Michigan AG charges participants in 2020 fake elector plot

Pathetic deflection attempt. There’s only one deed to my house. Alternate electors are legal. Please try to take my home. You won’t like what happens.
Lol, these fraud electors are not going to like what happens either. They will join the hundreds upon hundreds of Jan 6th idiot in jail. All for the sake of dear leader that is so stupid that he thinks we had airports during the revolutionary War. Morons follow morons you are a prime example.
Lol, these fraud electors are not going to like what happens either. They will join the hundreds upon hundreds of Jan 6th idiot in jail. All for the sake of dear leader that is so stupid that he thinks we had airports during the revolutionary War. Morons follow morons you are a prime example.
Meanwhile, have you retards figured out what a woman is yet? Alternate. Not fraud. Learn definitions. Seems YOU are the prime example of a gullible moron.
Forging election documents that say that you were selected by the State of Michigan to be an elector when you absolutely weren't....isn't legal.
Well stupid, your own precious AG even said they’d ALLEGEDLY met to do this. Meaning they can’t prove anything actually happened. Words have meanings. But you’re too stupid to understand that.
The documents they forged didn't say they were 'alternates'. The forged election documents they sent in they had been selected by the State of Michigan as electors to vote in the electoral college.

They lied. The State of Michigan didn't select them. They forged fraudulent documents to subvert an election.

And they're rightfully indicted for it.
Seems you’re missing these “documents” you claim exist. Citing yourself and the voices in your ass. Laughing at your pathetic whining and lack of this thing called evidence.
^^^This from one of the most dishonest leftarded hacks here. Alternate and fake are not the same word.
You make these claims and can never back them up. You can’t show anything dishonest that I’ve said. If they were simply legal, alternate electors, then they have nothing to worry about. End of story. If he did something illegal, it would be proven in court. Why are you throwing a hissy fit?
You make these claims and can never back them up. You can’t show anything dishonest that I’ve said. If they were simply legal, alternate electors, then they have nothing to worry about. End of story. If he did something illegal, it would be proven in court. Why are you throwing a hissy fit?
Moron, YOU are throwing your usual hissy when you get called out on your bullshit. I need back nothing up. YOU are making claims they aren’t legitimate. YOU back it up. Cry harder.
Moron, YOU are throwing your usual hissy when you get called out on your bullshit. I need back nothing up. YOU are making claims they aren’t legitimate. YOU back it up. Cry harder.
Interesting what bullshit of mine do you think you called me out on?! What claims did I make that you think I need to back up. Quote me and be specific. Don’t do your usual game where you make shit up and misquote me. This ought to be good…
Interesting what bullshit of mine do you think you called me out on?! What claims did I make that you think I need to back up. Quote me and be specific. Don’t do your usual game where you make shit up and misquote me. This ought to be good…
No asshole. Not playing your stupid game as you try to derail another thread. I’ve never made shit up. Only used your own words to show what a lowlife liar you are. Learn the difference between fake and alternate. Watch this pathetic deflection coming.....
"...God Emperor correct when he says; "They're really after you, I'm just in their way."
Ah, well......that puts an even sadder spin on this issue.
Rudy Giuiliani, Don Trump, used these folks.
These folks were persuaded that this effort was just, honorable, and needed.
Rudy & Don persuaded them of that. Persuaded that they could be kamikaze pilots.
And these folks...I'm sure were well-meaning one-time 'establishment' Republicans.
They were part of the infrastructure of that State's GOP.

Now they are in deep feces.

By the way, one poster earlier in the thread said they were 70 and 80 year old grandmas, etc.
OK, sure, 'grandmas'? Yeah, I wouldn't dispute that point.
But here is a picture of several of them:

No asshole. Not playing your stupid game as you try to derail another thread. I’ve never made shit up. Only used your own words to show what a lowlife liar you are. Learn the difference between fake and alternate. Watch this pathetic deflection coming.....
Wow, shocking another dodge where you make big claims then fail to back them up! It’s not a game to ask you to back your shit up. You haven’t used my words once. That’s exactly what I asked for. And you dodged. If you didn’t lie so much it would be much easier for you.
Below is a long post that is sort of a Reader's Digest of the much longer reportage in this afternoon's Lansing State Journal. I have bullet-pointed some 'taster' paragraphs that seemed most relevant. The site is behind a paywall. Where there is underlining or 'bold' text....my avatar did that. Not the LSJ.

My own personal opinion is that a significant share of these folks were merely duped by manipulators who did not care what would happen to these individuals. To be sure, some of these folks were nutsocrazos for Don Trump and would have gladly signed on to any hare-brained scheme. But I think we will hear as the court proceedings get underway that they relied on Rudy, they relied on attorneys who said they represented Don Trump. And notably, some may say that they relied upon the Republican National Committee who Nessel says was a key organizer of this fraud. That will make it really interesting.

