Michigan School Shooting, 3 dead.

The news is reporting the father just bought the gun on Friday.

According to Michigan law....seems dad could be in trouble

You may be criminally and civilly liable for any harm caused by a
person less than 18 years of age who lawfully gains unsupervised
access to your firearm if unlawfully stored. As such, a trigger lock,
gun case or other device designed to prevent unauthorized access to a
firearm is strongly recommended.

Trigger locks are unConstitutional via the Heller ruling from the Supreme court.

The school needs to be
sued for creating rhe environment that created this shooter.
You can't deny that if this kid was white, we would know everything about him by now. I'll be very surprised if he's white.

Of course I can deny it. I will be very surprised if he is not white based on the rest of the student body
Trigger locks are unConstitutional via the Heller ruling from the Supreme court.

The school needs to be
sued for creating rhe environment that created this shooter.

Laws holding people responsible for what their guns do have not been found unconstitutional as far as I know.
The school needs to be
sued for creating rhe environment that created this shooter.
I’d say the parents have the primary responsibility. You’re responsible for your own kids. Not the school, not TV, not the internet.
Kids did carry guns to school at one time. They would hunt before and after school. But that's before liberals showed up and screwed things up. Just like you always do. Maybe you shouldn't have taken God out of schools.
So put god back but you'll have to put all the gods back and that might get a little confusing for the children. They'll be lobbied by each religion to take onboard many different businesses' gods.

Which god are you paying for?
When will Canada stop gun violence?
Gun violence is a growing problem in Canada's biggest city — and last year was Toronto's worst, with more shootings than any year to date, according to Toronto police statistics.

You're at least acknowledging the gun problem in Toronto, while all of you deny the gun problem in America that is multiple times much worse.

As a Canadian, I have no intention of denying a gun problem in Canada that is growing. But we're not going to abandon the restrictions on guns and the types of guns that shouldn't be on our streets.
How many parents think their kid is capable of shooting up a school house?
I honestly don’t think there always *is* anyone to blame in these cases….. aside from the shooters themselves of course.

But when fingers *are* being pointed around, I just don’t like the idea of the parents being able to blame the school or the internet or movies or whatever. For this or for anything else.
When we finally have legalized private gun ownership all over the globe.

Until every person in Australia, NZ, Europe, S. America, Africa, Asia and Canada, has the right to own a gun if they want one?

I think citizens in the US will just have to keep picking up the slack for whiny citizens from elsewhere in the world who tend to complain about shit that is none of their business.. . .
All Canadians of an appropriate age are permitted to own guns but limits apply on the types of guns.
Dead children is the price of freedom for ‘merica. If Sandy Hook’s visual of a man calmly shooting 5 & 6 year olds point blank at their desk with their head down and eyes closed as directed by their teacher doesn’t move them… then nothing will move the dead hearts of American bastard 2nd amendment folks.

Let’s just admit that indiscriminately murdered children at school is as American as Apple Pie.

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