Might some Chinese rebel against Beijing IF China ever goes to war with us?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I've read different accounts of how a U.S.-China war might play out, but one thing I haven't seen discussed is the possibility of wide-spread rebellion in the event of war. The ongoing rebellion in Hong Kong tells me that another Chines revolution is NOT out of the question, particularly if they ever go to war with us.

Frankly, I have only two real concerns about China.
1) Their nuclear arsenal
2) Cyber attacks that destroy our power grids

In time of war, we'd annihilate all of their islands that they've built in the South China Sea and then we'd occupy them. Their navy would not be able to retake them.

China is also surrounded by military powers such as Japan, South Korea, India and Vietnam. China could theoretically, inflict cataclysmic damage upon the U.S. but they CANNOT actually win a war against us.
On the other hand and ESPECIALLY with the help of the aforementioned Chinese neighbors, we could impose an unbreakable naval blockade upon them that could very well collapse their economy, which could then turn into a revolution to overthrow the communist party.

Interesting, I think.

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