Microcephalic Dem "Intellectuals" Ponder Reasons For Their Stunning Losses


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
'We have to ask ourselves what is wrong with our party,' said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, arguing it's at least in part a failure to connect with working-class people who are hurting... Clinton leaves Democrats with only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to turn to | Daily Mail Online

Seriously? Your president Obama flaunts a mandate nationwide to put deranged males in with girls in locker rooms, showers and bathrooms and you wonder how you failed to connect with working-class people? Had it never occurred to you that working-class people have working-class VALUES ???? Perhaps they are "hurting" in part because their entire culture just got upended by the USSC. Think that bothers them a little? Moderately? Or a fuck of a lot? I guess you know now, don't you. If it was "hurting" financially that mattered, they'd sign up with the dems freebies. But even democrats in non depressed areas voted republican. No need to wonder why..

When one of the nation's largest retail boycotts in history happens because of that same policy in a store chain, and your president reacts by forcing it in public schools, you still ponder why you lost eh?

Stunning. What it is, is a culture of imposed willful ignorance. Ignorance is bliss...until the apple cart gets upset.

Maybe ask Rachael Maddow to explain how "a majority of Americans support gay marriage" after California voted it down twice; as recently as 2008. Oh, I know...I know... "there's been a sudden surge and change of mind!" Really? Where? In the blue districts of San Francisco, Chicago and New York City? (you know, where Maddow's homies likely went to sample "Americans") I mean, they are technically Americans and if you sample 1,000 of them, you can technically say "a majority of Americans support gay marraige, etc. etc." Just not accurately. If that matters. And, oops.... I guess it does... :itsok:
The Democrats are cobbled together by groups that have no symbiotic relationship to each other.

They think that Union families will vote in great numbers for a party that wants to flood the market with cheap foreign labor?

Are they really that stupid? They gained Nevada by doing so, but lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

All make that trade all friggin day long folks.
The Democrats are cobbled together by groups that have no symbiotic relationship to each other.

They think that Union families will vote in great numbers for a party that wants to flood the market with cheap foreign labor?

Are they really that stupid? They gained Nevada by doing so, but lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

All make that trade all friggin day long folks.
OK, so that's a bit sophisticated for the rural folks who gave the whipping behind the woodshed. My money's on boys in the girls' bathrooms & showers. But if you want, you can think that it's about sophisticated labor concepts.
'We have to ask ourselves what is wrong with our party,' said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, arguing it's at least in part a failure to connect with working-class people who are hurting... Clinton leaves Democrats with only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to turn to | Daily Mail Online

Seriously? Your president Obama flaunts a mandate nationwide to put deranged males in with girls in locker rooms, showers and bathrooms and you wonder how you failed to connect with working-class people? Had it never occurred to you that working-class people have working-class VALUES ???? Perhaps they are "hurting" in part because their entire culture just got upended by the USSC. Think that bothers them a little? Moderately? Or a fuck of a lot? I guess you know now, don't you. If it was "hurting" financially that mattered, they'd sign up with the dems freebies. But even democrats in non depressed areas voted republican. No need to wonder why..

When one of the nation's largest retail boycotts in history happens because of that same policy in a store chain, and your president reacts by forcing it in public schools, you still ponder why you lost eh?

Stunning. What it is, is a culture of imposed willful ignorance. Ignorance is bliss...until the apple cart gets upset.

Maybe ask Rachael Maddow to explain how "a majority of Americans support gay marriage" after California voted it down twice; as recently as 2008. Oh, I know...I know... "there's been a sudden surge and change of mind!" Really? Where? In the blue districts of San Francisco, Chicago and New York City? (you know, where Maddow's homies likely went to sample "Americans") I mean, they are technically Americans and if you sample 1,000 of them, you can technically say "a majority of Americans support gay marraige, etc. etc." Just not accurately. If that matters. And, oops.... I guess it does... :itsok:
No one gives a fuck you lost....
Hillary was losing all along but even the pollsters didn't want to believe it. Hillary's defeat shouldn't have come as a surprise to the liberal (educated?) elite when you can look at the political map which looks like a Sherwin Williams paint ad where the whole Country is covered in red.
The Democrats are cobbled together by groups that have no symbiotic relationship to each other.

They think that Union families will vote in great numbers for a party that wants to flood the market with cheap foreign labor?

Are they really that stupid? They gained Nevada by doing so, but lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

All make that trade all friggin day long folks.
OK, so that's a bit sophisticated for the rural folks who gave the whipping behind the woodshed. My money's on boys in the girls' bathrooms & showers. But if you want, you can think that it's about sophisticated labor concepts.

its about a party who must cobble together groups that despise each other to exist.

Look at the micro groups in the party. Many have opposing needs, but stay together because it's the only way they come close to adequate numbers to rule.

Those groups are fractured now, and will fracture further.

They painted themselves into a corner and are now self destructing.

