Mike Pence - thick as shit

Pence makes trump look like a statesman.
He's got plenty of time to learn when he becomes president in 2025.

Like when people were saying Trump would learn to become President. Hasn't learned a thing.

Anyway, Pence only visited Ireland because Trump's property is failing and needs business. Of course he had no interest in meeting an openly gay head of state.
Trumps doing a great job. Just because you liars say otherwise, that means nothing.
Doing great in what way? Illegally getting rich off the presidency?
Look floater, there is no point in telling you anything, all you will do is spew more bullshit.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.

Funny stuff. You think it’s okay to meddle in our politics however you get pissed if we meddle in yours. What a hypocrite you are. I’ll just sit back and laugh at you. I love when morons get a taste of their own medicine.

If you have seen video of people speaking in Parliament right now they are using trump as the big monster that England has to avoid.

I saw a person in a video say that Johnson is going to give all the exports or business or something to trump. In an attempt of scaring people to not support Brexit without an established trade deal.

pence going there isn't good for any politician there right now. They so don't like trump and anyone associated with him. Meeting with pence isn't going to do anything positive for johnson.

This video has a British politician warning everyone that Johnson is going to turn their healthcare system into American and give it to trump. They hate our healthcare system a lot in England. Along with other things.

british parliament comparing johnson to trump - Bing video
Pence makes trump look like a statesman.
He's got plenty of time to learn when he becomes president in 2025.

Like when people were saying Trump would learn to become President. Hasn't learned a thing.

Anyway, Pence only visited Ireland because Trump's property is failing and needs business. Of course he had no interest in meeting an openly gay head of state.
Trumps doing a great job. Just because you liars say otherwise, that means nothing.
Doing great in what way? Illegally getting rich off the presidency?

Trump is already rich, he didn't need the presidency for that.

Obama and Clinton are the ones who got extremely wealthy as Public Service Tycoons, parlaying their influence into humongous fortunes.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
Lefties still think President Trump is guilty of collusion and they call V.P. Pence "thick as shit". Go figure.
Lefties still think President Trump is guilty of collusion and they call V.P. Pence "thick as shit". Go figure.

Pence is a tremendous Vice President. I was truly hoping that Donald Trump would pick Uncle Newtie for the job. But Trump did make the right decision, undoubtably.

I like Gingrich, but he was too much like The Trumpster as far as temperament. Vice President Pence provides a lot of gravitas, a stabilizing, loyal force in the administration , who is a Tremendous Role Model.

The Pence Rule, where he refuses to be alone with broads other than his wife, is the ideal attitude for the modern "Me Too" era. Pence is immune, untouchable from any criticism because of his epic standards.
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.

Funny stuff. You think it’s okay to meddle in our politics however you get pissed if we meddle in yours. What a hypocrite you are. I’ll just sit back and laugh at you. I love when morons get a taste of their own medicine.

If you have seen video of people speaking in Parliament right now they are using trump as the big monster that England has to avoid.

I saw a person in a video say that Johnson is going to give all the exports or business or something to trump. In an attempt of scaring people to not support Brexit without an established trade deal.

pence going there isn't good for any politician there right now. They so don't like trump and anyone associated with him. Meeting with pence isn't going to do anything positive for johnson.

This video has a British politician warning everyone that Johnson is going to turn their healthcare system into American and give it to trump. They hate our healthcare system a lot in England. Along with other things.

british parliament comparing johnson to trump - Bing video

I don't care what Britain does, it isn't anyone's business but Britain. The US and the President and VP need to butt out. Just as Tommy needs to butt out of our business. Tommy finds it okay for him to stick his nose into our business however he gets pissed when America sticks it's nose into his.

That is where I'm coming from with Tommy, who is really being hypocritical.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
Here comes the no-deal Brexit....Suck it up, pinko buttercups.

Actually no.

The British Parliament voted there will be no exit without an agreement.

British lawmakers vote to block no-deal Brexit amid election haggling

You need to try to keep up with current events before you try to post about it.
That was Prime Ministers Questions where traditionally the Prime Minister, the PM, every week, tries to avoid answering any questions put to him by the house.
We would negotiate from a position of weakness and pretty much give trump everything he wants. Chlorinated chicken, GM food and a sell of of the NHS would be price we would pay. Or maybe trump would look after our interests ?
Here comes the no-deal Brexit....Suck it up, pinko buttercups.

