Mike Pence just showed why Trump can't be trusted with pardon power

Because he's had his conviction overturned, as you know.

No Mikey ... No
A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if they were never convicted

No SSGT .. No - Sorry

Judge Rules That Trump Pardon Doesn’t Erase Joe Arpaio’s Conviction
Judges DO NOT MAKE LAWS, even though some of the "progressive" judges think they do.
Arpaio, a criminal that didn't serve his time and who gleefully abused criminals.

At some point this Trump leper colony moment in time will end and the stain will then mostly only be seen on the Republican logo. For decades. So all the Trump monkeys keep throwing your shit around.
Arpaio, a criminal that didn't serve his time and who gleefully abused criminals.

At some point this Trump leper colony moment in time will end and the stain will then mostly only be seen on the Republican logo. For decades. So all the Trump monkeys keep throwing your shit around.
He never abused them. Just made them stay in camps and made them work. you prove once again how liberals are responsible for criminals not being punished.
Judges DO NOT MAKE LAWS, even though some of the "progressive" judges think they do.

Correct - Judges interpret laws and the constitution. This one interpreted both with precision.
Arpaio is a convicted felon. A title he will share with Pence and the rest of the administration shortly. Pence knows they have to stick together.
Not anymore he's not.
Yes he is. The pardon doesn’t erase his conviction.

Mikey's a tad slow on the draw -

But this begs the question, how can a convicted felon be seated in the US Senate in the unlikely event he were to win?
Partly because there never was a felony conviction. Democrat media made it up. If you don't like Sheriff Joe don't vote for him. But don't lie.

Misdemeanor contempt conviction does not block Arpaio's Senate run
Because he's had his conviction overturned, as you know.

No Mikey ... No
A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if they were never convicted

No SSGT .. No - Sorry

Judge Rules That Trump Pardon Doesn’t Erase Joe Arpaio’s Conviction

The judge is wrong. The pardon is the ability of the Executive to overrule the actions of the Judiciary.

If followed through with the Judges ruling would be overturned.
Arpaio is a convicted felon. A title he will share with Pence and the rest of the administration shortly. Pence knows they have to stick together.
Not anymore he's not.
Yes he is. The pardon doesn’t erase his conviction.

Mikey's a tad slow on the draw -

But this begs the question, how can a convicted felon be seated in the US Senate in the unlikely event he were to win?
Partly because there never was a felony conviction. Democrat media made it up. If you don't like Sheriff Joe don't vote for him. But don't lie.

Misdemeanor contempt conviction does not block Arpaio's Senate run

Criminal Contempt is a misdemeanor? Okay I take your word for it, but WoW
Arpaio is a convicted felon. A title he will share with Pence and the rest of the administration shortly. Pence knows they have to stick together.
Not anymore he's not.
Yes he is. The pardon doesn’t erase his conviction.

Mikey's a tad slow on the draw -

But this begs the question, how can a convicted felon be seated in the US Senate in the unlikely event he were to win?
Partly because there never was a felony conviction. Democrat media made it up. If you don't like Sheriff Joe don't vote for him. But don't lie.

Misdemeanor contempt conviction does not block Arpaio's Senate run

Criminal Contempt is a misdemeanor? Okay I take your word for it, but WoW
It isn't my word.
Joe Arpaio is a champion for the rule of law? SERIOUSLY? :rolleyes:

In “1984,” George Orwell spoke of the government’s ability to degrade the truth: “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered,” he wrote.

Tuesday afternoon, Vice President Pence yet again disgraced the White House by saying he was “honored” to be joined by former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio, because Arpaio is a “champion” of “the rule of law.” As in Orwell’s dystopia, it wasn’t just misleading, and it wasn’t just a lie. It was a complete inversion of the truth, turning reality upside down.

In late July 2017, Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt after a federal judge ruled that he had deliberately ignored a court order to cease and desist his racial profiling of people who appeared to be Latino. Arpaio’s brutality in abusing the rule of law is widely known: The sheriff himself often boasted that prisoners in his draconian “Tent City” jail would be exposed to temperatures of up to 142 degrees. He referred to his compound as “a concentration camp.”

Lawsuits mounted against Arpaio – and, again and again, he lost in court. Judges ruled that his treatment of prisoners was abusive, inhumane or unconstitutional, or all of the above. Twice, a federal judge ruled that the lack of medical care in Tent City was so awful that it was an unconstitutional violation of prisoners’ basic rights. One-hundred fifty-seven deaths of prisoners occurred on his watch, some of them allegedly attributable to negligence, according to investigations by the Phoenix New Times.

Vice President Pence: Joe Arpaio is the exact opposite of a “champion” of the rule of law, and you’re embarrassing yourself and your office in claiming otherwise. He ignored judicial orders, abused the constitutional rights of prisoners and used his law enforcement powers as a racialized weapon that made a mockery of the notion that justice is blind.​


Opinion | Mike Pence just showed why Trump can’t be trusted with pardon power

This could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans:

Mike Pence just gave Joe Arpaio a boost in Arizona — and it could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans - CNNPolitics
Joe was the victim of a liberal witch hunt that wanted to continue the time honored liberal tradition of allowing criminals to go unpunished.