The protests going on now highlights the problem. The left think they can do these without alienating moderate Dems?

Good luck with that.
'We have to ask ourselves what is wrong with our party,' said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, arguing it's at least in part a failure to connect with working-class people who are hurting... Clinton leaves Democrats with only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to turn to | Daily Mail Online

Seriously? Your president Obama flaunts a mandate nationwide to put deranged males in with girls in locker rooms, showers and bathrooms and you wonder how you failed to connect with working-class people? Had it never occurred to you that working-class people have working-class VALUES ???? Perhaps they are "hurting" in part because their entire culture just got upended by the USSC. Think that bothers them a little? Moderately? Or a fuck of a lot? I guess you know now, don't you. If it was "hurting" financially that mattered, they'd sign up with the dems freebies. But even democrats in non depressed areas voted republican. No need to wonder why..

When one of the nation's largest retail boycotts in history happens because of that same policy in a store chain, and your president reacts by forcing it in public schools, you still ponder why you lost eh?

Stunning. What it is, is a culture of imposed willful ignorance. Ignorance is bliss...until the apple cart gets upset.

Maybe ask Rachael Maddow to explain how "a majority of Americans support gay marriage" after California voted it down twice; as recently as 2008. Oh, I know...I know... "there's been a sudden surge and change of mind!" Really? Where? In the blue districts of San Francisco, Chicago and New York City? (you know, where Maddow's homies likely went to sample "Americans") I mean, they are technically Americans and if you sample 1,000 of them, you can technically say "a majority of Americans support gay marraige, etc. etc." Just not accurately. If that matters. And, oops.... I guess it does... :itsok:

Am I in the twilight zone?
^^ Yes, if you believe that most Americans support gay marriage after California voted it down twice, then yes, you are living in the twilight zone.

You can bet that if California didn't want it, the blue collar rust belt states FRIGGIN' HATE IT. That and deranged men using their daughters' & wives' showers & restrooms.

So, there you go. 2016.
'We have to ask ourselves what is wrong with our party,' said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, arguing it's at least in part a failure to connect with working-class people who are hurting... Clinton leaves Democrats with only Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to turn to | Daily Mail Online

Seriously? Your president Obama flaunts a mandate nationwide to put deranged males in with girls in locker rooms, showers and bathrooms and you wonder how you failed to connect with working-class people? Had it never occurred to you that working-class people have working-class VALUES ???? Perhaps they are "hurting" in part because their entire culture just got upended by the USSC. Think that bothers them a little? Moderately? Or a fuck of a lot? I guess you know now, don't you. If it was "hurting" financially that mattered, they'd sign up with the dems freebies. But even democrats in non depressed areas voted republican. No need to wonder why..

When one of the nation's largest retail boycotts in history happens because of that same policy in a store chain, and your president reacts by forcing it in public schools, you still ponder why you lost eh?

Stunning. What it is, is a culture of imposed willful ignorance. Ignorance is bliss...until the apple cart gets upset.

Maybe ask Rachael Maddow to explain how "a majority of Americans support gay marriage" after California voted it down twice; as recently as 2008. Oh, I know...I know... "there's been a sudden surge and change of mind!" Really? Where? In the blue districts of San Francisco, Chicago and New York City? (you know, where Maddow's homies likely went to sample "Americans") I mean, they are technically Americans and if you sample 1,000 of them, you can technically say "a majority of Americans support gay marraige, etc. etc." Just not accurately. If that matters. And, oops.... I guess it does... :itsok:

They lost because losers lose.
No, they lost because of the LGBT cult. Nobody wanted anything to do with that (the democratic party). Hence the red all over the map.
They lost because losers lose.
No, they lost because equally important to jobs, if not moreso, with independents and blue collar dems are WORKING CLASS VALUES.

The dems just forced their little communities to incorporate the nauseating (and yes, that's exactly how they describe it privately...private, you know, like a voting booth) concept of two women or two men being "mom and dad" to kids: the reason marriage was created. And if that wasn't horrific enough, then comes the Obama/dem nationwide mandated in public schools (you know, where their daughters attend) to let deranged males into their showers and locker rooms. Dems say "gee, why was it we got whipped behind the woodshed?" Seriously?

Knowing the vacancy on the USSC and two more to come likely this term, the possibility of having a democrat appoint them to do ???? WTF???!! else? The voters simply put their collective foot down to the cult that has surgically attached itself to the democratic platforms (all of them) as a whole. So goodbye universal healthcare, goodbye green energy, goodbye living wages, goodbye efficient cars. And we all can thank the cult of LGBT directly (not indirectly, but directly) for the loss of all of that.

Regular America stood up and said "Oh HELL No!" to what they considered the worst evil; worse than all the rest because once the nuclear family goes to "anything goes marriage", all those other things will be the last thing on anyone's mind as our nation descends quickly into anarchy/hell.

