michelle obama work experience vs Ann romney lol

Ann Romney had a successful husband so she could stay home with the kids. Good for her. Too bad more woman can't be stay at home Moms. I'm sure there are loads of women who would love to do just that.

Just because she didn't hold a 9-5 job doesn't mean she didn't work her ass off. Any mom will tell you that being a MOM and WIFE make for loads of work.

Michelle Obama wasn't that lucky. Married to Commnity Organizer/part time Senator/Law Professor Barry she probably HAD to work to help support the girls. I'm sure she would have loved to have stayed home.

Looks like most of her jobs were more to help out Barry then to acutally work. 20 hours a week for that kind of money??

We should all be that lucky.
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Ann Romney had a successful husband so she could stay home with the kids. Good for her. Too bad more woman can't be stay at home Moms. I'm sure there are loads of women who would love to do just that.

Just because she didn't hold a 9-5 job doesn't mean she didn't work her ass off. Any mom will tell you that being a MOM and WIFE make for loads of work.

Michelle Obama wasn't that lucky. Married to Commnity Organizer/part time Senator/Law Professor Barry she probably HAD to work to help support the girls. I'm sure she would have loved to have stayed home.

Indeed. I honor my mother for putting up with 7 of us...how she did it amazes the heck outta me.
"The “buffer zone” parcel at the Obama family mansion in Chicago’s upscale Kenwood neighborhood purchased by the wife of convicted felon Tony Rezko was transferred to Barack and Michelle Obama without ever being assessed or taxed, in apparent violation of Illinois law, according to a debt-collection expert"

Tax fraud suspected in Obama land deal
Top Democratic strategist and CNN commentator Hilary Rosen, who said Ann Romney had 'never worked a day in her life,' apologizes and says her words were 'poorly chosen.'
then tell her stop talkling about unemployment and the work force

You going to enforce the 1st Amendment intrusion you are presently engaged in?

then dont complain when people say you have not been in the work force

Hey Dumbfuck TRUTHMATTERS - Top Democratic strategist and CNN commentator Hilary Rosen, who said Ann Romney had 'never worked a day in her life,' apologizes and says her words were 'poorly chosen.'
Maybe it is time to look at Her Excellency's past work experience.

Michelle Obama's Last Job.

Some employees are simply irreplaceable. Take Michelle Obama: The University of Chicago Medical Center hired her in 2002 to run 'programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting'.

In 2005 the hospital raised her salary from $120,000 to $317,000 - nearly twice what her husband made as a Senator.

Her husband, Barack Obama, had just become a U.S. Senator. He requested a $1 million "Earmark" for the UC Medical Center. Way to network, Michelle!

Now that Mrs. Obama has resigned, the hospital says her position will remain unfilled. How can that be, if the work she did was vital enough to be worth $317,000?

Oh yes, she only worked 20 hours a week.

Clearly her "job" was to get her husband to get the hospital an earmark for a million dollars. In that sense yes she did her job quite well.


Just fucking wow
What elected office is Ann Romney running for?

then tell her stop talkling about unemployment and the work force


Obama was never in the private sector as a business owner...heck..he had only 3 years in the private sector as a junior associate in a law firm (non decision making psoiition)..

So tell me why HE is more qualified to ENACT legislation as it pertians to business owners if Ann Romney is not qulaified to offer her opinion in regard to the work force.

I will patiently await your answer....but I dont expect a rational one.
then tell her stop talkling about unemployment and the work force

You going to enforce the 1st Amendment intrusion you are presently engaged in?

then dont complain when people say you have not been in the work force

ducks102....truthmatters.....doesnt matter what your name is....seems you are usually the only one on this forum defending your position. Even those on the left flee your bullshit.
Top Democratic strategist and CNN commentator Hilary Rosen, who said Ann Romney had 'never worked a day in her life,' apologizes and says her words were 'poorly chosen.'

Typical Statist...engage mouth before brain...

And she's the "TOP DEM STRATEGIST" at CNN !!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

according to Carney...he knows three people with the same name and he has no idea what her involvement with the administration is.

And the freaking reporter who asked him the question?

Aceepted that lying fucks answer.

The press secretary does not know her involvement....where do they keep Carney? In a closet all day?

Dam this administration lies so often, I am surprised none of their pants catch fire.
Top Democratic strategist and CNN commentator Hilary Rosen, who said Ann Romney had 'never worked a day in her life,' apologizes and says her words were 'poorly chosen.'

Typical Statist...engage mouth before brain...

And she's the "TOP DEM STRATEGIST" at CNN !!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

And has been the the Oval Office once a month after Obama was elected.

SHE is on Obama's staff despite where she works.
Republicans have their catch phrase. Lol

"Democrats war on stay at home mother's"

Try raising 5 boys into decent men, it's harder than you can imagine. Not to mention battling MS and breast cancer.

Democratic Strategist Thinks Stay-At-Home Moms Don't Work

"Appearing last night on CNN, Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen made it clear how out-of-touch many Democrats are with traditional, stay-at-home mothers.

"She says this because Ann Romney never had what many people refer to as a "job". She was a stay-at-home mom who raised five boys.
So apparently in the mind of this Democratic strategist, staying at home and raising five boys is not "work".

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