Miles Taylor: those who leave GOP because they hate Trump will not join Dems, instead will be Forward Party, whose goal is to beat extreme candidates!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
This is a new and better way to do politics — starting with repairing and reshaping the way we vote and run our elections with reform policies

Even those people admit it is too late to save the GOP. MAGA ate the GOP and there is nothing left to save. It's good to see that at least some of those that helped make trump what he has become realize what a terrible mistake that was. I'll have to see them embrace honesty and integrity before I believe it, but I wish them well in their stated efforts.
Here's hoping. Only the Forward Party is serious about changing this awful electoral system.
Here's hoping. Only the Forward Party is serious about changing this awful electoral system.
Whats the point?

Dems have already institutionalized cheating via absentee ballots

So now its just Wacko Socialist A vs Person of Color B, vs Homosexual Groomer C.
Even those people admit it is too late to save the GOP. MAGA ate the GOP and there is nothing left to save. It's good to see that at least some of those that helped make trump what he has become realize what a terrible mistake that was. I'll have to see them embrace honesty and integrity before I believe it, but I wish them well in their stated efforts.

Parties, as much as some want to, don't live in a bubble. If the GOP promoted such great policies that their voters would support them, they wouldn't need an outsider like Trump.

Honestly, is this THAT difficult a concept to understand or are some people just drunk off the punch and simply refuse to acknowledge the truth? The truth sometimes hurts but no matter how much to the contrary is repeated it's still the truth.

It's akin to abuses of civil liberties and our economy for decades by our covert police in Canada and then citizens and politicians shocked that the economy is in the tank. What the hell did they expect? Lunch is never free.

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