Mike Lindell needs your thoughts and prayers as he loses motion to dismiss

Well, the thing about the crazy democrat cultists, is that they are brainwashed fanatics who do not understand that they are in a crazy cult.
They are immune to reality.
So instead of addressing my post you will just repeat what your media masters are telling you to say ad nauseam?

In the future it would save time if you simply tucked your tail and ran.

You have a great day!
You mean like how the media is paying Nick Sandman and Kyle Rittenhouse hundreds of millions in defamation settlements?
Credible link? All of Sandman's cases were thrown out of court other than the ones who settled out of court to save attorney's fees. Theirs would have been kicked out too if they had just waited. All of his settlement prices were kept secret, but it was nowhere near hundreds of millions, dumb ass.
Credible link? All of Sandman's cases were thrown out of court other than the ones who settled out of court to save attorney's fees. Theirs would have been kicked out too if they had just waited. All of his settlement prices were kept secret, but it was nowhere near hundreds of millions, dumb ass.
Stop lying.
Lost his motion to dismiss the defamation case. Likely won't be long now before the forensic accountants are picking the meat off the bones in the bankruptcy proceedings. Who do you think lost more following Trump's idiocy, Lindell or Rudy?

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell suffers big court loss in defamation suit - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

A federal judge denied MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell's attempt to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought by the Smartmatic voting technology company.

The pillow magnate had asked the court to dismiss the complaint by arguing the company had failed to adequately make its case for defamation, and his attorneys argued that Lindell's election fraud claims were protected under the First Amendment, but U.S. District Judge Wilhelmina Wright denied the motions to dismiss, reported Politico.

MyPillow also filed a motion arguing that Lindell's statements cannot be attributed to his company, but the judge denied that, as well.

The court ruled that Smartmatic had made sufficient allegations to support its defamation case by demonstrating that Lindell had made knowingly false statements and acted with actual malice, and the judge ruled that MyPillow can be held liable for those claims because he allegedly defamed the tech company while promoting his company.
Damn, this is an assault on free speech like a motherfucker.
Damn, this is an assault on free speech like a motherfucker.
You didn't get taught this in law school?

"An Alabama jury awarded him $500,000 and the Alabama Supreme Court upheld the award. In doing so, the Alabama courts held that the statements were libelous “per se” – meaning no harm to the reputation actually had to be shown. Additionally, they held that it could be inferred that the New York Time’s acted out of “malice” – bad intent – because it should have known some of the statements were inaccurate."

Notice the hatred these TDSers spew. BTW the court order recounts ALLEGED claims by Smartmatic. The judge Wilhelmina Marie Wright (Obama appointee) apparently is looking for a gig on MSNBC when her tenure is up. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken recommended her to be on the Federal bench.

She's a black racist too...

President Obama’s nominee for a federal judgeship in Minnesota accused the Reagan administration of “bigotry” in her writing for the prestigious UCLA Law Review in 1989.
Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Wilhelmina Wright, who is expected to win Senate confirmation to federal District Court in her state next Tuesday, wrote the accusation shortly before graduating Harvard Law School.

Wright accused Chief Justice William Rehnquist and President Reagan of aiding “white people [who] are running and hiding” from desegregated public schools.

Another abysmal affirmative action appointee.
They're all such whores.
Lost his motion to dismiss the defamation case. Likely won't be long now before the forensic accountants are picking the meat off the bones in the bankruptcy proceedings. Who do you think lost more following Trump's idiocy, Lindell or Rudy?

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell suffers big court loss in defamation suit - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism

A federal judge denied MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell's attempt to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought by the Smartmatic voting technology company.

The pillow magnate had asked the court to dismiss the complaint by arguing the company had failed to adequately make its case for defamation, and his attorneys argued that Lindell's election fraud claims were protected under the First Amendment, but U.S. District Judge Wilhelmina Wright denied the motions to dismiss, reported Politico.

MyPillow also filed a motion arguing that Lindell's statements cannot be attributed to his company, but the judge denied that, as well.

The court ruled that Smartmatic had made sufficient allegations to support its defamation case by demonstrating that Lindell had made knowingly false statements and acted with actual malice, and the judge ruled that MyPillow can be held liable for those claims because he allegedly defamed the tech company while promoting his company.
It's a toss up.
Trump is like the kiss of death.
Everything he touches withers and turns to shit.
You cant lie and claim machines changed votes due to programming when they didnt and impact the reputation and financial security of a large company. Lindell is screwed.
Sounds like what people who cheat at elections would want.

How dare you say the machines cheat.
If you can't criticize the voting machines then they are corrupt and should be banned.

What damage did Lindell cause dominion?

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