Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'


Republic of Texas
May 13, 2009
Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,

Like any good Democrat/progressive/commie

Don't put up their own monies from their millions, beg for yours to do what they need
She needs donations before his speech because the pickings will be much slimmer after his speech. He's doing just what Mohammed Morsi did.
Hmmm so you replaced that with a federal mandate
that DISCRIMINATES against people who believe in:

* singlepayer health care to cover ALL people not just the ones under Obamacare
* free market choices of health care besides just buying insurance under limited conditions that still don't cover all costs
* people who believe in paying for ALL the costs, by using other means besides insurance which should remain a free choice
* paying for Obamacare WITHOUT the insurance mandates, such as revamping the costs of prisons
and other state programs to cover state populations on the current taxes already being paid and used

Ending discrimination means adding people in without cutting other people out.
How many people have LOST their insurance because of this plan.
How many more could have been covered by promoting other plans that respected Constitutional free choice of funding instead of fighting legally and politically over this one?

Looks like you cared more about the sanctions in Iraq crashing their health care systems
than you do about complications with this bill derailing health care in America.

You criticized Bush for pushing to save Iraq by killing and destroying civilian life in that country,
but willing to sacrifice Americans against their will pushing to save more lives in the long run.

Why did any lives or access to health care have to be lost or sacrificed to ADD more options?
Can't the supporters of this health plan pay for those added options?

Why push the cost and sacrifice onto other people who didn't AGREE to those conditions
instead of cutting costs of wasted taxes in other areas to pay the difference?

If Obama argued that "war in Iraq was stupid" and could have been prevented,
why is this bill pushed as a necessary transition, couldn't those losses have been
prevented by making the bill optional to fund and follow? So the coverage grows
as more people participate by free market choice of a more cost-effective plan?

If Obama pushed this legislation to prove himself politically (where he even pleaded
that his presidency needed this to pass) why shouldn't just his supporters be required to pay
for this agenda they believe in? Why are the donations going to push this plan on others
who aren't represented by it and it is against our beliefs?

Why not just collect the donations in the first place to pay for extending health care
benefits to people you want to cover?

If the plan does not cover everyone equally, how can everyone be forced to be under it on a federal level? What if we believe in better plans that would cover more people universally?

why are you DISCRIMINATING, excluding and penalizing people for believing in more cost effective
ways to cover health care?
Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,


You guys lying again? This is what I received and it's absolutely legit whether it was $10 or $3 which in this case, it was $3.

Friend --

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $3 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,
Most ugly partisan first lady to ever sit in the whitehouse

Must be nice to take advantage of your position to beg for money and things for YOU OWN PARTY
Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,


You guys lying again? This is what I received and it's absolutely legit whether it was $10 or $3 which in this case, it was $3.

Friend --

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $3 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,

Perhaps she sent you the three dollar one knowing that ten dollars would be too much of a burden on you.

And no, I didn't lie. That came from the Washington Examiner, not me.
Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,


You guys lying again? This is what I received and it's absolutely legit whether it was $10 or $3 which in this case, it was $3.

Friend --

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $3 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,

Perhaps she sent you the three dollar one knowing that ten dollars would be too much of a burden on you.

And no, I didn't lie. That came from the Washington Examiner, not me.

What is the Washington Examiner, yet another right wing rag? It isn't a burden to support my party, I do it all the time. Again, the note was completely legit it was you or your source that was wrong.
Not sure what I'm supposed to be outraged about. It's a DNC fundraising email.

So what?
I think I will usr the $10 for a lottery ticket...
My odds are better that will work for me.
I wonder if there is a way to find out how much money they collect.
And more importantly how much of that came from USMB folks who believe in and love this thing.
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Not $10. It was $3 and that's what the fundraiser emails from the DNC always ask for - $3.

Far better to support our own country this way than have more people on welfare and getting free care through Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

Let's work together toward helping people to be independent.

J/K with that last line. That's the opposite of what the right wants.

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