Mike Lindell's Cybersecurity Expert: MyPillowGuy's Data is "Illegitimate"

If it is a sham why did 7 legislatures pick alternative electors? Things like that are done based on fact. Those legislatures saw and heard enough evidence to reach the conclusion their states were defrauded. Period.
That didn't happen.

Hello, Earth to Lastdeadender, this is reality calling!

Stop being part of an insane cult!
That didn't happen.

Hello, Earth to Lastdeadender, this is reality calling!

Stop being part of an insane cult!
It did happen. The electors were symbolic but it means they thought there was fraud. You face realirty. Why is every state fighting audits if there was no fraud?
The rubes are turning on each other


Trump was defrauded. Period. The guilt exhibited by state officials and Dominion make it obvious.
What’s obvious is that you guys are constantly talking about fraud and never seem to find the actually evidence for it.

Everything is intended to justify the continuation of this charade through more investigations, more subpoenas, more audits.
Are you fucking kidding me? His proof was intercepted encrypted packets collected by hackers? Anyone that knows networking should know he was fucking lying. :auiqs.jpg:
Especially when these machines aren't on any real network. They are essentially kiosks with a USB printer to spit out the result on paper receipt.

They are blaming bad gas for the car not moving when it doesn't even have a tank.
The cyber symposium produced several newsworthy stories that should have resonated with the public. First, they received forensic images of the same Dominion machine from Mesa Co. Colorado before and after the election showing that Dominion employees destroyed election records to audit network connectivity and vote total modifications. This has energized the state officials at the conference to demand forensic audits in their own state. Second, they demonstrated how unsecure the Dominion election system is by easily hacking it in a mock election. They connected to its SQL Server database and modified election totals. They saw from the forensic images that this software was intentionally modified to undermine its security features. Event logs on the Dominion machines would confirm this pathway if they can be viewed before Dominion deletes them in their "update". Third, they showed that even people with CISSP credentials that were granted access to their PCAP data were willing to inject a "poison pill" into the data so that any public use of it would trigger security confiscation of the hardware. Whether this was classified IP addresses or passwords to services like the Emergency Broadcast Notification System the effect was it shutdown any PCAP sharing for detailed analysis. By not providing a debrief of the Red Team findings on the PCAP data we are left with more questions than answers. Josh Merritt said the data was "not recoverable" and they couldn't use it to prove anything. Phil Waldren disputes this and called Merrit's statement a lie. Did Merrit get threatened? How far were they able to get? Did it load into a packet sniffer? Was it encrypted or unencrypted? The low information public debate and hit news pieces are disinformation just meant to discredit Lindell. This is not over until every state does a forensic audit on their Dominion machines and the paper ballot adjudication scam. Until that day the rest is just noise. History will decide if Mike Lindell was a sucker or, more likely, simply "the meteor" of a much larger conflict ala John Brown and the Civil War.
A lot of terms that likely sound magically intelligent and computery to your friends at the quarry, but the sheer amount of bovine excrement riddled into this technical sounding fairy tale could drown an elephant.
So nice that you can be so snarky.

Maybe you should study history and realpolitik (political realism.)

IMO? You watch too much GD Tee Vee. The intel services weaponized the term "conspiracy," in order to keep folks like you from considering things that are too awful to consider.

"See political realism for branches and antecedents more relevant to contemporary diplomacy and the particular modern, international relations paradigm.

They have to believe what they're being told from the propagandists. They can't think for themselves, even the most obvious stuff. Pretty sad but that's what we're dealing with now.
Trump was defrauded. Period.

Poster Lastamender, it is not my avatar's intention to put you on the spot, to demand something of you.

Rather, out of mere curiosity, he...and me.....will ask: Have you ever put your money where your mouth is? Meaning, have you sent money to Mike Lindell to stop the steal?
They have to believe what they're being told from the propagandists. They can't think for themselves, even the most obvious stuff. Pretty sad but that's what we're dealing with now.
You guys should be smarter than this. You keep coming up with conspiracies to explain why the last conspiracy theory blew up in your faces.

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