Middle Class gets biggest wage boost in years

Very much expected by everyone (except of course ignorant wingers).

Recovery is followed by job growth and drop in unemployment that is followed by pay increase once job supply gets close to job demand.

Most unemployed have quit looking for a job altogether, sorry nice try. :itsok:

Another Republican lie but thanks for playing.

Job participation rates have been steadily dropping since Baby Boomers hit the early retirement age. The labour participation rate started dropping in 2005. Long before Obana took office.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.

The question isn't partisan, but rather how did they come up with that number, and the method they used to reach it. If it was anything like unemployment, then it is pure propaganda, that is my point.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.

The question isn't partisan, but rather how did they come up with that number, and the method they used to reach it. If it was anything like unemployment, then it is pure propaganda, that is my point.
That argument can be made at any time, in any situation. All we can do when good data is presented is hope that it's accurate and stay tuned.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.

The question isn't partisan, but rather how did they come up with that number, and the method they used to reach it. If it was anything like unemployment, then it is pure propaganda, that is my point.

If it is accurate, I say hurray, and finally. But I got a buck 3.80 that tells me that within 48 hours, we are going to find the trickery they used to bolster the numbers, just like they did with unemployment.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.

The question isn't partisan, but rather how did they come up with that number, and the method they used to reach it. If it was anything like unemployment, then it is pure propaganda, that is my point.
That argument can be made at any time, in any situation. All we can do when good data is presented is hope that it's accurate and stay tuned.

No it can't! But, if they can't find out how they cooked the numbers, (actually meaning they didn't) I will be the 1st to apologize. But if someone is going to buy into this after "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and "your healthcare costs are going to drop by 2500 bucks" along with all their other baloney sandwiches before it being gone over with a fine tooth comb, then those people will have drunk koolaid, knowing every other time it was poisoned, so should let it be checked 1st. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Allow you to fool me 20 times and I am as dumb as a box of rocks. I am not a liberal, therefore, I am not a rock.
I'm not necessarily agreeing with this assertion, but I used to really respect Mac. Not anymore.
Yep, partisans on both ends think I'm just fine when they agree with me.

When they don't, suddenly everything is different.

That's the way things go for those of us who think for ourselves.
Don't give me that rhetorical bullshit. It's only your reasoning with Hillary. Kinda shoots your credibility in the face.
My beliefs are middle of the road as they come. don't throw me in the conformist groups.
Then you should have no problem that I don't obediently follow some partisan ideology.
I guess Hillary also took away your ability to read. It's not about partisanship. It's your reasoning.
You know who I wish I could be voting for? Webb
Brands are just another excuse for division.
Yep, I was a Webb guy from the beginning, and I was very disappointed that he didn't run independent.

I don't like Hillary, but I'm going to vote against Trump.

Pretty straightforward.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
I'm not necessarily agreeing with this assertion, but I used to really respect Mac. Not anymore.
Playing the partisan card? Is it really that hard for you two to look at a situation objectively?
If your ass wants to but in my convos l, at least read the damn things.
It's a discussion board. My comment was more directed at tinydancer whom you appeared to take sides with. If that isn't true then my apologies. If it is true then I double down
It's about time our "job creators" started catching up with increased wages

They can't always keep everything for themselves

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Great we can cut welfare in half, right?

The number of food stamp recipients has gone down in each of the last three fiscal years. Trump lied when he said it was going up.

Not bullshit. More than 3 million fewer people and 2 million fewer households are receive food stamps now than in 2013. Trump lied when he said the numbers continue to rise.

SNAP Costs and Caseloads Declining | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

If it is accurate, I say hurray, and finally. But I got a buck 3.80 that tells me that within 48 hours, we are going to find the trickery they used to bolster the numbers, just like they did with unemployment.

The trick with the unemployment numbers is the one pulled by Republicans to try to make it appear that Obama wasn't creating jobs. That's were Republicans have been in denial for 8 years.

Republicans seem to have a lot of memory problems, blaming Obama for the Recession, and not Bush, and then denying that he saved the US economy and the world economy, from total collapse. He did quite an amazing job especially considering how much obstruction he faced from Republicans. Imagine what he might have accomplished with a less oppositional House and Senate.
Republicans seem to have a lot of memory problems, blaming Obama for the Recession, and not Bush, and then denying that he saved the US economy and the world economy, from total collapse. He did quite an amazing job especially considering how much obstruction he faced from Republicans. Imagine what he might have accomplished with a less oppositional House and Senate.

