Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'

I wonder if there is a way to find out how much money they collect.

You're really ignorant, aren't you.

Turn off the pedophile DD and go look at the DNC site. Unlike the R, who hides their income, its all right there.
Like any good Democrat/progressive/commie

Don't put up their own monies from their millions, beg for yours to do what they need

And beg is the operative word. Shameful, pleading for poor people, mostly those living off the taxpayer's back, to send some more to Washington. :bs1:
Are they now relying on panhandling to keep this thing funded?
Where are the 48 million that Obama said needed insurance.
After all this was done for them!
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Are they now relying on panhandling to keep this thing funded?

"Obamacare" isn't asking for donations. The DNC is.

The money will go towards funding Democratic candidates in various national races, not towards "funding Obamacare".
You just can't make this shit up, this is pathetic.

Oh I'm sure it's very easy for you to make shit up. You do it all the time here.

Whether she asked for 1, 3 or 10 bucks it is pathetic.......as are you.

Of course it doesn't matter now that you understand that the fundraising letter was embellished to make some silly wingnutty point.

They aren't raising money for the Affordable Care Act, stupid, it's a fundraising effort for Democratic candidates. Moron.
The fact that they're using the concept of "saving ObamaCare" as the basis for political fund raising clearly shows how much of a failed, broken piece of shit program it really is. I can never remember an administration having to go through this much trouble to convince the public that their signature "achievement" is actually good for them. If that were true ObamaCare would survive on its own merits, not through a constant pump of propaganda fed by the government.
The fact that they're using the concept of "saving ObamaCare" as the basis for political fund raising clearly shows how much of a failed, broken piece of shit program it really is. I can never remember an administration having to go through this much trouble to convince the public that their signature "achievement" is actually good for them. If that were true ObamaCare would survive on its own merits, not through a constant pump of propaganda fed by the government.

hey evidently their sheep base doesn't mind forking over their hard earned money for more BS propaganda by this administration to be used, against them

what can you do but shake your head
The fact that they're using the concept of "saving ObamaCare" as the basis for political fund raising clearly shows how much of a failed, broken piece of shit program it really is. I can never remember an administration having to go through this much trouble to convince the public that their signature "achievement" is actually good for them. If that were true ObamaCare would survive on its own merits, not through a constant pump of propaganda fed by the government.

If Obamacare was so universally hated, why would the DNC use defending it as a cause for fundraising?
Michelle Obama wants $10 donations to 'help protect Obamacare'
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:


Thank you so much,



This great plan that not enough people signed up for, ya know, to pay for it, now needs donations.

A government run program needs donations like a charity.


Seriously, read the article. Or at least read through the thread.

The money is being raised for the DNC, not to fund "Obamacare". It will be spent on getting Democrats elected all over the country.

They are using "defending Obamacare" as their current fundraising drive - just like various right wing candidates have been fundraising on "de-funding Obamacare" for the last few years.
I'm sure that Doodad Pro and Mickey Mouse will get right on it.
Friend —

Earlier this month, because of what you did, it became illegal for insurance companies to discriminate against the up to 129 million Americans living with pre-existing conditions. Young Americans are able to stay on their parents' health care plans as they get on their feet, and we can now know that our insurance companies won't put lifetime caps on our coverage.

You should be so proud of that. That happened because you organized, you talked to your friends and neighbors, and you chipped in what you could, when you could, to elect Barack and a Congress who supported his agenda.

Today, I'm asking you to do it again.

So before Barack gives his State of the Union address tomorrow, chip in $10 or more and help protect Obamacare:
The fact that they're using the concept of "saving ObamaCare" as the basis for political fund raising clearly shows how much of a failed, broken piece of shit program it really is. I can never remember an administration having to go through this much trouble to convince the public that their signature "achievement" is actually good for them. If that were true ObamaCare would survive on its own merits, not through a constant pump of propaganda fed by the government.

You must have missed the 40-some admittedly fake votes, costing the taxpayers more than $50million, by the R to repeal it.

That's 7,386 votes against Obamacare, all while refusing to consider even one jobs bill.

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