Mike Pence declines invitation to speak at CPac


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

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Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

It is not CPac it is TPac, as conservatism is dead in that organization and they should just go ahead and name it after trump. Heck, Donny himself is going to speak there. If some radical nut-job sent an insurrectionist mob after me, hunting me down while idiots built a gallows for me on the front lawn, I certainly would not join him on stage. The radical trumpers and trump himself are totally off the hook.
I like pence he carries himself with class. On the quiet side, even keeled, can take criticism. He's a class act.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

This is next weekend. I wonder if Ted will be able to leave the state by then.
Yeah, a class act who was the VP for the 3rd worst POTUS in US History. And had a fly nest on his head live on TV.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

It is not CPac it is TPac, as conservatism is dead in that organization and they should just go ahead and name it after trump. Heck, Donny himself is going to speak there. If some radical nut-job sent an insurrectionist mob after me, hunting me down while idiots built a gallows for me on the front lawn, I certainly would not join him on stage. The radical trumpers and trump himself are totally off the hook.
Very true....TPAC indeed.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?
The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.
Yeah, he'd need a full, armed security staff, and he probably couldn't even trust THEM.

Now we know what full-fledged domestic terrorism looks like. We've become like countries we used to pity.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

If you need a link for that statement, you have been living in a cave the past month and a half!
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

If you need a link for that statement, you have been living in a cave the past month and a half!

I don't need it....

Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

If you need a link for that statement, you have been living in a cave the past month and a half!

I don't need it....

The thread has a link to Pence's declination.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

John, you another idiot who takes everything "reportedly" true as good as if true?

I've heard that reportedly, you have brains made of cabbage and sawdust.

Fuck Mike Pence. I never trusted the guy. Too quiet. I never trust anyone who never has anything to say about anything. Mike had his shot at greatness on 1/6 and blew it.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

Bull Fucking Shit@!!!!!!

Pence is in hiding.....he's ashamed of the part he played in closing out the Trump Administration.
Benedict Arnold would be proud of that SOB.
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

Probably wanted assurances he would not be hung and they would not give it..
Can you blame Mike Pence for declining to speak at CPac?

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

The last time he was in a building full of rabid Trump supporters they tried to kill him.

If you need a link for that statement, you have been living in a cave the past month and a half!

I don't need it....

The thread has a link to Pence's declination.

The link states nothing about 'Trump supporters trying to kill him.'
Pence has been remarkably silent about Jan 6.

Doesn’t want reporters asking questions

And he doesn't want to answer any, either.
What a wimp.
I think he's thinking of running for POTUS in 2024 but he's just such an impotent, beige and completely vapid guy, I just can't see the GQP voting for him.

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