Migrant caravan leader mocks Biden's 'open border policy'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Wonder who is BEING ALLOWED to get through? Joe Biden is allowing, hell he's inviting, our country to be overrun by the third-world, and there are plenty of stupid idiots on this board who will keep on voting for him and other Dims.
Dims, are the ones who create sanctuary cities. Dims are the ones who will ALWAYS fight ANY attempt, no matter what the method is, to secure our border!

A leader of a 5,000-strong migrant caravan heading towards the U.S. border has claimed that Latin American nations are 'ganging up' on the Biden administration and creating artificial problems, in order to extract money from Washington DC. Irineo Mujica (pictured left), a U.S. citizen who describes himself as a human rights defender, told Real America's Voice he was 'shocked' that Joe Biden was being played by Mexico 's president and other regional leaders, and said the White House 'has a lot to learn'.

The worst policy on Mother Earth.

That's because the people in charge so desperately want to destroy the power of patriotic Americans, capitalism, individualism, and western culture, that they are willing allow a continual flood of the third-world, knowing that in the very near future they will have an unbeatable majority that will see to it that our individual rights can be taken away. They will destroy our 2nd Amendment rights, our ability to be mobile enough to live outside of their urban areas, and our ability to have the freedom to achieve personal wealth. In short, they are Marxists who will continually work to destroy America!

Elon Musk weighs in on massive migrant caravan headed to US-Mexico border: 'Staggering'​

So the correct answer is no I can't.

I can do the same thing under Trump
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Of course there is no WRITTEN policy for an open border, but don't sit there and try to claim that what we are now seeing is "normal".
Joe Biden, INVITED this flood when he announced to the third-world that should he become president that there should be an "immediate surge to the border". We are seeing record #'s and it's not by accident! Dimocrats are the ones who ALWAYS fight ANY attempt to secure our border! Dimocrats are the ones who encourage illegal immigration with policies such as sanctuary cities and states. The border IS OPEN, they just can't come out and admit it!

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

Of course there is no WRITTEN policy for an open border, but don't sit there and try to claim that what we are now seeing is "normal".
Joe Biden, INVITED this flood when he announced to the third-world that should he become president that there should be an "immediate surge to the border". We are seeing record #'s and it's not by accident! Dimocrats are the ones who ALWAYS fight ANY attempt to secure our border! Dimocrats are the ones who encourage illegal immigration with policies such as sanctuary cities and states. The border IS OPEN, they just can't come out and admit it!
So he doesn't have an open border policy, ok thxs.
That's because the people in charge so desperately want to destroy the power of patriotic Americans, capitalism, individualism, and western culture, that they are willing allow a continual flood of the third-world, knowing that in the very near future they will have an unbeatable majority that will see to it that our individual rights can be taken away. They will destroy our 2nd Amendment rights, our ability to be mobile enough to live outside of their urban areas, and our ability to have the freedom to achieve personal wealth. In short, they are Marxists who will continually work to destroy America!

You people are such morons. Migrants aren't being welcomed here by socialists or communists who want to destroy capitalism. They're coming here to do jobs for a much lower wage than Americans because that benefits capitalists. A good capitalist isn't paying more for labor than they need to and capitalism doesn't give a shit about your freedom or individualism. It cares about profits, first, last and foremost.

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