Actually no.

The British Parliament voted there will be no exit without an agreement.

British lawmakers vote to block no-deal Brexit amid election haggling

You need to try to keep up with current events before you try to post about it.
That was Prime Ministers Questions where traditionally the Prime Minister, the PM, every week, tries to avoid answering any questions put to him by the house.
We would negotiate from a position of weakness and pretty much give trump everything he wants. Chlorinated chicken, GM food and a sell of of the NHS would be price we would pay. Or maybe trump would look after our interests ?

President Trump loves the UK. His mum from Scotland, you know. He invested money in a tremendous golf course/resort over there.

I wouldn't worry at all about it, Mr. Trump does pay taxes over there you know.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,
Most Liberals are dumb angry bigots.
They demand that working people support them.
They hate rich people.
They have capitalism.
They want everyone to be equal......except for themselves.
They want to force everyone to be amoral cretins like they are.
No matter what country they are in the they hate mainstream society and that is their motivation for their relentless treasonous mindset.
This is the real reason why they hate VP Pence.

People, not just liberals, but moderates as well, can't stand pigpence because he is an ignorant, sexually-obsessed little queerdo who does nothing but suck up to the whore in the Oval Office and attack women and LGBTs. He is a total waste of the taxpayers' money. Why doesn't he step down and go be a preacher-creature somewhere.

I'm sure Pence is concerned what a pig like you thinks. You seem obsessed with Mike Pence's sex life as well as his personal habits and beliefs. Why don't you get over your jealousy and accept that Mike Pence is a religious man? He doesn't agree with the homo lifestyle, the HORROR!
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

There is no reason why the UK and Ireland can't have their own trade deals outside of the EU proviso.

Pretending that it isn't possible is bullshit.

America deals with both of those nations with no problemos and will continue to as long as they are decent with us.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

There is no reason why the UK and Ireland can't have their own trade deals outside of the EU proviso.

Pretending that it isn't possible is bullshit.

America deals with both of those nations with no problemos and will continue to as long as they are decent with us.
No it isnt. The US deals with both of us as EU countries. If the UK leaves it will lose that and have to negotiate its own deal.
Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

There is no reason why the UK and Ireland can't have their own trade deals outside of the EU proviso.

Pretending that it isn't possible is bullshit.

America deals with both of those nations with no problemos and will continue to as long as they are decent with us.
No it isnt. The US deals with both of us as EU countries. If the UK leaves it will lose that and have to negotiate its own deal.

The Brexit vote was a long time ago, there was already plenty of time for the UK and President Trump to get together for a deal. Ditto for the UK and Ireland. It sounds like the liberals in the UK are just trying to obstruct and delay the people's will to leave the EU forever.

Hopefully, PM Johnson will cut through the bullshit, and get the best deals he can in the limited time left.
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

There is no reason why the UK and Ireland can't have their own trade deals outside of the EU proviso.

Pretending that it isn't possible is bullshit.

America deals with both of those nations with no problemos and will continue to as long as they are decent with us.
No it isnt. The US deals with both of us as EU countries. If the UK leaves it will lose that and have to negotiate its own deal.

The Brexit vote was a long time ago, there was already plenty of time for the UK and President Trump to get together for a deal. Ditto for the UK and Ireland. It sounds like the liberals in the UK are just trying to obstruct and delay the people's will to leave the EU forever.

Hopefully, PM Johnson will cut through the bullshit, and get the best deals he can in the limited time left.
You have a simplistic view of how these things work. The UK cannot strike a deal with the Republic unless they do so with the whole of the EU. Similarly they cant strike a deal with the EU and exclude Ireland. The Republic is one of the smaller EU states and the EU is protecting its interests. Conservatives have managed this process every step of the way.
Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

None of mine, It is the Brits issue, not mine. The people voted for it, their will should be followed. IMO. The fact a hypocrite like you doesn't like it makes me think it is a great idea.

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