Mikey Bloomberg is the scariest candidate ever


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
I'll give Mikey credit. The first $10 billion of his fortune was because of a marvelous investment tool I used for more than a decade, and I loved it, even if it was way overpriced...

But being a successful businessman alone isn't enough. Mikey is actually a very scary guy, someone who would have the US at war with Iran in his first week....

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas | HuffPost

"A former New York City narcotics detective testified in court that planting drugs on innocent people was common practice" and was dictated by Mayor Mikey....

Nine terrifying facts about America's biggest police force

"Last fall, Mayor Bloomberg famously bragged, "I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world."

in other words, the NYPD under Mikey didn't work for New Yorkers, it was Mikey's own praetorian guard, and it had "enemies," most notably 911 truthers....

Mikey is an absolutely rabid Zionist warmonger, and truth is one "obstacle" to using the US military to fight for Israel. Mikey's last $40 billion in net worth was almost certainly from investing in 911

Defense stocks
the Long Bond

on 910

Mikey has absolutely no patriotism to the US, no respect for the Constitution, and cares only about Zionist Jews and nobody else. Mikey is a complete supremacist. He regulated soda sizes because you are too dumb to do it yourself....

Mikey can buy all the ads he wants, but there is no scarier candidate out there, and before we make Homeland Security "Mikey's army," we ought to do some due diligence on Mikey, and once we do, we will reject him for what he really is.... a monster.
His position guns should disqualify the disingenuous asshole. He has armed guards protecting him, but wants the rest of us defenseless. Fuck him.
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but wants the rest of us defenseless. Fuck him.

Dianne Feinstein without the skirt.

Mikey and Dianne want only Zionist Jews armed in America.... because they fear that if Americans ever woke up and discovered what the Zionist Jew demographic has really done to America, we, the American people, would aim our guns at Zionist Jews and pull the trigger....

escalating Vietnam to run our weapons factories and siphon off those weapons to Israel free of charge
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
investing in gold, oil, defense stocks and the long bond on 910

The Zionist Jew is the worst enemy of America in American history. It is truly sad that so many Americans are too dumb to figure that out...

but that's why Putin asked us



Hey what's left for a 77 year old multi-billionaire? This is his last big whoop-dee-do, why not take a shot to become the most powerful man on the planet? He's not doing it for the "good of the country" he's doing it because he has the money and ego to go for it.
Mikey is a runt.... roughly the size of a 6th grader.... I don't want THAT making decisions that affect my life. Only full grown people need apply.
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Hey what's left for a 77 year old multi-billionaire?

1. more/endless US war in the Middle East to help Israel re-conquer the Biblical "Promised Land" in Book of Joshua Ch 1
2. total confiscation of guns from non-Zionists
3. using Homeland Security to wipe out critics and political enemies, especially 911 Truthers
4. getting rid of William Barr before the official FBI report on 911 becomes public
His money was essential for the democrats to win back the House in 2018.
One man with that much money is scary, then you add in Geo Soros.
You end up with Freddy Meets Jason.
I'll give Mikey credit. The first $10 billion of his fortune was because of a marvelous investment tool I used for more than a decade, and I loved it, even if it was way overpriced...

But being a successful businessman alone isn't enough. Mikey is actually a very scary guy, someone who would have the US at war with Iran in his first week....

Stephen Anderson, Ex NYPD Cop: We Planted Evidence, Framed Innocent People To Reach Quotas | HuffPost

"A former New York City narcotics detective testified in court that planting drugs on innocent people was common practice" and was dictated by Mayor Mikey....

Nine terrifying facts about America's biggest police force

"Last fall, Mayor Bloomberg famously bragged, "I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh biggest army in the world."

in other words, the NYPD under Mikey didn't work for New Yorkers, it was Mikey's own praetorian guard, and it had "enemies," most notably 911 truthers....

Mikey is an absolutely rabid Zionist warmonger, and truth is one "obstacle" to using the US military to fight for Israel. Mikey's last $40 billion in net worth was almost certainly from investing in 911

Defense stocks
the Long Bond

on 910

Mikey has absolutely no patriotism to the US, no respect for the Constitution, and cares only about Zionist Jews and nobody else. Mikey is a complete supremacist. He regulated soda sizes because you are too dumb to do it yourself....

Mikey can buy all the ads he wants, but there is no scarier candidate out there, and before we make Homeland Security "Mikey's army," we ought to do some due diligence on Mikey, and once we do, we will reject him for what he really is.... a monster.

Mikey pretty much said it all when during an early interview, he stated that he was going to spend his way to the White House. That basically, elections can be bought, and that the voter can be fooled by enough slick advertising, rather than running on and representing things people actually want and need.

And if you look at his ads, he never actually says anything about what he would do as president! Just that he is out to remove Trump. He is appealing purely to the anti-Trump hate he thinks is out there.

Donald must have really put this dickless wonder in his place at some point in the past.

he never actually says anything about what he would do as president!

He does imply that he would make billions/trillions $$$$ vanish combating Algore's Co2 fraud....

Funny, too, if he is so smart, why can't he figure out that Co2 doesn't do anything????
Why can't he figure out that the tectonic positioning of land is 99% of Earth climate change?

Answer = Mikey doesn't care about truth or America

Mikey cares about Israel, Zionist Jews, and making sure the FBI file on 911 never gets a public viewing....
Mikey is being outed today for being the second worst racist to ever run for President, the worst being David Duke.

I see Bloomberg has the Trumpettes in a frenzy.

He also scares Trump.

I love his ads.

Bloomberg/Kennedy 2020. Trump buried in s landslide like never seen before.
Go ahead and nominate Mikey.


You'll lose the House too.....

RealDave = 100% supportive of RACISTS as long as they are Democrats who support MORE SPENDING
Michael Bloomberg's comments on racial profiling are a problem for the Democratic Party

"Bloomberg’s representatives asked the Aspen Institute not to distribute footage of his appearance, according to a 2015 report by the Aspen Times. The Aspen Institute and GrassRoots TV, the organization that filmed the appearance, agreed to respect Bloomberg’s wishes but noted that Bloomberg “did not give a reason, nor did we have any reason to ask for one.”

The audio is also substantiated by past comments Bloomberg has made. In a radio interview, for example, Bloomberg defended New York's stop and frisk policy and argued that if anything, "we disproportionately stop whites too much, and minorities too little.""
His NYPD planted drugs on suspects, and he called the NYPD "my personal army."



Mikey is cut from the same cloth as Saddam, Hitler, Mao, and Stalin....
but wants the rest of us defenseless. Fuck him.

Dianne Feinstein without the skirt.

Mikey and Dianne want only Zionist Jews armed in America.... because they fear that if Americans ever woke up and discovered what the Zionist Jew demographic has really done to America, we, the American people, would aim our guns at Zionist Jews and pull the trigger....

escalating Vietnam to run our weapons factories and siphon off those weapons to Israel free of charge
the Marines in Lebanon 1983
investing in gold, oil, defense stocks and the long bond on 910

The Zionist Jew is the worst enemy of America in American history. It is truly sad that so many Americans are too dumb to figure that out...

but that's why Putin asked us



No anti-semitism here, folks.

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