From this afternoon's Lansing State Journal:

"Attorney General Dana Nessel announced felony charges Tuesday against the group of Michigan Republicans who allegedly participated in a scheme to try to award the state's Electoral College votes to former President Donald Trump with a phony certificate in the 2020 election despite his 154,188-vote loss in the state.

Those criminally charged include a former leader of the Michigan GOP, a former Michigan Republican National Committeewoman and other ardent Trump advocates:

  • Meshawn Maddock: Republicans chose Maddock to serve as Michigan GOP co-chair after the 2020 election.
  • Kathy Berden: In 2015, the state committee of the Michigan GOP elected Berden as the party's national committeewoman. The fake certificate of electors lists Berden as "Chairperson, Electoral College of Michigan."
  • Mayra Rodriguez: Rodriguez is a Michigan lawyer facing a complaint from the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission filed with the Michigan Attorney Discipline Board recommending disciplinary action against her. The fake certificate of electors lists Rodriguez as "Secretary."
  • Timothy King: King was the lead plaintiff in a legal effort led by Trump ally Sidney Powell to overturn the 2020 election in Michigan.
  • John Haggard: Haggard served as a Republican elector in 2016. He was one of the plaintiffs who brought a lawsuit in the wake of the 2020 election to try to name Trump the winner.
  • Stanley Grot: Grot serves as Macomb County's Shelby Township clerk.
  • William "Hank" Choate: Choate previously served as the chair of the Jackson County Republican Party and chair of the Michigan GOP's 7th District.
  • Amy Facchinello: Facchinello was elected to serve as a board member of Grand Blanc Community Schools in 2020.
  • Clifford Frost: Frost previously ran for office and served on the Michigan GOP state committee.
  • Mari-Ann Henry: A previous webpage for the Greater Oakland Republican Club showed Henry was involved with the group.
  • Michele Lundgren: Lundgren ran as a Republican in 2022 seeking to represent part of Detroit in the Michigan House of Representatives. She lost her election to incumbent state Rep. Abraham Aiyash, D-Hamtramck.
  • James Renner: Renner was one of two names that appear on the fake certificate of electors who was not originally nominated by the state's Republican Party to serve as an elector in the event of a Trump victory.
  • Ken Thompson: Thompson is the second individual whose name appears on the fake certificate of electors who was not originally nominated by the state's Republican Party to serve as an elector in the event of a Trump victory.
  • Rose Rook: Rook has held various local leadership positions with the Republican Party.
  • Marian Sheridan: Sheridan currently serves as the Michigan GOP's grassroots vice-chair. She was also a plaintiff in the federal election lawsuit to try to award Michigan's Electoral College votes to Trump.
  • Kent Vanderwood: Vanderwood currently serves as mayor of the city of Wyoming."
"Complaints provided by Nessel's office show each defendant faces eight felony counts each, including forgery-related charges each punishable by up to 14 years in prison and election law forgery charges each punishable by up to 5 years in prison. Those were filed in the 54-A District Court in Ingham County, according to Nessel's office"
  • "Two Republicans refused to participate in the effort to hand Trump a victory in Michigan by transmitting a false certificate of electors. Former Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land and Gerald Wall were nominated by the state's Republican Party in 2020 to serve as presidential electors if Trump won, but their names do not appear on the fake certificate."
  • "Undoubtedly, there will be those who will claim these charges are political in nature. But where there is overwhelming evidence of guilt in respect to multiple crimes, the most political act I could engage in as a prosecutor would be to take no action at all," Nessel said."
  • "The U.S. House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack heard testimony about the fake electors in Michigan, including revelations of a suggestion by Trump allies to have Republicans sneak into the Michigan State Capitol the night before the actual electors were to meet the next day and cast their votes for Biden."
  • "But according to Nessel's office, they allegedly met in the basement of the Michigan GOP headquarters on Dec. 14 and signed fake certificates falsely claiming the Republican slate was the legitimate set of delegates to the Electoral College. Those documents were sent to the U.S. Senate and National Archives.

  • An affidavit in support of the criminal charges against the group of Republicans provided by Nessel's office states that an investigator with the attorney general's office interviewed several Michigan GOP employees who confirmed that the meeting of the Republican electors at the party's building in Lansing was organized by Cox and the Republican National Committee."
Yes! Persecution of all who speak out against those in power is totally awesome!……..

In Russia,China, North Korea……..

It's one thing to voice an opinion, it's a whole other thing to try and award the state's electoral college votes to Trump with a phony certificate. These electors have committed multiple felonies. Why do you fascists always act dumb and pretend you wouldn't love to overthrow our democracy and be more like Russia?
Well stupid, your own precious AG even said they’d ALLEGEDLY met to do this. Meaning they can’t prove anything actually happened. Words have meanings. But you’re too stupid to understand that.

They're indicted for half a dozen felonies each. Forgery, conspiracy, election forgery.

But you pretend that an half a dozen felony indictments don't mean anything. Your desperate, willful ignorance don't really have any impact on the outcome.

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