a-days, regardless if they have an R or D behind their names.

Donald Trump is on my hit list.

You screwed the pooch with this nominee--and now you're going to pay for it.

And Michelle Obama just gave one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard.
Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC
In other words, you're an anti American pos. Like we didn't have you pegged already..
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Aside from her husband and Hillary being compulsive liars and her supporting it, it was a good one sided speech.

You are soooo DONE.

Done with what?

You're done with all the Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories, you're done with Benghazi & Emails, that you have invested two years in, your RNC convention looked more like a funeral procession.

And on the very 1st night of the DNC convention you had several speakers in one single night outdid the performance of 4 soap box opera stars, one washed up NFL Quarterback, a Wrestler, and this.

You're done--this election is already over.

Awfully confident aren't we? I can say "you're done, you hear me!" to an uncooked piece of steak, but that doesn't suddenly make it done. You have to go through the process of cooking it.

By the way oreo, being a conservative is not a party. Switching parties should have no baring on you core values. Just more proof you're a liar.

There was nothing ever conservative about Donald Trump--LOL He is the most incompetent, unqualified candidate in the history of this nation. He is the most disgusting display of the "grand ol party" imaginable. He has no honor, no respect, and no dignity.

I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

She could have reminded Americans that the Democratic Party was founded around slavery, promoted slavery, wrote the Jim Crow laws and started the KKK.. You know, place the blame where it historically belongs, with the Democrats.
The Democratic Party was founded around slavery? Er.......no.

Er yes.

That's why they continue to segregate Democrats into groups.
Out in the boat all day on Mississippi catching catfish. Come back, turn on the tube, and that dumbass that said she was never proud of America is spewing her racist crap again. Poor excuse for a First Lady.
I remember the days when the op pretended to be a conservative..... ahhh the good old days!

Why do libs do that? Is their ideology so.boring and useless?
I dunno.

We have fake Jake, g5000 & now oreo. But I'm beginning to think oreo is actually a paid shill. And that is not something I've ever thought of any poster.

People change. I thought obama was an ok choice at one time. Found out he's actually an operative of the muslim brotherhood.
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?
It was mostly built by Europeans(From Ireland, Scotland, etc.) and local white laborers and artisans from Virginia and Maryland... she's race-baiting, as we've come to expect from the Obamas.
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

She could have reminded Americans that the Democratic Party was founded around slavery, promoted slavery, wrote the Jim Crow laws and started the KKK.. You know, place the blame where it historically belongs, with the Democrats.
The Democratic Party was founded around slavery? Er.......no.

It's the truth but I'm not surprised at all that you didn't know..... Andrew Jackson being the Democrat Parties first President..

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
By the way oreo, being a conservative is not a party. Switching parties should have no baring on you core values. Just more proof you're a liar.

There was nothing ever conservative about Donald Trump--LOL He is the most incompetent, unqualified candidate in the history of this nation. He is the most disgusting display of the "grand ol party" imaginable. He has no honor, no respect, and no dignity.


On the flip side... you have Hillary, and a corrupt party leadership that is willing to rig the process and disenfranchise their electorate, who espouses all the bigotry and hatred that they criticize of Trump by attacking a man's faith or lack thereof. They put on quite the horrid display of all of the things you listed about Trump. First you have the DNC, who through the good graces of WikiLeaks was revealed to have been actively working against Bernie Sanders, and then you have Bernie Sanders effectively selling out his supporters to throw his support behind Hillary.

All of this behavior makes Trump look like a saint in comparison.
This is one of the most inspiring speech's I've ever heard at any convention. Michelle Obama touches base with angry Sanders supporters, quietly hits Trump's tweety fingers, and just nailed it to the wall for Hillary Clinton.

Fantastic speech!

Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

Aside from her husband and Hillary being compulsive liars and her supporting it, it was a good one sided speech.

You are soooo DONE.

Done with what?

You're done with all the Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories, you're done with Benghazi & Emails, that you have invested two years in. Your RNC convention looked more like a funeral procession.

And on the very 1st night of the DNC convention you had several speakers in one single night outdid the performance of 4 soap box opera stars, one washed up NFL Quarterback, a Wrestler, and this.

You're done--this election is already over.

Out in the boat all day on Mississippi catching catfish. Come back, turn on the tube, and that dumbass that said she was never proud of America is spewing her racist crap again. Poor excuse for a First Lady.

Find your racist quote in this speech and then get back with us.
Watch Michelle Obama's Powerful Speech at DNC

"It’s the story that I witness every single day, when I wake up in a house that was built by slaves."

--Michelle Obama
Oreo's avatar is interesting, I guess he thinks of himself as a mouse or rat blindly following Obama..
I caught about 30 seconds of her speech when I went past the wifes tv.

She was saying something about waking up in a house built by slaves.

If she finds it that offensive, why doesnt' she move out?

She could have reminded Americans that the Democratic Party was founded around slavery, promoted slavery, wrote the Jim Crow laws and started the KKK.. You know, place the blame where it historically belongs, with the Democrats.
The Democratic Party was founded around slavery? Er.......no.

It's the truth but I'm not surprised at all that you didn't know..... Andrew Jackson being the Democrat Parties first President..

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism

Blacks used to be in the Republican column until the great
Mississippi flood. President Hoover promised them a lot of things and he didn't deliver--so they moved over to the Democrat column & have been there ever since.

In 2012 Republicans chased off the largest voting block in this country (women).
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In 2016 it's another 17% of the population, Hispanics & every other minority group.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

After this election you will have reduced the Republican party to an all WHITE, mostly male, angry, ignorant focus group.

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