Migrants smuggled across Texas river as border crossings surge, video shows


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
sucks big time..what makes it worse, he's doing it for spite!!!! = he's a jackass
IMPEACH that mofo
The British Left under Blair did the exact same thing.
They flooded the country. One leaked memo said they "want to rub the noses of the Right in it."
They destroyed places like London just to poke the eye of some adversaries.
They are dangerous, destructive people.
I can't imagine the USA after 4 years of Biden Harris.
The Illegals are paying hundreds of dollars for their boat trip across the Rio Grande and I'm impressed how they are lined up.

If I had a boat, I'd be hauling it down to the border to collect the fares.

Good opportunity for Uber-Ferry since the beginning of the Reign of Bite Me.
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
sucks big time..what makes it worse, he's doing it for spite!!!! = he's a jackass
IMPEACH that mofo
Can't. Gotta have leaders that obey rule of law.
The British Left under Blair did the exact same thing.
They flooded the country. One leaked memo said they "want to rub the noses of the Right in it."
They destroyed places like London just to poke the eye of some adversaries.
They are dangerous, destructive people.
I can't imagine the USA after 4 years of Biden Harris.

There won't be any USA left as we know it after 4 years of the Biden/Harris nightmare.

As simple as that.
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
Considering that they were video'd, I'm guessing they were stopped?

I agree with you he should have done a lot more planning before dumping the policies that were in place. However, I don't think it's any President's fault when there is a crush on the border. They happen. Happened to Bush, Obama, T****, too. When life goes badly south of the border, they try coming here. People of all nations like to have a decent life, and they can walk here. So it happens.

Just because President Biden doesn't have the vapors about it doesn't mean he's ignoring it. He's probably just not going to declare it a National Emergency so he can raid the military's purse.
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
Considering that they were video'd, I'm guessing they were stopped?

I agree with you he should have done a lot more planning before dumping the policies that were in place. However, I don't think it's any President's fault when there is a crush on the border. They happen. Happened to Bush, Obama, T****, too. When life goes badly south of the border, they try coming here. People of all nations like to have a decent life, and they can walk here. So it happens.

Just because President Biden doesn't have the vapors about it doesn't mean he's ignoring it. He's probably just not going to declare it a National Emergency so he can raid the military's purse.
No. This is fall out due to the crap that the Democratic Party ran their mouths on while campaigning. It was made possible because people couldn't focus on anything other than how much they hate Trump. That's why we are here now.
The British Left under Blair did the exact same thing.
They flooded the country. One leaked memo said they "want to rub the noses of the Right in it."
They destroyed places like London just to poke the eye of some adversaries.
They are dangerous, destructive people.
I can't imagine the USA after 4 years of Biden Harris.

The left is evil.

The left ruins everything it touches. Look at the shit-show they have turned California into since 1998 when Pete Wilson left office.
A video posted to social media shows hundreds of migrants waiting to cross the Rio Grande into Texas, even as the Biden administration insists that there is no "crisis" at the border.

The video appeared on the TikTok account of "Tripwires & Triggers," a service started by Jaeson Jones to keep the public informed about the situation at the southern border.
Jones, who previously served as a captain in the Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety, narrates the video.

Biden just sucks. The Democratic Party did not think this through. Again.
Considering that they were video'd, I'm guessing they were stopped?

I agree with you he should have done a lot more planning before dumping the policies that were in place. However, I don't think it's any President's fault when there is a crush on the border. They happen. Happened to Bush, Obama, T****, too. When life goes badly south of the border, they try coming here. People of all nations like to have a decent life, and they can walk here. So it happens.

Just because President Biden doesn't have the vapors about it doesn't mean he's ignoring it. He's probably just not going to declare it a National Emergency so he can raid the military's purse.
don't need to raid the military's purse
....bring some troops from overseas back here and patrol the border--EXPONENTIAL winS:
..stop wasting $$$$ sending troops and families there AND back
..stop wasting $$$$$$ by giving it to foreign countries
...the troops will spend there $$$$$ HERE and not overseas
etc etc
this cannot be argued--it's many wins for every American
..I'd like to see someone argue against this
That's it exactly. We are only a few weeks in for Christ's sake! What's the border going to look like a year from now? Or two or three or four?

Well, since the message will be going forth across Central America and the BP has stated that April-May may well see a record surge, a shit-show with Biden et al sending them all across America. To be followed by chain-migration.

And many of the *children* this time are military age types. Warriors for Mexican cartels and gangs.

The large majority of unaccompanied children arriving at the border are 16 and 17 years old. Of the estimated 8,000 solo children taken into custody in February, 6,000 were 16 and 17 years old.

That's it exactly. We are only a few weeks in for Christ's sake! What's the border going to look like a year from now? Or two or three or four?

Well, since the message will be going forth across Central America and the BP has stated that April-May may well see a record surge, a shit-show with Biden et al sending them all across America. To be followed by chain-migration.

And many of the *children* this time are military age types. Warriors for Mexican cartels and gangs.

The large majority of unaccompanied children arriving at the border are 16 and 17 years old. Of the estimated 8,000 solo children taken into custody in February, 6,000 were 16 and 17 years old.

Yup. They're young adults in Mexico. You can marry at 13 in Mexico with parents' and bride's permission. More common to wait for the girl's Quinceañera at 15. Anyway, at least in rural parts of Mexico, where many of these folks come from, they're ready to take on adult roles by that age.
Considering that they were video'd, I'm guessing they were stopped?


They were probably stopped ... And given t-shirts ... :thup:



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This needs to stop. These people are hopeful of a better life and a few of them will get that chance. President Biden will increase the caps and less will need to climb the Wall.
Stereotyping them as dirty, disease ridden, criminal welfare queens who are 'invading' like some enemy army is just plain wrong! No one stays here or is released without being checked out.
The horrible Bigot's Holiday is over. They are our unfortunate neighbors from the south. Human beings.
This needs to stop. These people are hopeful of a better life and a few of them will get that chance. President Biden will increase the caps and less will need to climb the Wall.
Stereotyping them as dirty, disease ridden, criminal welfare queens who are 'invading' like some enemy army is just plain wrong! No one stays here or is released without being checked out.
The horrible Bigot's Holiday is over. They are our unfortunate neighbors from the south. Human beings.
That is false, virtually all of them are released and stay here without being 'checked out.'

The painful reality of the 'immigration' system here is the US is that we really do not have an immigration system. We have holding cells that are nothing more than temporary housing before sending immigrants into the nation, a court system that is overtaxed to the point of being an utter joke, a legal system that utterly ignores the most basic rights like requiring an advocate to face a convoluted legal mess in a language you may not even speak and a very long list of laws that are utterly ignored by everyone in the entire system.

The immigration system does not need the R treatment of name calling and threatening or the D treatment of ignoring it altogether. It needs to be totally revamped from the ground up.

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