Michigan Senate passes 48-month limit on welfare,

When you go to church you can praise God for helping to cut off aid to poor people,hallelujah!!!!

Don't go to church and I praise God very rarely.

I could honestly care less about poor people.

I take care of my resonsibilities and that they ain't.

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Chirt....... Chirp..........Chirp...... Is right.

Don't hold your breath there my friend.

Its so much easier to spend everyone else's money.

If they had to spend just their own money believe me their feel good about themselves bleeding hearts would dry up pretty damned quick.

Yep! Third time I've issued this challenge on USMB and the third time the socialist spenders are dead silent when confronted with actually personally doing what they preach. Funny ain't it?

That's because it's not one, not two, but three times a stupid, simple minded idea.

Who, in their right mind would take a stranger of dubious character into their homes?
My GOD what would you cons do if you didn't have Welfare children to hate?

Who would be your next scapegoat?

Let's see according to what many of have told us to date the list of types of people you guys hate includes

Welfare children
social security recipients
The poor
Cops, fireman, anybody who works in the public sector (except in the military, of course!)
All unionists
the French
Any American who is not a Southerner or Westerner
Anybody who does not ALSO hate the above
I've probably forgotten a few classes of people that some of you self proclaining Cons hate.

Man! That's a lot of hate some of you have to deal with every day.

When do you find time to love anybody?
The whole "take in a homeless person" gambit you're playing doesn't prove anything. There's a difference between wanting to help people and inviting someone into your home, with all that entails. Nice try, but the only person you're fooling is yourself.

I agree that welfare shouldn't last nearly as long as it does, but I also agree that the simplistic view of the poor as lazy is infantile, holier-than-thou, and unrealistic. It's easy for people to make the poor into boogeymen...but no society in history has solved the poverty problem. It will always exist.

If people could just magically find jobs whenever they wanted to, our unemployment rate wouldn't be as high as it is right now. "Kick 'em off welfare...then they'll find a job"...it doesnt work that way.

Oh...and the idea that welfare recipients have the money to MOVE (from Michigan or anywhere else) shows your lack of common sense. Poor people don't have the money to move.

Really? So you care sooooo much about the less fortunate that you want something done to help them, just as long as you don't personally have to deal with them to back up your talk. Nice. Let's help all the poor people, but let's do it with that rich guy over there's money. I don't want to do anything personally, so let's make him give it up because it's the "right thing to do". How magnanamous of you!

Taking the small percentage of physically and mentally handicapped people who can't exist without assitance out of the equation, why are the vast majority of the "less fortunate" poor in the US in 2011?
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Chirt....... Chirp..........Chirp...... Is right.

Don't hold your breath there my friend.

Its so much easier to spend everyone else's money.

If they had to spend just their own money believe me their feel good about themselves bleeding hearts would dry up pretty damned quick.

Yep! Third time I've issued this challenge on USMB and the third time the socialist spenders are dead silent when confronted with actually personally doing what they preach. Funny ain't it?

That's because it's not one, not two, but three times a stupid, simple minded idea.

Who, in their right mind would take a stranger of dubious character into their homes?

Chicken! Walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk. You want to help the poor as long as you can push it off on someone else and you don't have to do anything.
I've made this challenge twice before here on other threads and I've yet to have any one accept.

On your way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer to take them home and move them into the extra room you have. We all have them. You know, that extra room that collects all of our extra stuff. After all, if you have that "junk room", then you have "more than you need" and it's only the right thing to do to open it up to those who are "less fortunate" than yourself. Before you get home though, swing by the grocery store and let them pick out their favorite foods that you will graciously prepare for them. While you are at it, stop by the hardware store and get a new house key made for them. Let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over anytine they like.

How many here crying for the welfare crowd are willing to put their personal home where their mouth is? Why not? You're perfectly happy to tax those who "have more than they need" to hand a check to those "less fortunate" when it is impersonal. Step up and do of your own free will what you want the government to force others to do to make you feel good about yourself. Then we can talk.

I got a better idea. How about if the "job creators" on their way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer them a job and let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over for a good paying job anytime they like.

See, this kind of simplistic empty headed thinking works both ways.
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I've made this challenge twice before here on other threads and I've yet to have any one accept.