Remember, there's a reason the nuttiest, most permissive state in the Union voted down gay marriage twice. And that's because even in the most perverse and unhinged culture, even THAT was too much...
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The Dems moved too far to the left over the past decades... people rejected that shift.
That's putting it broadly. And putting things broadly is the very danger that took down the dems this election. Because if you speak in broad generalizations, the specific reasons for why the dems lost (outlined clearly in the OP), eludes them once again.

The longer they embrace the cult of LGBT is directly proportional to how much they will lose again in the next election and the next and the next. Because the nation now no longer sees "LGBT" as an innocent movement. They see it as a pernicious cult hellbent on destroying literally every value and moral fiber in society. So as long as the dems state in words or more importantly, in DEEDS that their objective is to forward the interests of that cult, they will never again see power in government.

They'd best get busy scraping off those barnacles, and quick. 2018 is right around the corner..

Likes everything that occurs, Sil blames Hillary's loss on gay marriage. I am sure her being a terrible candidate, shady, and having more baggage than Heathrow didn't have anything to do with it. lol. People from the Rust States don't really give a shit about gay marriage. They care about jobs, the economy, and, providing a decent living for their family. Trump's populist appeal to those people helped put him over the edge in those states. Sil, of course, blames gay marriage and projects her obsession onto the electorate as if it was a major factor. It really wasn't.
Likes everything that occurs, Sil blames Hillary's loss on gay marriage. I am sure her being a terrible candidate, shady, and having more baggage than Heathrow didn't have anything to do with it. lol. People from the Rust States don't really give a shit about gay marriage. They care about jobs, the economy, and, providing a decent living for their family. Trump's populist appeal to those people helped put him over the edge in those states. Sil, of course, blames gay marriage and projects her obsession onto the electorate as if it was a major factor. It really wasn't.
You know, it's voices like yours that will set the dems up to lose again in the 2018 midterms.

The working class VALUES were at play and tipped the scales. And yes, they also were worried about jobs n stuff.
Likes everything that occurs, Sil blames Hillary's loss on gay marriage. I am sure her being a terrible candidate, shady, and having more baggage than Heathrow didn't have anything to do with it. lol. People from the Rust States don't really give a shit about gay marriage. They care about jobs, the economy, and, providing a decent living for their family. Trump's populist appeal to those people helped put him over the edge in those states. Sil, of course, blames gay marriage and projects her obsession onto the electorate as if it was a major factor. It really wasn't.
You know, it's voices like yours that will set the dems up to lose again in the 2018 midterms.

The working class VALUES were at play and tipped the scales. And yes, they also were worried about jobs n stuff.

Voices like what? The one's in your head were you pretend gay marriage was an important factor in Rust Belt states? Bringing jobs back to these regions far outweighs your personal obsession on gay marriage. Bank on it.

You'll believe whatever fits your anti-gay narrative so I know I am just wasting my time with your silly ass.
The massive loss was for exactly the shocking reasons nobody was allowed to talk about. If you keep suppressing the opposition's voice to LGBT cult issues, you'll keep losing like election 2016. Your choice. Even Chris Matthews on MSNBC knows the polling on these issues was suppressed, skewed or anemic; and it cost dems the election. So keep up with your "nothing to see here!" mantra. But even hardened dems are now taking a look under that rock you keep begging them to walk around.
The massive loss was for exactly the shocking reasons nobody was allowed to talk about. If you keep suppressing the opposition's voice to LGBT cult issues, you'll keep losing like election 2016. Your choice. Even Chris Matthews on MSNBC knows the polling on these issues was suppressed, skewed or anemic; and it cost dems the election. So keep up with your "nothing to see here!" mantra. But even hardened dems are now taking a look under that rock you keep begging them to walk around.

You've started dozens and dozens and dozens of threads whining about queers. Nobody is suppressing your voice when it comes to gays, drama llama.

I'll keep losing elections!? Too funny. I lost the moment Paul dropped out, but I still wrote his name in for President on Tuesday. You voted for Hillary. lol
This, however, is not about the threads I started previously. Though it is a direct outfall of what they were saying the whole time which is "a majority of regular Americans viscerally-reject the LGBT cult agenda AND anyone who would promote it for them". Hence what happened Tuesday this week.
This, however, is not about the threads I started previously. Though it is a direct outfall of what they were saying the whole time which is "a majority of regular Americans viscerally-reject the LGBT cult agenda AND anyone who would promote it for them". Hence what happened Tuesday this week.

You're the one that made the claim that voices against gays are being suppressed. Your 90 or so threads on the subject prove otherwise.

Again, you can pretend gay marriage was a major factor in the Rust Bust until the cows comes home. After all, pretending is what you do best. Those of us that actually live in the region know it was about jobs and the economy. Hillary being a horrid candidate didn't help either.

Tell me something, if tranny issues were such a major factor in the GOP success this election then why didn't the Gov. of North Carolina crush his opponent? It appears he may actually lose his seat.

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