He was not. He broke the law and violated people's Constitutional rights. It seems Trump supporters only support Constitutional rights for themselves. It is alright for them to violate other people's rights.
Joe Arpaio is a champion for the rule of law? SERIOUSLY? :rolleyes:

In “1984,” George Orwell spoke of the government’s ability to degrade the truth: “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered,” he wrote.

Tuesday afternoon, Vice President Pence yet again disgraced the White House by saying he was “honored” to be joined by former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio, because Arpaio is a “champion” of “the rule of law.” As in Orwell’s dystopia, it wasn’t just misleading, and it wasn’t just a lie. It was a complete inversion of the truth, turning reality upside down.

In late July 2017, Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt after a federal judge ruled that he had deliberately ignored a court order to cease and desist his racial profiling of people who appeared to be Latino. Arpaio’s brutality in abusing the rule of law is widely known: The sheriff himself often boasted that prisoners in his draconian “Tent City” jail would be exposed to temperatures of up to 142 degrees. He referred to his compound as “a concentration camp.”

Lawsuits mounted against Arpaio – and, again and again, he lost in court. Judges ruled that his treatment of prisoners was abusive, inhumane or unconstitutional, or all of the above. Twice, a federal judge ruled that the lack of medical care in Tent City was so awful that it was an unconstitutional violation of prisoners’ basic rights. One-hundred fifty-seven deaths of prisoners occurred on his watch, some of them allegedly attributable to negligence, according to investigations by the Phoenix New Times.

Vice President Pence: Joe Arpaio is the exact opposite of a “champion” of the rule of law, and you’re embarrassing yourself and your office in claiming otherwise. He ignored judicial orders, abused the constitutional rights of prisoners and used his law enforcement powers as a racialized weapon that made a mockery of the notion that justice is blind.​


Opinion | Mike Pence just showed why Trump can’t be trusted with pardon power

This could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans:

Mike Pence just gave Joe Arpaio a boost in Arizona — and it could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans - CNNPolitics
Joe was the victim of a liberal witch hunt that wanted to continue the time honored liberal tradition of allowing criminals to go unpunished.

He was not. He broke the law and violated people's Constitutional rights. It seems Trump supporters only support Constitutional rights for themselves. It is alright for them to violate other people's rights.
Uh, when in prison, you do not have "constitutional rights", except for the protection from cruel or unusual punishment.
Joe Arpaio is a champion for the rule of law? SERIOUSLY? :rolleyes:

In “1984,” George Orwell spoke of the government’s ability to degrade the truth: “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered,” he wrote.

Tuesday afternoon, Vice President Pence yet again disgraced the White House by saying he was “honored” to be joined by former Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff Joe Arpaio, because Arpaio is a “champion” of “the rule of law.” As in Orwell’s dystopia, it wasn’t just misleading, and it wasn’t just a lie. It was a complete inversion of the truth, turning reality upside down.

In late July 2017, Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt after a federal judge ruled that he had deliberately ignored a court order to cease and desist his racial profiling of people who appeared to be Latino. Arpaio’s brutality in abusing the rule of law is widely known: The sheriff himself often boasted that prisoners in his draconian “Tent City” jail would be exposed to temperatures of up to 142 degrees. He referred to his compound as “a concentration camp.”

Lawsuits mounted against Arpaio – and, again and again, he lost in court. Judges ruled that his treatment of prisoners was abusive, inhumane or unconstitutional, or all of the above. Twice, a federal judge ruled that the lack of medical care in Tent City was so awful that it was an unconstitutional violation of prisoners’ basic rights. One-hundred fifty-seven deaths of prisoners occurred on his watch, some of them allegedly attributable to negligence, according to investigations by the Phoenix New Times.

Vice President Pence: Joe Arpaio is the exact opposite of a “champion” of the rule of law, and you’re embarrassing yourself and your office in claiming otherwise. He ignored judicial orders, abused the constitutional rights of prisoners and used his law enforcement powers as a racialized weapon that made a mockery of the notion that justice is blind.​


Opinion | Mike Pence just showed why Trump can’t be trusted with pardon power

This could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans:

Mike Pence just gave Joe Arpaio a boost in Arizona — and it could lead to disaster for Senate Republicans - CNNPolitics
Joe was the victim of a liberal witch hunt that wanted to continue the time honored liberal tradition of allowing criminals to go unpunished.

He was not. He broke the law and violated people's Constitutional rights. It seems Trump supporters only support Constitutional rights for themselves. It is alright for them to violate other people's rights.
Can you make a post without referring to Trump? Do you ever know what you are talking about? Joe was punishing criminals and the liberal dim scumbags wanted it stopped and Joe kept doing his job. Liberals and people like you are why we have so much crime.
Everything someone gets tough on crime, lib scum tries to stop them.

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