Mike Pence To Rebut President Trump’s ‘Could Have Overturned The Election’ Lie In Orlando Speech at a Federalist society conference later today

Trump will call him a RINO traitor and Pence will come groveling back
Give Trump enough rope and he’ll hang himself! Too bad he got bounced from Twitter. They’d have enough dirt to have treason charges by morning

Looks like Trump is readying another mob to hang Mike Pence
What does Pence have to say about this?
Haven't seen anything yet.

Pence isn't stupid. He knew this would blow up. It looks like he's decided the best path is to just tell the truth.

Of course, Lindsey Graham did that too, and has changed sides a couple of times. So who fuckin' knows.

Haven't seen anything yet.

Pence isn't stupid. He knew this would blow up. It looks like he's decided the best path is to just tell the truth.

Of course, Lindsey Graham did that too, and has changed sides a couple of times. So who fuckin' knows.

I agree, Pence knew that he blew the bridge today so he might just want to share the whole story to congress. The best way to face a bully is to take a swing at him.

Lindsey Graham has waffled infinitely. He needs to grow a set and say what he believes.
Haven't seen anything yet.

Pence isn't stupid. He knew this would blow up. It looks like he's decided the best path is to just tell the truth.

Of course, Lindsey Graham did that too, and has changed sides a couple of times. So who fuckin' knows.

The truth is Trump was defrauded.
This was an unexpected moment of truth and candor from Pence. But Mike Pence is no hero. Here's why

You do that; I have nothing I want to hear from Mike Pence. All I know is that had the GOP been the democrats a year ago, you can bet your last dollar the democrats would have found a way to stop the certification no matter what the constitution, et al., said had Trump and all literally made up an election with all the rules turned inside out around against state laws.

The problem with the old guard GOP is that the democrats are willing to go far outside the box to do whatever it takes to win and you are not. You just want to SIT THERE holding onto what you have, telling yourselves that you are the guardians of balance, tradition and equanimity. Problem is that everytime the Dems go farther and farther outside the box, Turtles just frowns and you idiots have even LESS to hold onto.
Many of the new election laws you sore losers are all whining about now were supported by Republicans. Including the ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin.

Your hypocrisy is as transparent as Trump Vodka.
He's a weakling who found a moment of strength
When Pence agreed to be Trump's running mate, I was astonished. I said several times Pence was hitching his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.

Pence should have taken Mark 8:36 to heart.
if it weren't for Pence shoring up social conservatives and evangelical Christians, Trump would never have been elected president in the 1st place, my friends

"after all the things i've done for him (Trump)", Pence fumed to Sen Jim Inhofe on Jan 6

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