Michelle Obama violates election law by campaigning inside polling place

I think it was just a DUMB but HONEST mistake.

I dunno. Maybe she should have known better, but honestly, I don't believe this story amounts to a hill of beans.

In fact, while I (in general) agree with the appropriate limitation of time/place on this kind of speech, I am not really convinced it is all that applicable under the circumstances.

In short, the First Lady may have made a boo-boo, but imho, this one should be promptly forgotten as inconsequential.
"Keep her husband's agenda going."

Sounds like "keep the revolution" going.



Thu Oct 14 2010 16:19:25 ET

First lady Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois law today -- when she engaged in political discussion while casting an early ballot in Chicago!

Obama stopped off at the Martin Luther King Center on the South Side to vote and, afterward, to chat with fellow voters.

"She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband's agenda going," said Dennis Campbell, 56.

Illinois state law -- Sec. 17-29 (a) -- says "No judge of election, pollwatcher, or other person shall, at any primary or election, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any polling place, within 100 feet of any polling place."


She needs to be called on the carpet on this. Jail Time is a possibility.
No one is going to jail. The rich are in another part of the world where jails don't exist, and laws are wrote for the other world where you exist.
No one is going to jail. The rich are in another part of the world where jails don't exist, and laws are wrote for the other world where you exist.
Ahhh the 'no justice with the rich' argument.
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Only government fuck ups kept Bernie Madoff out of jail.

What is keeping Maxine Waters and Charlie Range out of jail?
Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

I made an honest ...... very honest, b/c my CPA was the one who made it, not me.... Guess who the IRS went after...

You guessed it


To the tune of over $13,000.00 ..... So that bitch needs to be held accountable!

And all you lying libturds who say its no biggie, know GOD DAMNED well if it were Laura Boosh... Ya'd be all over it like flies on shit!

ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse.

Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

Hey asshole, post my entire quote and highlight if you want to make a point, but don't fucking snip it.

I think it was just a DUMB but HONEST mistake.

Perhaps, and I don't see it as a huge issue. However, ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse. I do think trying to make it into a big deal will just serve to distract from more important things to bitch about.
I think it was just a DUMB but HONEST mistake.

Perhaps, and I don't see it as a huge issue. However, ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse. I do think trying to make it into a big deal will just serve to distract from more important things to bitch about.

I live in IL. They are already disenfranchising the military. In Chicago to begin with they basically haven't any rules they abide by. For years it basically was a joke, but people are not laughing here anymore. The state is bankrupt, it costs more money for IL to borrow than Mexico! We need new people and if possible catching what goes wrong is extremely important right now, here at least.
I think it was just a DUMB but HONEST mistake.

Perhaps, and I don't see it as a huge issue. However, ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse. I do think trying to make it into a big deal will just serve to distract from more important things to bitch about.

I live in IL. They are already disenfranchising the military. In Chicago to begin with they basically haven't any rules they abide by. For years it basically was a joke, but people are not laughing here anymore. The state is bankrupt, it costs more money for IL to borrow than Mexico! We need new people and if possible catching what goes wrong is extremely important right now, here at least.

Yep. You get the same old assholes who do things the same crooked ways long enough until they get people to think there are more important things to bitch about.
Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

I made an honest ...... very honest, b/c my CPA was the one who made it, not me.... Guess who the IRS went after...

You guessed it


To the tune of over $13,000.00 ..... So that bitch needs to be held accountable!

And all you lying libturds who say its no biggie, know GOD DAMNED well if it were Laura Boosh... Ya'd be all over it like flies on shit!


I am not a libtard and just because you got screwed doesn't make it just. What is wrong with you?
ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse.

Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

Hey asshole, post my entire quote and highlight if you want to make a point, but don't fucking snip it.

I think it was just a DUMB but HONEST mistake.

Perhaps, and I don't see it as a huge issue. However, ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse. I do think trying to make it into a big deal will just serve to distract from more important things to bitch about.

screw you. I posted the portion of your post I had issues with.

Deal with it or live with YOUR problem.
ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse.

Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.
Good luck with that Defense if you ever break the law my friend. The judge will laugh and you as he throws the book at you.

why should she be given a pass, when none of us would?

because jury nullification is dead?
Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

Hey asshole, post my entire quote and highlight if you want to make a point, but don't fucking snip it.

Perhaps, and I don't see it as a huge issue. However, ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse. I do think trying to make it into a big deal will just serve to distract from more important things to bitch about.

screw you. I posted the portion of your post I had issues with.

Deal with it or live with YOUR problem.

I will deal with by continuing to call you out on it, fucktard.
Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

I made an honest ...... very honest, b/c my CPA was the one who made it, not me.... Guess who the IRS went after...

You guessed it


To the tune of over $13,000.00 ..... So that bitch needs to be held accountable!

And all you lying libturds who say its no biggie, know GOD DAMNED well if it were Laura Boosh... Ya'd be all over it like flies on shit!


I am not a libtard and just because you got screwed doesn't make it just. What is wrong with you?

if the shoe fits:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Maggot shit like Obama's hideously disgusting wife are above the rules. This isn't new news and it transcends partisan boundaries.
ignorance in the eyes of the law is no excuse.

Ignorance of the law is much more than an excuse, it ought to be grounds for exoneration. NOBODY knows the entire legal code even within a state, much less the multijurisdictional hell we all live in.

I doubt that there is a soul alive who understands the whole tax code. My accountant sure as hell doesn't.

If you can't possibly know what the law says, how can you be held responsible for applying it?

Honest mistake, laugh about it, laugh at her and let it go.

We are talking election law here dumbass. The one area you would expect Mrs. Obama to be familiar with. You and your kind are just one giant pile of excuses aren't you? If she didn't know, one of her 21 assitants sure as hell should have and told her to STFU.

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