Michigan Judge approves release of Dominion forensic audit.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
But don't take my word for it.
I'm sure this is the breaking headline everywhere.
mail (3).gif

A judge in Michigan on Monday permitted parties in a court case to release the results of a forensic imaging examination of Dominion Voting Systems machines, with redactions of code.

The 23-page report was published soon after by Allied Security Operations Group. It includes expert analysis from Russell Ramsland, a former Republican Party candidate who works with the group.

Ramsland’s team concluded that Dominion’s system “intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.”

Dominion didn’t respond to a request for comment.

This just in! The sun is very hot and bright.

Yes, I'm grateful that this forensic audit of Dominion vote changing machines has been released
and now it's perfectly obvious that the election was corrupt and unethical, to say the least.

But what is the practical upshot? The Supreme Court could step in and block the presidency of
corrupt Joe Biden, if they had the guts and honesty to do the right thing. And if the so called conservative
justices would get spine transplants.
There are 4 cases still pending there,. Relax cupcake.
I'll relax when I see evidence that the Supreme Court is doing their job.

They had a chance already to end this blatant theft of the presidency and chickened out.

Nothing convinces me spines have been installed since then. Meanwhile the nation swirls down in
the toilet bowl of history.

I will happily say I was wrong if that's the case.
Were you asleep when the Supremes declined to act when Texas sued the Gang of Four states?
You should do some homework.
Trump team knew that The Texas case may be refused on precedent....and as I said, there are at least 4 other separate case in the works.
Trump team knew that The Texas case may be refused on precedent....and as I said, there are at least 4 other separate case in the works.
Well here's hoping the court grows a spine, as I've said several times now.

But I'm not very confident they will. Based on who is supposedly conservative and shouldn't want to see our
nation stolen away by slimy thieves we should have a five-four advantage and a justified conclusion to
the matter by now.

If we could depend on those so called conservatives this case would have been over on Friday.
Trump team knew that The Texas case may be refused on precedent....and as I said, there are at least 4 other separate case in the works.
Well here's hoping the court grows a spine, as I've said several times now.

But I'm not very confident they will. Based on who is supposedly conservative and shouldn't want to see our
nation stolen away by slimy thieves we should have a five-four advantage and a justified conclusion to
the matter by now.

If we could depend on those so called conservatives this case would have been over on Friday.
It may come down to who are the ones powerful enough
to pull the strings of Supreme Court Justices. ?
This just in! The sun is very hot and bright.

Yes, I'm grateful that this forensic audit of Dominion vote changing machines has been released
and now it's perfectly obvious that the election was corrupt and unethical, to say the least.

But what is the practical upshot? The Supreme Court could step in and block the presidency of
corrupt Joe Biden, if they had the guts and honesty to do the right thing. And if the so called conservative
justices would get spine transplants.
With the MSM in lockstep on their reporting "baseless" and enshrining Biden, it won't matter.

The MSM can pick the winner and ignore all other claims/counts/certifications/etc. As long as enough people let the MSM do their thinking for them, elections are no longer so, but selections.
The final firewall that will keep America from swirling down the toilet bowl of failed nations is the vote in Georgia in January.

If those two leftist turds are rejected by Georgia then we can block almost anything the puppet Biden can
But Georgia is perhaps the most corrupt of all the gang.
I have no doubt Georgians will do the right thing. I just remember what Joe Stalin said about true power
lying in the hands of those that count the votes.
But don't take my word for it.
I'm sure this is the breaking headline everywhere.View attachment 429028

A judge in Michigan on Monday permitted parties in a court case to release the results of a forensic imaging examination of Dominion Voting Systems machines, with redactions of code.

The 23-page report was published soon after by Allied Security Operations Group. It includes expert analysis from Russell Ramsland, a former Republican Party candidate who works with the group.

Ramsland’s team concluded that Dominion’s system “intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors.”

Dominion didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The writer of the article never could figure out which judge it was.
I can't believe the reefer issue was decided by one vote.

Why didn't state republicans bring up the problem in court when they forgot to update the software to accommodate the changes in the ballots. Nobody else in the forgot to. Dominion should sue the GOP for not updating and then include sending a technicians to do the updates in the next support contract.

Oh yeah in a 263 to 262 vote the Marijuana issue passed.

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