Middle School ordered to tear down brand new bleachers

Seems stupid. Why not use the same field for boys and girls games unless they are going on simultaneously?
Whoaaaa, I like it!!!!! Play two games on the same field AT THE SAME TIME! That would put some excitement back into the game. Of course, my suggestion doesn't compete with George Carlin's suggestion that baseball/softball would be more exciting if you mined the outfield, but then again, I'm no George Carlin.

well that ... and the dimensions are different
The old phrase is the law is an ass, but in this case I don't mind. There was an easy solution, upgrade the girls? The sports are, by law, required to try and stay equal.

Are you lefties really advocating separate, but equal facilities for boys and girls? And even simpler solution would be to raze the "girls'" field and have them play on the nicely equipped "boys'" field. Separate can never be equal, at least that's what the civil rights movement has been telling us for years now.

So, why have something nice a shiny new for the boys, but not for the girls? Either you upgrade both sets, or none.

You're missing an important point. The parents and supporters of one team chipped in, busted ass, and raised money for the improvements to the boys' field. But, instead of the girls' team supporters doing the same, raising money and contributing sweat equity to do the same for their daughters, they whined like a bunch of lazy-assed pussies. Nothing stopping the girls' team's supporters doing what the boys' team's supporters did, is there?
The raised seating deck for the boys’ baseball team, which was paid for with money raised by parents, was put in place because fans who’d come to watch games at Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., were having a hard time seeing the game through the chain-link fence WJBK-TV reported.

The very fact that the parents themselves raised the money should place them outside the jurisdiction of such draconian decisions.
This is always what you get when a hyper-partisan hacks reports on some little story. They leave out key pieces of the story in order to whip up the faithful.

But when you check under the hood, and see the whole story, it's nowhere near what was reported by the hyper-partisan.

Build your crap to code - it really is THAT simple.

Build a wheelchair ramp is really simple. Easier to do then tearing down the bleachers.
Stupid is as stupid does.....

I agree - pretty darn stupid to not check the codes BEFORE you build something.

But they can always raise a big stink about "big gubmint" in order to distract people from holding them accountable for their own stupidity. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this approach.

It always seems to work the mouth-breathers up into a frenzy - until someone actually checks under the hood and learns the FULL story.

Since you are bound and determined to ignore the fact that adding a ramp would have easily solved the problem. And the fact that building code violation are common and they rarely resort in the structure being torn down.....?
Yeah,you're too stupid to converse with.
The raised seating deck for the boys’ baseball team, which was paid for with money raised by parents, was put in place because fans who’d come to watch games at Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., were having a hard time seeing the game through the chain-link fence WJBK-TV reported.

The very fact that the parents themselves raised the money should place them outside the jurisdiction of such draconian decisions.

Except they still have to build it to meet codes.
Still ends up as discrimination against the girls duh...

AS USUAL, fox leaves out the actual news, keeps the bs propaganda...
Seems stupid. Why not use the same field for boys and girls games unless they are going on simultaneously?
Whoaaaa, I like it!!!!! Play two games on the same field AT THE SAME TIME! That would put some excitement back into the game. Of course, my suggestion doesn't compete with George Carlin's suggestion that baseball/softball would be more exciting if you mined the outfield, but then again, I'm no George Carlin.

Let me guess, you only watch sports that have cheerleaders.
The boys and the girls have the exact same facilities, the only difference is that one field had better seats to enable the spectators to see the game. The solution to that is to allow the girls to use the same field, not force the boys to go backwards.

I wouldnt have a problem with the girls using the same field if scheduling allowed,and as long as it didnt require moving bases,changing the pitchers mound and all that crap.
The proper way to handle would have been to tell the complainers that they are perfectly welcome to raise money and build their own bleachers.

or perhaps to build the bleachers to code in the first place ....

Are you drunk?
The boys and the girls have the exact same facilities, the only difference is that one field had better seats to enable the spectators to see the game. The solution to that is to allow the girls to use the same field, not force the boys to go backwards.

