Microsoft to reopen Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant, Renewables Have Failed.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Bill Gates has made the decision that solar, wind, and batteries are two weak, expensive, inefficient to power the future.

Three Mile Island (home of one of three U.S. reactor meltdowns) will be reopened after shutting down in 2019.

The power needs of artificial intelligence are so great they will use the entire output of one Nuclear Reactor.

This news is fascinating for so many reasons. Obviously this site holds a certain significance in the history of nuclear power in the US. There’s a possibility this would be one of the first reactors in the country to reopen after shutting down. And Microsoft will be buying all the electricity from the reactor.
Bill Gates has made the decision that solar, wind, and batteries are two weak, expensive, inefficient to power the future.

Three Mile Island (home of one of three U.S. reactor meltdowns) will be reopened after shutting down in 2019.

The power needs of artificial intelligence are so great they will use the entire output of one Nuclear Reactor.

This news is fascinating for so many reasons. Obviously this site holds a certain significance in the history of nuclear power in the US. There’s a possibility this would be one of the first reactors in the country to reopen after shutting down. And Microsoft will be buying all the electricity from the reactor.

Imagine being so wealthy with access to so many powerful people but still being useful to Americas enemies? If you alread have access to well run nuclear power why mothball them and put all your eggs in an emerging technology for which you don't even control the production? Why not just allow the market to compete in the innovation and embrace both?

This is a major reason I dont have faith that we can avoid WWIII. There are some really incompetent people in positions of power, or, they are competent but there is so much incompetence and politics involved in their leadership that they have to mindlessly nod their heads to maintain their jobs.

In either situation, it spells doom for Western Civilization. I know first hand how some agencies manufacture false threats to increase their budgets while the real threats get away with literally murder. This may occur on a large industrial scale if we aren't too careful.
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I know first hand how some agencies manufacture false threats to increase their budgets while the real threats get away with literally murder.
No, you don't know firsthand. You imagined two police officers standing in a hospital lineup, to watch you.

That's when you burnt your bridges back to serious discussion.
Bill Gates?...One of the world's biggest misanthropes and peddler of the globalclimatewarmerchange hoax?...Are you serious?

Tell that little prick to fuck off.
That is what makes this significant. Bill Gates is building a nuclear plant in Wyoming, buying all the power that Three Mile Island will produce and is building the largest fusion reactor to date (which I worked on.)
That is what makes this significant. Bill Gates is building a nuclear plant in Wyoming, buying all the power that Three Mile Island will produce and is building the largest fusion reactor to date (which I worked on.)
Don't care....Let the asshole try to power his operation with the shitty technology that he expects the rest of the peasants to use.
Bill Gates?...One of the world's biggest misanthropes and peddler of the globalclimatewarmerchange hoax?...Are you serious?

Tell that little prick to fuck off.
Take the money but think hard of his alternative reasons because the Nerd is bound to also have other plans which his masters will want kept secret for as long as is needed .
No, you don't know firsthand. You imagined two police officers standing in a hospital lineup, to watch you.

That's when you burnt your bridges back to serious discussion.

You're getting desperate to try and convince Americans that we do not engage in the activities I have shared with them. Unfortunately, you are years behind. It's known now and their agencies and state departments have a job to do when assessing foreign nations activities, lack of transparency and accountability. It is critical to Americas leadership in the world, anyone with an appreciation of their history understands this. Except apparently arrogant Canadian agencies.

Two guys were at the side when I entered the clinic, both walked in at the same time as me, one in front one behind me.

Then, when the place was near empty, both sat beside the chairs right near me.

Whether a coincidence, some form of serendipity or not, the full breadth of what I have experienced for many years doesn't lead to me providing any benefit of the doubt. If it was intentional, than it was designed to be a discreet form of harassment, not as much as being detained at the U.S border at the behest of the Canadian government, but nonetheless, harassment just the same.

As it were, this was not long after a similar "last minute MRI patient" arrived at the facility at 6 in the morning, and was allowed to have an MRI even though he didnt have an appointment. Unheard of anywhere in Canada.

This happened to be the same MRI results which I received which showed them being with a contrast solution even though one wasn't applied in my case. The hospital, by the way, admitted this error, I have it in writing. This, even though I refused to agree to the terms of not allowing legal action if I have been wronged. A serious instance of error of malpractice, if I have, say multiple sclerosis or some other serious condition.

