Middle Class gets biggest wage boost in years

not up he certainly did not mention

they would double or triple

They haven't "doubled and tripled"...Stop repeating what you hear on FOX or read on conservative rags....Use your OWN head........the latter is why Trump has followers...
Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)
Break even with what? And no, there is no government issued economic report that says anything of the sort. In fact, the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank has a tool to calculate what the average increase in non-farm payroll jobs necessary to reach selected unemployment rates. To keep it the same would require an average of 119,000 jobs a month.
Jobs Calculator

Oh, and labor force statistics are based on age 16 and older, so 18 year olds entering is not a thing.

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.
The problem is that you don't seem to understand what the numbers are or what they mean. Why don't you pick a start date and run through your math so we can see what you actually mean. Actually, let's pick February 2010...the trough of employment.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol.
How would that affect the median, which is what we're talking about?

Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!

Ok....let's try that. In July 2016, the not seasonally adjusted labor force was 160,705,000 and the unemployment level was 8,267,000 for a not seasonally adjusted UE rate of 8,267,000/160,705,000 = 5.1%
The seasonally adjusted rate was 7,770,000/159,287,000 = 4.9%
In August, the unadjusted labor force was 159,800,000 (-905,000) and the unemployment level was 7,996,000 (-271,000) for a rate of 7,996,000/159,800,000 = 5.0%
The seasonally adjusted labor force was 159,463,000 (+176,000) and the seasonally adjusted unemployment was 7,849,000 (+79,000) for an unchanged rate of 4.9%

How are you claiming that's all propaganda?
He doesn't analyze stats... Only barks partisan talking points and headlines. A common problem on this thread.
When the working poor start getting a living wage, and the American middle class stops subsidizing highly profitable corporations with "earned income credits" (the biggest taxpayer scam ever created to benefit corporations), then you will see those numbers come down. People will not stop receiving taxpayer subsidies until corporations are required to look after their own before their executives.

So in other words, you want the federal government to run our US companies?
But why didnt Barrycare address the problem?

As a democrat, I'd openly admit that Obama settled for a flawed deal to get uninsured and uninsurables (like those with preexisting conditions) on some health care plan.....He wanted a legacy, and health insurers wanted to make billions. Bottom line: The ACA fixed some things but at too high a price and did not break the stranglehold that insurers have on all of us.
The GOP plan has always been "let them die". When has the GOP come up with any plan on anything that would help the majority of Americans in the last 50 years?
Be thankful, it could have been 4 times higher without the ACA.

Yep, that's what a liberal thinks we should thank Democrats for. Without Commie Care, it might not have gone up 20% from then until now. Insurance companies are dropping out of the program like flies. There is a reason for that, and it isn't because they were making so much money.
Yea, and at the same time, the only president in US history with sustained job growth for over 78 months.
Only part time jobs and low-end service jobs, nice try
Yea, and at the same time, the only president in US history with sustained job growth for over 78 months.
Only part time jobs and low-end service jobs, nice try
Part time and low end service jobs? Where do you get your info from? Got a link?

Here's one that has some interesting stats

Industries with the fastest growing and most rapidly declining wage and salary employment

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