On your way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer to take them home and move them into the extra room you have. We all have them. You know, that extra room that collects all of our extra stuff. After all, if you have that "junk room", then you have "more than you need" and it's only the right thing to do to open it up to those who are "less fortunate" than yourself. Before you get home though, swing by the grocery store and let them pick out their favorite foods that you will graciously prepare for them. While you are at it, stop by the hardware store and get a new house key made for them. Let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over anytine they like.

How many here crying for the welfare crowd are willing to put their personal home where their mouth is? Why not? You're perfectly happy to tax those who "have more than they need" to hand a check to those "less fortunate" when it is impersonal. Step up and do of your own free will what you want the government to force others to do to make you feel good about yourself. Then we can talk.

I got a better idea. How about if the "job creators" on their way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer them a job and let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over for a good paying job anytime they like.

See, this kind of simplistic empty headed thinking works both ways.

Except they've already done their part, haven't they? I'm talking about all the people out there saying, "somebody, somewhere should do something". OK, step up.
I've made this challenge twice before here on other threads and I've yet to have any one accept.

On your way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer to take them home and move them into the extra room you have. We all have them. You know, that extra room that collects all of our extra stuff. After all, if you have that "junk room", then you have "more than you need" and it's only the right thing to do to open it up to those who are "less fortunate" than yourself. Before you get home though, swing by the grocery store and let them pick out their favorite foods that you will graciously prepare for them. While you are at it, stop by the hardware store and get a new house key made for them. Let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over anytine they like.

How many here crying for the welfare crowd are willing to put their personal home where their mouth is? Why not? You're perfectly happy to tax those who "have more than they need" to hand a check to those "less fortunate" when it is impersonal. Step up and do of your own free will what you want the government to force others to do to make you feel good about yourself. Then we can talk.

I got a better idea. How about if the "job creators" on their way home from work tonight, drive thru the part of town where the homeless live. Pick one out. Offer them a job and let them know that they are welcome to invite all their old street buddies over for a good paying job anytime they like.

See, this kind of simplistic empty headed thinking works both ways.

Except they've already done their part, haven't they? I'm talking about all the people out there saying, "somebody, somewhere should do something". OK, step up.

No they haven't. If they did, we wouldn't be looking at 10% unemployment.
My GOD what would you cons do if you didn't have Welfare children to hate?

Who would be your next scapegoat?

Let's see according to what many of have told us to date the list of types of people you guys hate includes

Welfare children
social security recipients
The poor
Cops, fireman, anybody who works in the public sector (except in the military, of course!)
All unionists
the French
Any American who is not a Southerner or Westerner
Anybody who does not ALSO hate the above
I've probably forgotten a few classes of people that some of you self proclaining Cons hate.

Man! That's a lot of hate some of you have to deal with every day.

When do you find time to love anybody?

And what would liberals do if they didn't have poor people to victimize and enslave in a web of Government enabled poverty?
They aren't "cleaning up" The mess THEY created, they're unjustly allocating blame and economic punishment to the very people most vulnerable to the economic shocks of this last decade. You know, those low wage workers who work at poverty wages so that other peoples stock portfolios keep paying out uniform (and unsustainable) profits.
Really, A LOT families on welfare have been on it for generations. Everyone has a chance for an education but they abuse it and think they are too good for it and why work when they can get free money!!! Face it most people on welfare abuse the system. This was supposed to be a help to get on your feet all it does is make people lazy. Just like the 99 weeks of unemployment. I know people who are on it and they dont even look for a job because they know they have 99 weeks they can sit on their ass. If they are young they can get out of the projects by joining the military for 4 years and then get a free college education....... I am so tired of hearing the excuses. I grew up poor. My family was once on welfare but my dad did something about it. He educated himself into another career and never went on it again!! So, I know what it is like being off and on even though I was a young child I knew we were poor but my dad did something about it , got us out of poverty and we lived a good life and I found my husband who also was poor growing up guess what he joined the military and we lived a nice life!!
Most people on welfare DONT ABUSE THE SYSTEM!!!

That's just the boogeyman that hate-filled republicans trot out to a) pass the blame or b) veil their racism.

Let's see some figures about Welfare cheats. I won't hold my breath that you'll ACTUALLY come up with some.

Republican class-warfare rhetoric...gotta love it.
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The whole "take in a homeless person" gambit you're playing doesn't prove anything. There's a difference between wanting to help people and inviting someone into your home, with all that entails. Nice try, but the only person you're fooling is yourself.

I agree that welfare shouldn't last nearly as long as it does, but I also agree that the simplistic view of the poor as lazy is infantile, holier-than-thou, and unrealistic. It's easy for people to make the poor into boogeymen...but no society in history has solved the poverty problem. It will always exist.