Always remember that just about the day after Obama's first election, elected conservative bastards met to develop plans to UNDERMINE Obama to ensure that he'd be a one-term president......These conservatives miserably failed on making him a one-termer, but succeeded in what they ultimately do best....OBSTRUCT or DO NOTHING.
What a silly little liar you are. The GOP damned near put us into the Second Great Republican Depression. It has taken time to get us out, especially since the GOP continued to try to put us into that Depression.
What a silly little liar you are. The GOP damned near put us into the Second Great Republican Depression. It has taken time to get us out, especially since the GOP continued to try to put us into that Depression.
Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.

Good news.

This is the way it's SUPPOSED to work - unemployment goes down, and once it bumps along the bottom a bit, wages are forced up.

The economy has been so distorted by the Meltdown and the various QE's that it's awfully nice seeing something work the way it should.

Nothing better Mac when Matthew is posting that Obama has created more than 800,000 private jobs.

You are a joke and a liar. I actually believed in you at one time. Shame on me. I really believed in you.
Again? You're humping my leg again?

I commented on the thread topic. Maybe you could do that without all the drama queen stuff.


If you look at that graph and believe things are good, I need to know what you are smoking, is it legal, and if so, can I have some for the weekend, lol.

I have a better idea! Pull up the same graph 6 or 7 years out from other recessions, and see what that one says. Oh wait, we have a couple of them on that graph, in fact I think a few. How does the Obama/Hillary expansion hold up!

Sorry fellas, it is bad, terrible, disgusting.

Now then, you can show all the graphs you want about unemployment, and every republican talks about the 90 something million out of work, which then you deflect with great skill, by insisting it is retirees, young people in college, etc, and smugly walk away thinking you have proven your point. (if you actually believe your nonsense or know the truth and are just trying to defend the indefensible, I am not quite sure)

I, on the other hand, will ask you a different question------------->when the economy went into the tank, at its worst, (you pick the date of your choosing) unemployment was at a reported what.............9, or 9.5%? Now your date of choosing can be during Bush, can be anytime during Obama, it can be 9 years ago, 6 years ago, 5 years ago, or even 4 if you so choose. Is that a fair choice? Can I have an amen, and a "God Bless, America!" Being American is about freedom, freedom is choice, and I just gave you any point in time over the last 9 years, and even if you want 10 years, I will let you have that too!

Now then-------------> your own government has stated on virtually every economic report, that just to stay EVEN in unemployment due to population growth with 18 year olds entering the job market, (not counting illegals who are not counted coming in mind you) that YOUR AMERICAN ECONOMY must create in the vicinity of 230, to 250,000 jobs per month to break even. (don't believe me, then by all means if you want the truth, look it up!)

Now then again, using the REVISED numbers of jobs growth after they were released, how many months from YOUR date that YOU chose, has the Obama economy fallen short, or exceeded those numbers? And, after you took the numbers that he was OVER, and subtracted them from the numbers he was under, does it even come close to equating 1/2 of the 9% or 9.5% of the number of people who were unemployed!

Most people would call this a clue, but there is NO way you can make the numbers work to give what the left is telling everyone. You don't have to have take common core, nor new math, and in fact, you don't even have to know old math. All you need is a calculator, and once you run the numbers, you will laugh in every liberals face who tries to run this propaganda by you by insisting you look at the shiny object that is the unemployment number, instead of the actual numbers that your trusty calculator just gave you, lol.

And oh, by the way, the raise in income. Are subsidies considered income? Are your costs to live considered loss of income? (latter=no) Well then, if YOUR government is transferring wealth through subsidies, like let us say Obama care, it is a double count! How does that work? Because if YOUR health insurance went UP, it isn't deducted from your income, you just suck it up; but if you are getting an Obamacare subsidy, it is added to your income, lol. Isn't it wonderful how socialists try and convince you that life is wonderful, you just don't know it because their statistics that they cherry pick say it is! Kinda like unemployment is at 4. something %, but when you run the numbers they actually give you on another piece of paper, you understand it is all propaganda!
Wow, you sure did read a lot into my post.

It's traditional economics that, once unemployment drops and stabilizes, wages almost necessarily increase. And that appears to be what is happening. Hopefully.

You can make this as much about politics as you want, I don't care about the partisan crap. I'm far more concerned about the economy than partisan politics.

The question isn't partisan, but rather how did they come up with that number, and the method they used to reach it. If it was anything like unemployment, then it is pure propaganda, that is my point.
And your point is pure lying bullshit. The methods are the same now as they were for Bush.
And your point is pure lying bullshit. The methods are the same now as they were for Bush.

The bottom line for right wingers is a rather simple one" If its GOOD news and it happens within the Obama administration .......IT MUST BE A HOAX and FIRMLY OPPOSED.
What a silly little liar you are. The GOP damned near put us into the Second Great Republican Depression. It has taken time to get us out, especially since the GOP continued to try to put us into that Depression.

Barney Frank and Maxine Waters are part of the "GOP"?

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