Mike Pence - thick as shit

Miriam Lord: How Mike Pence shat on the new carpet in Ireland’s spare room

Our Irish friends seem to have got the measure of the man.

The hospitable hosts buttered up their important guest and made a big fuss of his family and hoped he would say nice things about them to the important people he would meet after his visit to Ireland.

And he told them they were wonderful and that he loved them. He even said a special prayer for everyone and then, just before he left, he turned around and kicked them where it hurts.

It came as a shock.

Like pulling out all the stops for a much-anticipated visitor to your home and thinking it has been a great success until somebody discovers he shat on the new carpet in the spare room, the one you bought specially for him.

Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

None of mine, It is the Brits issue, not mine. The people voted for it, their will should be followed. IMO. The fact you don't like it makes me think it is a great idea.
Why did I waste my time trying to educate a thick fucker like you ?
Not sure the reporter is but they sure whine and cry over nothing. Are all you Brits as petty as you and the writer?
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

None of mine, It is the Brits issue, not mine. The people voted for it, their will should be followed. IMO. The fact you don't like it makes me think it is a great idea.
Why did I waste my time trying to educate a thick fucker like you ?

Look dick wad, I told you before I don't give a damn about what your country does, why would you think it is my business?
Most Liberals are dumb angry bigots.
They demand that working people support them.
They hate rich people.
They have capitalism.
They want everyone to be equal......except for themselves.
They want to force everyone to be amoral cretins like they are.
No matter what country they are in the they hate mainstream society and that is their motivation for their relentless treasonous mindset.
This is the real reason why they hate VP Pence.
Pence is a shit kicking halfwit.Why hasnt he been briefed ?
The fact that VP Pence has you so wound up tells me he is doing a great job.
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.

I promise you, that Mike Pence, as a Conservative American, wishes your country the best, even if he is fuzzy on the details of your current polices.

It is also completely possible, that he might disagree with Boris, but support him, because that is what is expected of him to say.
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.

I promise you, that Mike Pence, as a Conservative American, wishes your country the best, even if he is fuzzy on the details of your current polices.

It is also completely possible, that he might disagree with Boris, but support him, because that is what is expected of him to say.
When he is in Dublin ? I actually believe the whole brexit issue is too complex for him to get his head round. It seems to be for many Americans.
The reporter is not a "brit". She is Irish. Its a whole other country mate.

So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

None of mine, It is the Brits issue, not mine. The people voted for it, their will should be followed. IMO. The fact you don't like it makes me think it is a great idea.
Why did I waste my time trying to educate a thick fucker like you ?

Look dick wad, I told you before I don't give a damn about what your country does, why would you think it is my business?
You stuck your beak in and said something that was monumentally stupid. Thats why.
So then why is she worried about Brexit? Seems silly to me, it isn't her business anymore than it is Pence's or mine.
It is very much their business..

The Republic has the only land border between the EU and the UK.

Currently ,under the Good Friday Agreement, it is an invisible border and goods and people cross it without let or hindrance every day.

This has brought prosperity for both Northern Ireland and the Republic.

The GFA brought peace because it utilised both countries membership of the EU. No need for border controls because we are all European.

So the loyalists are comforted because they are still a part of the UK and the Republicans have "won" because they can feel Irish and not British.

Any change to that will cause a resumption of war. Its like having a border between New York and New Jersey and then implementing a trump wall between the two.

If the Uk crashes out without addressing this issue then this will end. We will see the return of border posts in an area which was referred to as bandit country only a few years ago.

A no deal brexit will also see tariffs introduced on goods which can cross the border several times during its journey to market.

This will enrage people on both sides of the border but especially the catholics in the north who will see the UK govt reneging on a treaty which brought peace to the region.

Of course the UK could isolate Ulster and put border checks on the mainland. Making Northern Ireland a special case. However this would then enrage the DUP (proddys) who are currently propping up the government at the cost of several billion pounds.

They feel that they are as British as anyone and as there are no borders between Liverpool and Manchester why should there be a border between Belfast and Liverpool

So there has to be a border somewhere. But wherever you put it you will upset one or other side who signed up to the GFA. And then lots of people will die.

They have had 3 years to sort this and havent even come close. Not one solution has been put forward. Theresa May tried to fudge it by hoping a future unicorn IT solution could be found . Johnson isnt even bothering with that.

The people of Northern Ireland votes overwhelmingly to remain because they like peace. They dont like bombings , shootings, checkpoints, soldiers on the streets. kids being blown up, mass unemployment and so on.

The people in the Republic like peace and free trade as well. Dont we all ?

Dickhead Johnson doesnt give a shit about this and is playing to his Little Englander base. The fanatics would see all of Ireland in flames in order to lose the EU.

This is why the Irish have been enraged by Pence telling them to "support brexit". It was a big FU to Ireland or , as she says, a shit on the carpet. It is very much their business,

None of mine, It is the Brits issue, not mine. The people voted for it, their will should be followed. IMO. The fact you don't like it makes me think it is a great idea.
Why did I waste my time trying to educate a thick fucker like you ?

Look dick wad, I told you before I don't give a damn about what your country does, why would you think it is my business?
You stuck your beak in and said something that was monumentally stupid. Thats why.

Still don’t give a damn, Pence shouldn’t be there, the voters of Britain have spoken, the US needs to butt out. Just as you, your hypocritical asshole should butt out of our business. I went to Britain a few years ago and you dumbasses think you need to tell us how much better you are at running our country. I’ll give you a hint, you lost the war. You are no longer a superpower, you failed, why take advice from failures.
Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence

Mike Pence was greeted with a display of LGBT+ solidarity upon arrival in Iceland, after the Nordic island’s president wore a rainbow bracelet to their meeting and businesses displayed Pride flags outside buildings.

