Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

I'd first ask if they had a legitimate complaint.

They don't, but the Palestinians clearly do.

Yes, the Palestinians have been fighting back against Zionist occupation since they started stealing their land in the 1930's.
You mean BUYING the land from the legal owners. Most of the "Palestinians" were squatters living on land owned by the Ottoman Turk absentee landowners who didn't bother to spend the money to expel them because the area of Transjordan was such a backwater.
Are you kidding? The Danzig Corridor was a pretext for war. Cede it to Hitler and he would have demanded something else; that was his pattern. He wanted Eastern Europe, Ukraine and the Western Soviet Union as room for expansion of the German State. He wasn't hiding his endgame. As long as Hitler remained in power WWII was inevitable. He was going to either attack France or the USSR. His plan was to go to war in 1945 when he had finished building up the German military and had finished Plan Z which would have given a much more balanced and powerful navy.

The only European country he didn't want to conquer was the UK.
Okay, let's look at that.

The British wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check. (Poland was essentially a military dictatorship at that point) even though they knew they were in no position to attack Germany and provide relief.

Instead, they insisted on war; Hitler cut a deal with Stalin to divvy up Poland and also give Russia the Baltic states, Moldova, and a free hand in Finland. This drove Finland and Romania into the German camp. Also, Hungary and what was left of Slovakia at that point. So now, instead of worrying about an expanded war in the east, Hitler had a free hand to deal with the west.

Now, imagine if you would, if with better diplomacy, the UK cut the deal with Stalin, arranged an alliance in the eastern countries to resist further German aggression. Maybe work with Mussolini, who wasn't wed to Hitler at that point. (Mussolini actually had contempt for Hitler.)

But no, because the Munich Conference was a black eye for Chamberlain, his mouth was writing checks his ass couldn't cash. Lucky for him, he didn't see the mess that followed.
I'd first ask if they had a legitimate complaint.

They don't, but the Palestinians clearly do.

Yes, the Palestinians have been fighting back against Zionist occupation since they started stealing their land in the 1930's.
RIIIIght. You be screaming for the US Army to invade Canada to stop the unprovoked attacks on your home.
You mean BUYING the land from the legal owners. Most of the "Palestinians" were squatters living on land owned by the Ottoman Turk absentee landowners who didn't bother to spend the money to expel them because the area of Transjordan was such a backwater.

I'm always impressed with the way you guys rationalize swindling people and wondering why they don't like you.
RIIIIght. You be screaming for the US Army to invade Canada to stop the unprovoked attacks on your home.
Except those attacks would be unprovoked.

The Palestinians attacks aren't unprovoked. We know why they are attacking Israel.
Okay, let's look at that.

The British wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check. (Poland was essentially a military dictatorship at that point) even though they knew they were in no position to attack Germany and provide relief.

Instead, they insisted on war; Hitler cut a deal with Stalin to divvy up Poland and also give Russia the Baltic states, Moldova, and a free hand in Finland. This drove Finland and Romania into the German camp. Also, Hungary and what was left of Slovakia at that point. So now, instead of worrying about an expanded war in the east, Hitler had a free hand to deal with the west.

Now, imagine if you would, if with better diplomacy, the UK cut the deal with Stalin, arranged an alliance in the eastern countries to resist further German aggression. Maybe work with Mussolini, who wasn't wed to Hitler at that point. (Mussolini actually had contempt for Hitler.)

But no, because the Munich Conference was a black eye for Chamberlain, his mouth was writing checks his ass couldn't cash. Lucky for him, he didn't see the mess that followed.
Stalin had no interest in cutting deals with Capitalists. He considered the French, British and Americans just as much his enemies as the Germans and had actively been working to undermine their governments ever since he seized power from Vladimir Lenin. Only after the Germans had invaded and defeated the "mighty Red Army" did Stalin come begging for support from his class enemies to enable the survival of the Soviet Union.
Except those attacks would be unprovoked.

The Palestinians attacks aren't unprovoked. We know why they are attacking Israel.
The Palestinians have been attacking Jews in the Middle East long before the League of Nations partitioned the ex-Ottoman territories there into mostly Arab and one Jewish state. In 1948, the Palestinians could have accepted partition and had their own state, but they rejected the UN Partition Plan which would have given them about half of what is modern Israel and evacuated at the orders of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in order to give the combined Arab League armies a clear field to exterminate the Jews in the brand-new state of Israel. The "Palestinians" who refused to evacuate are now valued and equal Israeli citizens with the same rights as Jewish Israeli citizens. The "Palestinians" now don't have a leg to stand on, they chose the losing side and are reaping the benefits of the whirlwind they started.
Stalin had no interest in cutting deals with Capitalists. He considered the French, British and Americans just as much his enemies as the Germans and had actively been working to undermine their governments ever since he seized power from Vladimir Lenin. Only after the Germans had invaded and defeated the "mighty Red Army" did Stalin come begging for support from his class enemies to enable the survival of the Soviet Union.

Actually, a deal would have probably done Stalin right. It would depend on what the west was willing to offer.

The Palestinians have been attacking Jews in the Middle East long before the League of Nations partitioned the ex-Ottoman territories there into mostly Arab and one Jewish state.
1) sounds like a good reason to not move there.
2) the League of Nations had no business divying up anyone's territory.
I'm always impressed with the way you guys rationalize swindling people and wondering why they don't like you.
The Palestinians were not swindled out anything. They were evicted from land they never owned. The Turks who owned the land sold it to Jews who built kibbutz farms.
The Palestinians were not swindled out anything. They were evicted from land they never owned. The Turks who owned the land sold it to Jews who built kibbutz farms.
Imperial powers have no business giving away other people's land.
The land did not belong to the Palestinians. The vast majority of them were landless farm laborers.
And the actual owners were paid MORE than their arid, worthless land was worth.

Now ask Joe if he has any problem with all the Muslims throughout the MidEast driving Jews off their land, and not payimg a penny for any of it - thus ethnically cleansing the entire region of Jews, and stealing their property.
And the actual owners were paid MORE than their arid, worthless land was worth.

Now ask Joe if he has any problem with all the Muslims throughout the MidEast driving Jews off their land, and not payimg a penny for any of it - thus ethnically cleansing the entire region of Jews, and stealing their property.
We know Joe's answer.
And the actual owners were paid MORE than their arid, worthless land was worth.

Now ask Joe if he has any problem with all the Muslims throughout the MidEast driving Jews off their land, and not payimg a penny for any of it - thus ethnically cleansing the entire region of Jews, and stealing their property.
I've answered that question for you a bunch of times... you were clearly too stupid to comprehend the answer.

We know Joe's answer.
You should, I've pointed out that the Jews were expelled in response to shit the Zionist Entity did. (Trying to seize the Suez Canal, supporting the corrupt and evil Shah of Iran.)
What matters is that the vast majority of the Palestinians had no property for the Jews to steal.
It's not about property, it's about nationhood.

Let's say the Chinese bought up all the key land in your area, and started screwing you over economically. Would that make it okay?

you spend a lot of time rationalizing colonialism, which most people agree today wasn't a good thing, no matter where it happened.
It's not about property, it's about nationhood.

Let's say the Chinese bought up all the key land in your area, and started screwing you over economically. Would that make it okay?

you spend a lot of time rationalizing colonialism, which most people agree today wasn't a good thing, no matter where it happened.
The Palestinians are a vanquished people. They have no history worth honoring and no future at all.

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