Regardless, you and your ilk who employ a cacophony of methods is known now. You can try your best to paint me as the bad guy, but I am the one man who stood on principle and I am cognizant of what I have experienced. I kept my mouth shut until my career was interfered with at the bank. There were obvious opportunities which were denied of me.

I've said it before, if I had been born in America, with the same curiousity and drive as I had in my life in Canada; ;I would have been successful in business or some other capacity, of this I have little doubt. Canada gas become ubiquituous with civil liberty abuses.

Your arguments to counter my experiences have rarely been salient with the facts. You're just one of many.
Wind or Solar is Obviously NOT the best solution for every use.
(and that/settings was posted by me previously)

That does Not mean they have "failed.'' Stupid or partisan sweeping deduction.

In this case Microsoft knew they needed ultra-high concentrated power for the planet's biggest power gobblers: AI data centers.
Correct/Smart move.

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Two guys were at the side when I entered the clinic, both walked in at the same time as me, one in front one behind me.

Then, when the place was near empty, both sat beside me chairs right near me.

Whether a coincidence, some form of serendipity or not, the full breadth of what I have experienced for many years doesn't lead to me providing any benefit of the doubt. If it was intentional, than it was designed to be a discreet for of harassment, not as much as being detained at the U.S border at the behest of the Canadian government, but nonetheless, harassment just the same.

As it were, this was not long after a similar "last minute MRI patient" arrived at the facility at 6 in the morning, and was allowed to have an MRI even though he didnt have an appointment. Unheard of anywhere in Canada.
So you're sticking to the story, but adding in coincidence or serendipity now.

No, you invented the story and several other stories just as impossible.

But you just couldn't resist inventing the last minute MRI patient. Letting it all go is going to be less costly for you in the long run. That's my final offer!
So you're sticking to the story, but adding in coincidence or serendipity now.

No, you invented the story and several other stories just as impossible.

But you just couldn't resist inventing the last minute MRI patient. Letting it all go is going to be less costly for you in the long run. That's my final offer!

I let go when my persecutors let go.

It is what it is. Those who never personally face consequences don't care. I assure you our politicians and Safety Ministers DO care, they have heard from me and know what's at stake.

My retirement has been stolen, I need that returned in some form via the sale of my home and then I can focus on my health and moving on with the last years of my life.
I let go when my persecutors let go.

It is what it is. Those who never personally face consequences don't care. I assure you our politicians and Safety Ministers DO care, they have heard from me and know what's at stake.

My retirement has been stolen, I need that returned in some form via the sale of my home and then I can focus on my health and moving on with the last years of my life.
I care, but I'm not going to make matters worse by buying in to your imagined persecutors. Stop what you're doing and start paying attention to those who are trying to help you.

We can always talk in private if or when you're ready.
Wind or Solar is Obviously NOT the best solution for every use.
(and that/settings was posted by me previously)

That does Not mean they have "failed.'' Stupid or partisan sweeping deduction.

In this case Microsoft knew they needed ultra-high concentrated power for the planet's biggest power gobblers: AI data centers.
Correct/Smart move.
Another smart move was locating the industrial solar power industry in Tennessee to use Nuclear power to do what solar and wind can not do and that is providing electricity to the solar and wind industry.

Solar panel and wind turbine industrial manufacturing requires tremendous amounts of energy. Solar and wind can not power the industry that builds solar and wind

That is a failure as is this failure, solar and wind can not power computers.
Another smart move was locating the industrial solar power industry in Tennessee to use Nuclear power to do what solar and wind can not do and that is providing electricity to the solar and wind industry.

Solar panel and wind turbine industrial manufacturing requires tremendous amounts of energy. Solar and wind can not power the industry that builds solar and wind

That is a failure as is this failure, solar and wind can not power computers.
Nuclear power coming back is the evidence that global climate change is being accepted as the threat to the earth that science has been telling us it is!

From that we can at least conclude that the risk in nuclear is less than the risk of continuing with fossil fuels.

The possible damage from a nuclear mishap is usually confined to the locality, as in a circle x miles in diameter.

That's like saying that those who are making careless choices will only have their own chickens coming home!

The chickens all came back home to Fukishima!

Japan got FUKishimED!
Nuclear power coming back is the evidence that global climate change is being accepted as the threat to the earth that science has been telling us it is!

From that we can at least conclude that the risk in nuclear is less than the risk of continuing with fossil fuels.
Another strawman, a false premise.

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