The US vice-president, visiting the capital Reykjavík as part of a whirlwind European tour, has a history of supporting anti-LGBT+ policies, including as Indiana governor when he voted against a ban on discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. He also opposed the repeal of a law preventing openly gay people serving in the military.

Pulling up to Höfði House – the venue of President Ronald Reagan’s historic 1986 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – Mr Pence was met by half a dozen Pride flags planted conspicuously outside an office block opposite the building.

It must be uncomfortable for that backward fuck when he encounters the C21st. Well done Iceland.

Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence

Mike Pence was greeted with a display of LGBT+ solidarity upon arrival in Iceland, after the Nordic island’s president wore a rainbow bracelet to their meeting and businesses displayed Pride flags outside buildings.

The US vice-president, visiting the capital Reykjavík as part of a whirlwind European tour, has a history of supporting anti-LGBT+ policies, including as Indiana governor when he voted against a ban on discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. He also opposed the repeal of a law preventing openly gay people serving in the military.

Pulling up to Höfði House – the venue of President Ronald Reagan’s historic 1986 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – Mr Pence was met by half a dozen Pride flags planted conspicuously outside an office block opposite the building.

It must be uncomfortable for that backward fuck when he encounters the C21st. Well done Iceland.


You sound upset, pillow biter.

This shit is so stupid
Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence

Mike Pence was greeted with a display of LGBT+ solidarity upon arrival in Iceland, after the Nordic island’s president wore a rainbow bracelet to their meeting and businesses displayed Pride flags outside buildings.

The US vice-president, visiting the capital Reykjavík as part of a whirlwind European tour, has a history of supporting anti-LGBT+ policies, including as Indiana governor when he voted against a ban on discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. He also opposed the repeal of a law preventing openly gay people serving in the military.

Pulling up to Höfði House – the venue of President Ronald Reagan’s historic 1986 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – Mr Pence was met by half a dozen Pride flags planted conspicuously outside an office block opposite the building.

It must be uncomfortable for that backward fuck when he encounters the C21st. Well done Iceland.


You sound upset, pillow biter.

This shit is so stupid
I guess he comes from a family of backward bigots and he was raised that way. The good news is that Pence and his sicko mates are becoming extinct. They wont be around for long.
Most Liberals are dumb angry bigots.
They demand that working people support them.
They hate rich people.
They have capitalism.
They want everyone to be equal......except for themselves.
They want to force everyone to be amoral cretins like they are.
No matter what country they are in the they hate mainstream society and that is their motivation for their relentless treasonous mindset.
This is the real reason why they hate VP Pence.
Pence is a shit kicking halfwit.Why hasnt he been briefed ?
The fact that VP Pence has you so wound up tells me he is doing a great job.
Is that the indicator of "doing a great job" for simpleton CRCs?
Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence

Mike Pence was greeted with a display of LGBT+ solidarity upon arrival in Iceland, after the Nordic island’s president wore a rainbow bracelet to their meeting and businesses displayed Pride flags outside buildings.

The US vice-president, visiting the capital Reykjavík as part of a whirlwind European tour, has a history of supporting anti-LGBT+ policies, including as Indiana governor when he voted against a ban on discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. He also opposed the repeal of a law preventing openly gay people serving in the military.

Pulling up to Höfði House – the venue of President Ronald Reagan’s historic 1986 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – Mr Pence was met by half a dozen Pride flags planted conspicuously outside an office block opposite the building.

It must be uncomfortable for that backward fuck when he encounters the C21st. Well done Iceland.


You sound upset, pillow biter.

This shit is so stupid
I guess he comes from a family of backward bigots and he was raised that way. The good news is that Pence and his sicko mates are becoming extinct. They wont be around for long.
Sorry to say Tommy but for what you guys cost and that in the end is the main barometer of the human species, you may go even sooner.
Iceland president wears rainbow bracelet for meeting with Mike Pence

Mike Pence was greeted with a display of LGBT+ solidarity upon arrival in Iceland, after the Nordic island’s president wore a rainbow bracelet to their meeting and businesses displayed Pride flags outside buildings.

The US vice-president, visiting the capital Reykjavík as part of a whirlwind European tour, has a history of supporting anti-LGBT+ policies, including as Indiana governor when he voted against a ban on discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. He also opposed the repeal of a law preventing openly gay people serving in the military.

Pulling up to Höfði House – the venue of President Ronald Reagan’s historic 1986 meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – Mr Pence was met by half a dozen Pride flags planted conspicuously outside an office block opposite the building.

It must be uncomfortable for that backward fuck when he encounters the C21st. Well done Iceland.


You sound upset, pillow biter.

This shit is so stupid
I guess he comes from a family of backward bigots and he was raised that way. The good news is that Pence and his sicko mates are becoming extinct. They wont be around for long.
Sorry to say Tommy but for what you guys cost and that in the end is the main barometer of the human species, you may go even sooner.
Sounds like a threat.
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.

Another intolerant fascistic Leftard accusing half the British population of being irredeemable deplorables. Notice they use the same totalitarian tactics no matter where in the world it is.

How else would you have us identify the baddies?
If Pence hadn't stayed at the Trump property MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/NYT would be claiming Trump and Pence were not getting along.
Same fucking bullshit different day with those morons!
Mike Pence backs Boris Johnson over Brexit in awkward Dublin visit

Two days ago he was saying that he wanted to preserve the Good Friday Agreement.
Today he is supporting that idiot Jonson who is tearing up the GFA.

You cant have it both ways you ignorant provincial fuck.
Pence is the Vice Idiot.
I think his sole purpose is to deliver the fake christian vote for Donny. Horrible man doing a horrible job for a horrible boss.

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