michelle obama praises blm

I;m not suprised she is going along with the foolishness!

She is looking for one good black man who isn't gay.
View attachment 488008

hell no
I read the article.

She claims that many people of her ethnicity are afraid when they walk to the grocery, for example.

She forgot to mention the many Asians who are also afraid to walk to the grocery, lest they be attacked & brutalized by certain young gentlemen, not the cops.
Are they afraid of the certain white men that are attacking them as well?

None I know are.

Why do the Obamas lack the courage and integrity to

I read the article.

She claims that many people of her ethnicity are afraid when they walk to the grocery, for example.

She forgot to mention the many Asians who are also afraid to walk to the grocery, lest they be attacked & brutalized by certain young gentlemen, not the cops.
Are they afraid of the certain white men that are attacking them as well?

Asians have been verbally & physically attacked by Caucasian, Hispanic, & African American [self-censored] thugs, but the vast majority have been the last of the three groups.

So it is only natural when they see young (and not so young) males of that group, they are understandably terrified.

I;m not suprised she is going along with the foolishness!
Mike Obozo could not have possibly given birth. His meat puppet faggot "partner" is more of a "mother" to those two foster children than Mike could possibly be, and we all know hired hands actually raised those two poor fuckin kids that will likely end up killing themselves by the the time they're 40.

Just sayin...

Well, seem BIG MIKE is on the case. Comes as no surprise he'd be pro- BURN, LOOT, and MURDER. Can't wait until these fools become so delusional they leave the protection of their blue cesspools.


You wanna know why? Their protectors aren't going to allow them to follow out of the war zones they created and they will have nothing of value to trade.


I;m not suprised she is going along with the foolishness!
Why wouldn't she , not many hate America more then the Hussein Obama 's . Another election fraud, no way that many people voted for the terrorist in chief . He treated Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood better then the 45th president of the United States of America. What pieces of shit they are .
LOL, the Obama's trying to stay relevant in the age of xiden the white savior of the left...
Concern for her two daughters? LoL

How disingenuous can the doucebag be

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