Mike Lindell needs your thoughts and prayers as he loses motion to dismiss

I don’t care. I took one of his pillows back over the Pond with me.

All the beds in my home are covered with his sheets, mattress toppers, pillows and comforters. My bathrooms are full of his towels, slippers and bathrobes.

I LOVE the silly poutiness with which the Lindell haters attempt to denigrate the quality of the brand. It's just funny babies whining because they hate the Trump supporter who survived and thrived through a horrible addiction and found faith, and now employs many happy workers, as well as running an addiction recovery service that is free of charge.

You'd think the leftcultists would prefer that everyone be addicted to dope and down there on their level.

In any defamation suit, truth is a great defense.

So as this suit wends it’s way through the myriad hurdles of our court system, discovery will be more important than preliminary motions to dismiss.

And if (by chance) the Smartmatic machines can be shown to have been not only defective but capable of outside vote count manipulation, the lawsuit might prove to be the company’s undoing. Moreover, the allegedly defamatory statements will need to be proved to be the cause of smartmatic’s loss of business or profits. I wonder if the facts might show other reasons for that?

I won’t make the claim that Smartmatic machines are screwy. But sometimes when something smells fishy, a little bit of investigation will show that the reason is that it is a fish.
Your hatred is noted.

I often wonder how the leftcultists can be so clueless about how unhealthy hatred is FOR THE HATER! They are setting themselves up for depression, heart attacks and strokes. They are cynically BUYING their own deaths!

I am no longer interested in trying to help them save themselves.

Let 'em die.


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