"Miles of evidence tying Joe Biden to Hunter's overseas business deals".

I didn't give Biden dementia...I'm just honest enough to say what we all know...the man is unfit to be president for many reasons....
The same reasons you claim Biden isn't fit to be president, are the same reason's he can't be held criminally responsible. Or didn't you think about that when you made all the dementia claims?
What does that have to do with ANY other investigation?

Nothing. Zero.

What does it have to do with anything---The DEMS lie their asses off about others committting crimes that the dems themselves are the ones committing with you goofy dem trolls doing your best to support these idiotic claim. Hun, others aren't as dumb as you hope.

Claims of trump working for the RUSSIAS was a lie---a conspiracy to defraud that included the dems/swamp republicans/media and you goofy clueless trolls.
If the glove don't fit …..

What idiot pulled off a courtroom stunt like that, without trying on the gloves before doing it in front of the jury?
Idiot--ARTHRISTIS and medication meant to keep the swelling down----OJ and his corrupt attorney played YOU for an idiot if you think that the gloves weren't OJ.
The same reasons you claim Biden isn't fit to be president, are the same reason's he can't be held criminally responsible. Or didn't you think about that when you made all the dementia claims?
I think you are wrong...the evidence will show these crimes were committed before any symptoms of Demetia were visible....and I don't care if he ends up in prison or not...I want to see him and greedy Jill pay penalties and watch them slink away from the white house in shame as Hunter is ruined forever....and as Trump returns to the presidency in victorious glory.....while Pelosi has a stroke and dies so she can't do anymore harm to my country....
And, if he is unfit because of dementia, he shouldn't be in the position that he is.

Yet at the same time you claim the dementia patient and the crackhead pulled out the most sophisticated deception in the history of history.
...and AOC is laughed off the stage while her gang are deported and never seen again....
What does it have to do with anything---The DEMS lie their asses off about others committting crimes that the dems themselves are the ones committing with you goofy dem trolls doing your best to support these idiotic claim. Hun, others aren't as dumb as you hope.

Claims of trump working for the RUSSIAS was a lie---a conspiracy to defraud that included the dems/swamp republicans/media and you goofy clueless trolls.

Idiot--ARTHRISTIS and medication meant to keep the swelling down----OJ and his corrupt attorney played YOU for an idiot if you think that the gloves weren't OJ.
My view remains consistent: If something looks wrong, investigate it. If something is found, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If anyone helped them, nail them too. Including family.

You can spin and deflect and attack and protect your tribe all you want. I'm just thankful I'm not like you.
Idiot--ARTHRISTIS and medication meant to keep the swelling down----OJ and his corrupt attorney played YOU for an idiot if you think that the gloves weren't OJ.

There is an old legal adage, don't ask a question, you don't already know the answer to.

They should have tried on the gloves well before trying that stunt in the courtroom. They were trying to do a Cinderella and the glass slipper, only to have it backfire on them.

Just like this whole Hunter Biden thing.
My view remains consistent: If something looks wrong, investigate it. If something is found, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If anyone helped them, nail them too. Including family.

You can spin and deflect and attack and protect your tribe all you want. I'm just thankful I'm not like you.
You don't see any evidence yourself?... if you are waiting for this DOJ and FBI to act on democrat crime you will have a very long wait....the dems approve their pensions and pay scale....and they know where the bodies are buried....
There is an old legal adage, don't ask a question, you don't already know the answer to.

They should have tried on the gloves well before trying that stunt in the courtroom. They were trying to do a Cinderella and the glass slipper, only to have it backfire on them.

Just like this whole Hunter Biden thing.
Ummmmm the laptop has been seen and copied and it tells the whole story....if you want some good advise...don't hire a crack head to run your crime family....and be your bag man....
My view remains consistent: If something looks wrong, investigate it. If something is found, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If anyone helped them, nail them too. Including family.
The difference is that republicans pronounce somebody guilty, before even the first charge is filed.

Do you remember Obama was supposed to be thrown out of office because of Tony Rezko?
Ummmmm the laptop has been seen and copied and it tells the whole story....if you want some good advise...don't hire a crack head to run your crime family....and be your bag man....
The problem is you got that backwards. The laptop has been copied and then seen.
Which begs the question of why did the repairman make so many copies of a clients laptop. And then claim his eyesight prevents him from ID'ing who brought the laptop in.
You don't see any evidence yourself?... if you are waiting for this DOJ and FBI to act on democrat crime you will have a very long wait....the dems approve their pensions and pay scale....and they know where the bodies are buried....
Whatever happens, happens. I don't care if politicos from either party are busted.
Yet at the same time you claim the dementia patient and the crackhead pulled out the most sophisticated deception in the history of history.
I didn't say that, you did. I'm saying along with the NYT and the Wa Po (both left wing media) are saying that
there is something there.

As far as deception, that blame should be placed on the leftwing media for covering it up for
as long as they did.
What does that have to do with ANY other investigation?

Nothing. Zero.

Lying about the deaths of 4 people to cover your butt, isn't zero. Russia collusion wad made up andthe people investigating it knew it was made up. Cost the tax payers over 30 million dollars everyone of them should be repaying us that money.
The same reasons you claim Biden isn't fit to be president, are the same reason's he can't be held criminally responsible. Or didn't you think about that when you made all the dementia claims?
having a mental health issue doesn’t automatically absolve one of criminal liability
This will turn out to be the most corrupt administration in history. He is obviously compromised.

Can't wait for the "Orange man bad" crowd to show up with nothing.

Fox News contributor Miranda Devine joined "Fox & Friends" Monday to address text messages revealing a conversation about money between Hunter Biden and his daughter, Naomi. Devine emphasized that there is growing evidence showing corruption within the Biden family from foreign business involvement.

MIRANDA DEVINE: Well, obviously that looks as if Joe Biden is participating financially in this basically influence-peddling scheme that was global, it went global when Joe Biden became vice president. And look, it's not just that email, although that email does tell you a lot. It's also just the miles of evidence that's on the laptop, but not just on the laptop. It's from six hours of interviews that Tony Bobulinski did with the FBI. He's Hunter Biden's former business partner, and it's also the sort of trove of financial information that Republican Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have uncovered from the Treasury Department. So there's a lot of evidence that not only did Joe Biden meet multiple of Hunter Biden's overseas business partners when he was vice president, but he also was involved financially with Hunter, and he and Hunter had co-mingled finances. They had shared bank accounts. And there is some evidence on the laptop that Hunter Biden was paying some of his father's bills.

FOX News should be sued for slander. They did the same garbage to Hillary Clinton over Benghazi and her emails, and to Obama over Benghazi, and everything they continue to claim about both of these people, continues to be nothing but lies.

Murdoch wants a right wing authoritarian government so the USA can prosper like all of the other authoritarian countries like Russia, North Korea, Brazil, and Turkey.
Lying about the deaths of 4 people to cover your butt, isn't zero. Russia collusion wad made up andthe people investigating it knew it was made up. Cost the tax payers over 30 million dollars everyone of them should be repaying us that money.

Everything you posted is a lie. Clinton and Obama didn't lie to cover up anybody's death, nor did they try to "cover their butts" - as proven by 7 Benghazi Investigations which all said FOX New Lied to you.

Russian collusion has been proven by the 9 convictions, and the pardons Trump handed up.

The Mueller Investigation cost the taxpayers NOTHING since they recovered more than $40 million dollars from Paul Manafort in unpaid taxes, fines and levies.

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