Middle East Thought Experiment: What if the US had responded to 911 as a Crime?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
"A thought experiment: What if we had treated the 9/11 attacks as crimes rather than acts of war? And what if we had tried to avoid war entirely in the meantime?

"What if we had declared Al Qaeda to be a criminal enterprise and its members to be criminals...?"

"Our failure to finger Saudi Arabia and our subsequent blaming of Iraq for 9/11 struck millions of Muslims as absurd.) Working through the law and the UN we would have had virtually the entire world on our side: support that likely would not have dwindled to the 'Coalition of the Willing' that joined us in invading and occupying Iraq."

Author John Neely argues the War on Terror is nonsense, and US shock and awe is simply an updated version of Hitler's Blitzkrieg. He also points out our national debt would be 2-3 trillion dollars lower than it is today had we not gone to war.

"John Neely is retired and lives in Salem. MA. His current project is the historiography of Brevet Major General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, famous and fabled Union Civil War combat leader. Neely holds degrees from Princeton and Harvard Law School. He served as a sergeant in the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. He was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal and is entitled to wear the Combat Infantryman Badge. His email is[email protected].

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"A thought experiment: What if we had treated the 9/11 attacks as crimes rather than acts of war? And what if we had tried to avoid war entirely in the meantime?

"What if we had declared Al Qaeda to be a criminal enterprise and its members to be criminals...?"

"Our failure to finger Saudi Arabia and our subsequent blaming of Iraq for 9/11 struck millions of Muslims as absurd.) Working through the law and the UN we would have had virtually the entire world on our side: support that likely would not have dwindled to the 'Coalition of the Willing' that joined us in invading and occupying Iraq."

Author John Neely argues the War on Terror is nonsense, and US shock and awe is simply an updated version of Hitler's Blitzkrieg. He also points out our national debt would be 2-3 trillion dollars lower than it is today had we not gone to war.

"John Neely is retired and lives in Salem. MA. His current project is the historiography of Brevet Major General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, famous and fabled Union Civil War combat leader. Neely holds degrees from Princeton and Harvard Law School. He served as a sergeant in the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. He was awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal and is entitled to wear the Combat Infantryman Badge. His email is[email protected].

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What makes you think it wasn't a crime, Tinhole? According to your sources, we should have hired a plethora of shysters and gone on a sueing spree.
What makes you think it wasn't a crime, Tinhole? According to your sources, we should have hired a plethora of shysters and gone on a sueing spree.
Better a sueing spree than a bombing spree, Killer. The US could have chosen to take strict diplomatic, commercial, and legal actions against Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia instead of launching a pair of invasions that have only worked to spin off al-Qaeda franchises from London to Lahij.
Obama ended that war in Iraq. Now he has started a new war in Iraq. This one's on him.
Obama ended that war in Iraq. Now he has started a new war in Iraq. This one's on him.
The Iraq war that Obama inherited started in 1991 with the "liberation" of Kuwait then cooled down for twenty years while the US flew combat air patrols over northern and southern Iraq, and then came to a boil in 2003 with the invasion/occupation. Obama seems like the latest face on a policy got its start decades ago. The question is how Iraq might have changed if 911 had been treated as a criminal act instead of an act of war.
"Iraq is a big question mark. More likely than not, Saddam Hussein or another Baathist would be in control with limited democracy at best.

"Bear in mind that prior to and through 9/11 the US was flying combat air patrols over Iraq’s northern and southern ends and participating in a multinational boycott.

"There is a good chance that both the US and Iraq would have pursued a negotiated settlement in order to focus more specifically upon Al Qaeda.

"In any event, with Hussein remaining in power and no US invasion, fewer Iraqis would have died and the economy and infrastructure would be in much better shape than they are now."

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