Mike Pence,He's Handsome,Smart And Well Spoken.Let's Take Away 20 Percent Of Hillary Voters!

You really think the women of this country are shallow enough to vote for someone based on looks alone?

You really are delusional.
You really think women in this country are shallow enough to vote for someone based on gender alone?
You are really delusional.
Women will vote for jobs and the economy. Women will vote for Trump.
Women will vote for jobs and the economy. Women will vote for Trump.

What reason does any sentient being have to believe that Trump will be good for either?
Mike Pence,He's Handsome,Smart And Well Spoken.Let's Take Away 20 Percent Of Hillary Voters!

Ain't that sort of like saying an ugly woman has a great personality? What are his achievements and qualifications?

Piss ingredients oddnthe lbgtusnfowkdk community is a great start......
the democrats are pissed! Pence is a good man, clean record, unlike Bill Clinton.....they are gonna have to just make up stories on Pence,,,like he was involved with the shootings of JFK and MLK
Pence was good-looking when younger, but he looks haggard now. And he's always frowning. Being Governor wasn't the cakewalk he thought it would be.



I'd fuck Pence well before hitlery..... has she always looked like Monica jammed her tongue up hills ass?
Pence was good-looking when younger, but he looks haggard now. And he's always frowning. Being Governor wasn't the cakewalk he thought it would be.



I'd fuck Pence well before hitlery..... has she always looked like Monica jammed her tongue up hills ass?
we can already see it,,,Pence Vs the Indian debate. Warren will be so embarrassed to show her ugly face, she will wear some Halloween mask during the debate
:2up: Just like with Bill Clinton. Women found him very Charismatic, and Good Looking! Mike Pence has those qualities! Great on the mike! He doesn't talk like a pansy wuss and stutters all the time!
So let's take away about 20% of those women who were planning to vote for Hillary, that moves the needle to a 12 point lead for President Trump !!!!
In other words, he's everything Trump is not. Having Trump at the top of the ticket eliminates any advantage Pence might bring to the table.

Uh against Hilary my asshole is good looking as has a beer personality
:2up: Just like with Bill Clinton. Women found him very Charismatic, and Good Looking! Mike Pence has those qualities! Great on the mike! He doesn't talk like a pansy wuss and stutters all the time!
So let's take away about 20% of those women who were planning to vote for Hillary, that moves the needle to a 12 point lead for President Trump !!!!

Hillary voters aren't voting for an anti-choice, bigoted, economic failure who isn't even popular in his own state and who signed a pro-bigotry law that cost his state a fortune.

damn, you're so clueless

Yep. In contrast, Clinton is often smiling, so she doesn't look haggard, despite being much older.

If you constantly hold your face in a sourpuss position, it adopts that shape. That's why conservatives start looking so bad so early.
You really think the women of this country are shallow enough to vote for someone based on looks alone?

You really are delusional.

People voted for Obama based on his skin color. So in short, YES.

Uh.....no........they did so because his predecessor so stank up the GOPbrand that the party will be lucky to see another of its nominees in the Oval Office at any point in the next 8 years.....
at least Pence didnt accidently kill 4 people and blamed it on a video

The Repubs cut security for Americans and then blamed it on Hillary. Worse is that they then spent millions of TAX PAYER'S money trying to lie their way out of their own actions.

Shameful, doncha think?

Damn funny though that little weasel - can't think of his name - the pin head - anyway, funny when he accidentally admitted it.

Pence was good-looking when younger, but he looks haggard now. And he's always frowning. Being Governor wasn't the cakewalk he thought it would be.



I'd fuck Pence well before hitlery..... has she always looked like Monica jammed her tongue up hills ass?
Brian Williams: This just in, here at NBC News, a new poll was taken last week in Australia,,,,34,000 Tasmainian Devils were asked....would they rather have sex with Mike Pence or Hillary Clinton,,,the results are in,,,,97% for Pence 2% for Hillary,,,the other one per-cent would rather commit suicide
whatever Pence is you can add LOSER to it now that he's joined Trump.
Libs can quit having a meltdown Rod shook his head no when I said 'Trump lead people reported that he was choosing Pence last night.'
:2up: Just like with Bill Clinton. Women found him very Charismatic, and Good Looking! Mike Pence has those qualities! Great on the mike! He doesn't talk like a pansy wuss and stutters all the time!
So let's take away about 20% of those women who were planning to vote for Hillary, that moves the needle to a 12 point lead for President Trump !!!!

He won't even be able to win his own state.

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