Michigan AG charges participants in 2020 fake elector plot

Pathetic deflection attempt. There’s only one deed to my house. Alternate electors are legal. Please try to take my home. You won’t like what happens.

Forging election documents that say that you were selected by the State of Michigan to be an elector when you absolutely weren't....isn't legal.
Legally terrorize a bunch of grandmas and grandpas, because they spoke up and accepted legitimate alternate elector positions.

You shitlibs are total jackbooted fucking fascists.
I hope they die in prison
Not fake. Alternate. Have an adult show you the definitions.

The documents they forged didn't say they were 'alternates'. The forged election documents they sent in they had been selected by the State of Michigan as electors to vote in the electoral college.

They lied. The State of Michigan didn't select them. They forged fraudulent documents to subvert an election.

And they're rightfully indicted for it.
There you have it....Terrorize them with the legal system, and drive them into the poor house proving their innocence!

Got-damned fifth columnist scum.
No...don't be hysterical...

The state must make its case..

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