If people could just magically find jobs whenever they wanted to, our unemployment rate wouldn't be as high as it is right now. "Kick 'em off welfare...then they'll find a job"...it doesnt work that way.

Oh...and the idea that welfare recipients have the money to MOVE (from Michigan or anywhere else) shows your lack of common sense. Poor people don't have the money to move.

Really? So you care sooooo much about the less fortunate that you want something done to help them, just as long as you don't personally have to deal with them to back up your talk. Nice. Let's help all the poor people, but let's do it with that rich guy over there's money. I don't want to do anything personally, so let's make him give it up because it's the "right thing to do". How magnanamous of you!

Taking the small percentage of physically and mentally handicapped people who can't exist without assitance out of the equation, why are the vast majority of the "less fortunate" poor in the US in 2011?

So you repeat the same challenge using basically the same argument. Here's the problem with your argument (no matter how many times you repeat it) - I'm already being magnanimous (that's the correct spelling btw) with the charities I give to. In fact, I bet that I give more charitably than you make in a year. (Zing!)

Challenge accepted. Challenge won.
More fodder for the hater/Pub dupes, while the mega rich thieves laugh all the way to the bank. Pure electioneering. Jobs jobs jobs my azz!
Lyin' cheatin' bought off BS Pub scumbags actually voted for it, in the middle of recession/jobless semirecovery they caused. The stench is overpowering. Turn off the BS.
Man,the Democrat wingnuts in Detroit aint gonna like this. Entitlement Blood-Suckers are all they have there. Kudos to Michigan Republicans. This should have been done a long time ago.
The Republicans run this state now, They are cleaning up the mess.

B]Michigan Senate passes 48-month limit on welfare, raises wage cap[/B]

Lansing— Welfare benefits are limited to 48-months under a bill passed today in a special summer session of the state Senate.

Democrats voted as a bloc against the legislation, which passed 24-12.

The two-bill package would extend to all recipients a 48-month limit that now applies only to those eligible to participate in the state's Work First program and who live in an area where the Jobs, Education and Training (JET) program is available. The 48-month limit for those enrolled in JET is due to expire Sept. 30.

Eliminating that sunset will throw 12,600 families, with an average monthly benefit of $515, off the welfare rolls Oct. 1. Savings to the state would total $77.4 million, including $65 million in the general fund. The bill includes some exemptions to the cap, and the Department of Human Services would be allowed to exempt up to 6,100 cases during the 2012 fiscal year.

The House already approved the bill, but it was changed slightly by the Senate, which gave more discretion to the state Department of Human Services to grant exemptions to the time limit. The package now returns to the House for concurrence and must also be signed by Gov. Rick Snyder to become law.

Republicans have said reforms are needed because Michigan cannot afford to extend lifetime welfare benefits. They also raised the amount families can earn while still receiving benefits.

Southfield Democrat Sen. Vincent Gregory unsuccessfully introduced an amendment to exempt from the time limit people who live in counties where unemployment is 25 percent or more higher than the state unemployment rate.

"(The cap) will result in families losing much needed assistance in the worst economic downturn in years," Gregory said. "We should be lifting up our families and encouraging them to self sufficiency.

"Ninety percent of these families are working poor … often trying to support children and just barely getting by. We are pushing these families to homelessness."

The legislation would also:

-- Discount $200 plus 50 percent of a family's earnings when determining income eligibility for welfare benefits, allowing families to earn more and still qualify for welfare than under the current law, which discounts $200 plus 20 percent.

-- Disallow benefits for 19-year-olds who live in a home receiving welfare benefits

-- Prohibit spending welfare benefits on lottery tickets, alcohol, tobacco, gambling or other nonessentials

The House and Senate convene once a month during the summer; the House will meet July 27

From The Detroit News: Politics-State | Michigan Senate passes 48-month limit on welfare, raises wage cap | The Detroit News

48 month = 4 years = time to get a college degree.

And the GOP made it easier to get a raise and stay on welfare instead of crushing people that make a penny too much.

and the dims hate this idea b/c they will be losing a loyal voting base.
Lyin' cheatin' bought off BS Pub scumbags actually voted for it, in the middle of recession/jobless semirecovery they caused. The stench is overpowering. Turn off the BS.

4 years of more welfare moron.

No one is going to be crushed by the shock of it occuring immediatlyl

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