I wouldnt have a problem with the girls using the same field if scheduling allowed,and as long as it didnt require moving bases,changing the pitchers mound and all that crap.
The proper way to handle would have been to tell the complainers that they are perfectly welcome to raise money and build their own bleachers.

or perhaps to build the bleachers to code in the first place ....

^DIDN'T READ the article. NO surprise.
or perhaps to build the bleachers to code in the first place ....

I didnt see anything in the article about giving them the chance to make them to code.
From what I understand they needed a wheel chair ramp. Easy enough.

Stop using the code BS to justify your attempts to take away from others because it's "Not Fair"

Yeah, yeah
you should ALWAYS check the codes BEFORE you build.
They didn't.
Now their whining that "big government" is at fault - not their own failure to check the codes.


Except that bringing it up to code is not in any way, shape, or form, an issue the OCR deals with. That makes your attempt to defend the government rather pathetic.
This is always what you get when a hyper-partisan hacks reports on some little story. They leave out key pieces of the story in order to whip up the faithful.

But when you check under the hood, and see the whole story, it's nowhere near what was reported by the hyper-partisan.

Build your crap to code - it really is THAT simple.

The lying fuck face flopper already made that argument, and got trashed because of it. You really think I am unwilling to trash another lying fuck face? Explain why the OCR would be involved in a dispute about local building codes and how tearing down the new seating would magically bring the dirt up to code.
The boys and the girls have the exact same facilities, the only difference is that one field had better seats to enable the spectators to see the game. The solution to that is to allow the girls to use the same field, not force the boys to go backwards.

I wouldnt have a problem with the girls using the same field if scheduling allowed,and as long as it didnt require moving bases,changing the pitchers mound and all that crap.
The proper way to handle would have been to tell the complainers that they are perfectly welcome to raise money and build their own bleachers.
According to the law when booster clubs or other fundraising organizations, which may or may not be sponsored by the district, provide benefits or services that assist only teams of one sex, the district must ensure that teams of the other sex receive equivalent benefits and services. If booster clubs provide benefits and services to athletes of one sex that are greater than what the district is capable of providing to athletes of the other sex, then the district must take action to ensure that benefits and services are equivalent for both sexes. The district should have either budgeted money to upgraded the girls facilities or not allowed the parents to upgrade the boys facilities. It's the responsibility of the district to see that equivalent facilities or benefits are provided for the boys and girls.

The OCR made no recommendations or ruling. Before the investigations was completed, the district decided to renovate the School’s varsity softball field and to include a scoreboard and seating equivalent to what is provided at the School’s varsity baseball field; and provide the School’s girls’ lacrosse team with access to an on-campus practice facility equivalent to that provided to the boys’ lacrosse team.

Is your lying a pathological condition?

From your fucking pathetic link.

This letter sets forth OCR’s determination in an individual OCR case. This letter is not a formal statement of OCR policy and should not be relied upon, cited, or construed as such. OCR’s formal policy statements are approved by a duly authorized OCR official
and made available to the public. The complainant may have the right to file a private suit in Federal court whether or not OCR finds a violation.

Only a partisan hack would cite an internal letter that was copied to the district as a courtesy as proof that something didn't happen months later. Only a scumbag liar would keep pretending that the investigative letter is the proof that the OCR report after this wa pointed out to him repeatedly.
Seems stupid. Why not use the same field for boys and girls games unless they are going on simultaneously?
Whoaaaa, I like it!!!!! Play two games on the same field AT THE SAME TIME! That would put some excitement back into the game. Of course, my suggestion doesn't compete with George Carlin's suggestion that baseball/softball would be more exciting if you mined the outfield, but then again, I'm no George Carlin.

Ever been in school? My high school had 3 different baseball/softball teams for each sex, and only two fields. Funny thing, they never once had a scheduling conflict. I think one time a game got rained out, and they did a double header the next day.
The raised seating deck for the boys’ baseball team, which was paid for with money raised by parents, was put in place because fans who’d come to watch games at Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., were having a hard time seeing the game through the chain-link fence WJBK-TV reported.
The very fact that the parents themselves raised the money should place them outside the jurisdiction of such draconian decisions.

Except they still have to build it to meet codes.

And you have not proven it doesn't meet those codes.

Which makes you a lying fuckface.

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