Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
You never had hopes for Trump. You're a Hillary lapper through and through.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
You never had hopes for Trump. You're a Hillary lapper through and through.
Why do you rube assholes always make shit up?
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
You never had hopes for Trump. You're a Hillary lapper through and through.
Why do you rube assholes always make shit up?
Just trying to keep up with you leftists.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
You never had hopes for Trump. You're a Hillary lapper through and through.
Why do you rube assholes always make shit up?
Just trying to keep up with you leftists.
A good first step would be taking your head out of your ass
The left attacking the R VP pick is as old as Hillary's wrinkled ass and just as disgusting.

Oh...but wait till Hillary picks her VP....oh what a pick that will be.

Whatever the MSM and DNC say, progs regurgitate every day on this forum. It would be nice if they could think for themselves once an awhile.
Whoever Hillary picks, it can't be worse than a regressive religious kook who wants you to buy cigarettes from him.

Have you heard his daughter studied in Turkey and is learning Arabic? Aren't you worried that she's a secret Muslim working for ISIS?
Hey I heard his daddy was a Nazi prison guard...murdered thousands of people. He also sucked Hitler's dick.

You better research it and post your finding ASAP.
Well...no wonder Drumpf liked him
Still 10x better than Hillary and the poor slob she chooses.
Nope. I had hopes for Trump. Seems he's bending over for the establishment.
You never had hopes for Trump. You're a Hillary lapper through and through.
Why do you rube assholes always make shit up?
Just trying to keep up with you leftists.
A good first step would be taking your head out of your ass
With that mesmerizing rebuttal, I hereby annoint you witty internet guy. Congrats!
Times sure have changed. Now a deeply religious politician is viewed by the radicals as a "nutjob". You almost gotta laugh that the current V.P. suffered two brain embolisms (and was pronounced dead?) and today he can't put a sentence together, he laughs inappropriately and has little mental quirks like grabbing Hillary by the ass and they think Pence is insane.
The left attacking the R VP pick is as old as Hillary's wrinkled ass and just as disgusting.

Oh...but wait till Hillary picks her VP....oh what a pick that will be.

Whatever the MSM and DNC say, progs regurgitate every day on this forum. It would be nice if they could think for themselves once an awhile.
Whoever Hillary picks, it can't be worse than a regressive religious kook who wants you to buy cigarettes from him.

Have you heard his daughter studied in Turkey and is learning Arabic? Aren't you worried that she's a secret Muslim working for ISIS?
Pence is the personification of a rightwing bible thump metal defective kook
Apparently the radical left doesn't mind having a latent racist for a V.P. as long as he is a democrat. After Obama was nominated crazy Joe thought he was complimenting him by telling Americans that he was "clean and articulate" as if that was an unusual accomplishment for a Black man.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
Good fucking grief
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
Good fucking grief

Is there a link in there somewhere?
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
Good fucking grief

Is there a link in there somewhere?
It was such a profoundly stupid question, I assumed there was no way you were actually expecting an answer.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.

Wow! You have already paved the way to stupid with previous posts but now???? Over the top. Say no more. You are the absolute winner. Congratulations :clap:
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
Good fucking grief

Is there a link in there somewhere?
He won't answer ya. I asked him earlier if he supported Obama allowing boys to be able to use girls locker rooms, in all public schools. If they don't comply their federal funding would be cut. He was stupid enough to question someone's credibility if they supported Pence. So I questioned his as an Obama supporter.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.
Good fucking grief

Is there a link in there somewhere?
It was such a profoundly stupid question, I assumed there was no way you were actually expecting an answer.

The facts are Pence is correct, there is no direct causal link between smoking and cancer. People who never smoked get it, people who smoke all their adult lives don't. It can be linked as a contributing factor, but direct "cause" has never been proven. George Burns smoked cigars his entire adult life, died at 95 and it wasn't cancer that got him, just age.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.

Wow! You have already paved the way to stupid with previous posts but now???? Over the top. Say no more. You are the absolute winner. Congratulations :clap:

Well thanks, see post #58. Then feel free to prove me wrong.
This man is insane. He's a religious nutjob, supports discrimination, is a champion of the failed war on drugs, and has surrendered his principals to hitch himself to the most liberal candidate in modern GOP history. And now we find out he thinks cigarettes are perfectly okay?

“Pence clarified that he wrote that there was no causal link medically identifying smoking as causing lung cancer.”

Mike Pence, Cigarette Truther

I was happy that Trump won the primary because it means we dodged the bullet of lunatic conservative Lyin' Ted, but what is Trump doing? Him and Pence can't POSSIBLY have the slightest respect for each other. Did Trump bend the knee for the establishment?

So feel free to link any scientific study that claims to know exactly how many cigarettes it takes to "cause" cancer. Bet ya can't find ONE.

Wow! You have already paved the way to stupid with previous posts but now???? Over the top. Say no more. You are the absolute winner. Congratulations :clap:

Well thanks, see post #58. Then feel free to prove me wrong.

You will have to go down that rabbit hole without me. Good luck!

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