Militarism at the Heart of US Gun Violence

From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.
The Now there's an unbiased group...... :rolleyes:
The Now there's an unbiased group
Point out any errors:

"The case of Nikolas Cruz also raises another issue: the U.S. military's heavy recruitment presence in schools across the country, particularly through the JROTC program that targets low-income children as early as 6th grade.

"This includes teaching students how to shoot guns in preparation for future deployment to wars yet to be launched. In fact,

"Cruz was not only a member of ROTC, but he was part of his school rifle team, which received a $10,000 grant from the National Rifle Association before Cruz was expelled."
All personal interpretations and associative bias sampling to arrive at a case for of cause and effect. Oops.

sampling bias academic papaers - Google Search
All personal interpretations and associative bias sampling to arrive at a case for of cause and effect. Oops.
Rampant US militarism is an objective fact to anyone who isn't afraid to look: (P. 15)

"The JROTC oversees the Middle School Cadet Corps (MSCC), in which children ages 11 to 14 can participate.62

"The military has invited children as young as 11 to join MSCC, or pre-JROTC, programs at their elementary and middle schools.63

"Florida, Texas, and Chicago, Illinois offer military-run after-school programs to sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders.64 In Chicago alone, about 26 MSCC programs are offered.65

"These programs involve drills with wooden rifles and military chants.

"Students learn first-aid, civics, character development, and military history.

"They take field trips to local military bases and students wear their uniforms to school for inspections once a week.66"
Oh look!!! More cut and paste confirmation bias. Color me shocked......... :rolleyes:
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.
The Now there's an unbiased group...... :rolleyes:
The Now there's an unbiased group
Point out any errors:

"The case of Nikolas Cruz also raises another issue: the U.S. military's heavy recruitment presence in schools across the country, particularly through the JROTC program that targets low-income children as early as 6th grade.

"This includes teaching students how to shoot guns in preparation for future deployment to wars yet to be launched. In fact,

"Cruz was not only a member of ROTC, but he was part of his school rifle team, which received a $10,000 grant from the National Rifle Association before Cruz was expelled."
All personal interpretations and associative bias sampling to arrive at a case for of cause and effect. Oops.

sampling bias academic papaers - Google Search
All personal interpretations and associative bias sampling to arrive at a case for of cause and effect. Oops.
Rampant US militarism is an objective fact to anyone who isn't afraid to look: (P. 15)

"The JROTC oversees the Middle School Cadet Corps (MSCC), in which children ages 11 to 14 can participate.62

"The military has invited children as young as 11 to join MSCC, or pre-JROTC, programs at their elementary and middle schools.63

"Florida, Texas, and Chicago, Illinois offer military-run after-school programs to sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders.64 In Chicago alone, about 26 MSCC programs are offered.65

"These programs involve drills with wooden rifles and military chants.

"Students learn first-aid, civics, character development, and military history.

"They take field trips to local military bases and students wear their uniforms to school for inspections once a week.66"

Now, all you have to do, to make your case, is show any connection with that, and an increased chance of "gun violence" down the road.

This is where you change the subject. Perhaps, it is time to call someone "racist"?
"It is a capitalist crisis."
Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?


Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?
Maybe it's a false flag conspiracy?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"Watchdog groups that monitor domestic extremist activity were quick to cite the allegations against the Coast Guard officer, Lt. Christopher Hasson, as a fresh cause for concern, one of a number in recent years involving people with military backgrounds.

"They have warned that the armed forces can be a training and recruiting ground for hate groups.

[Sign up for the weekly At War newsletter to receive stories about duty, conflict and consequence.]

"'If you look at the list of domestic terrorism attacks, you will find a lot of veterans,' said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Let's see we've got qualifiers such as "can be".

We've got looking at it backwards. Sure you look at a list, subjectively sorted to be "domestic terrorism" and then you find " a lot of veterans". Geez, a "lot"? THat really nails it down.

Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
It sounds like you're on the same side as the racist, cracker asshole motherfuckers?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"President Truman ordered all branches of the military to integrate in 1948, but for decades afterward, many in uniform still held extreme racist views, and commanders often did little to dissuade them.

"Klan members paraded in makeshift white robes and burned crosses on an American base in Vietnam to mark the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Marines wore KKK patches and held Klan meetings in 1976 at Camp Pendleton in California.

"After black Marines tried to forcibly break up a Klan meeting, they were charged with assault, while 17 Klan members were transferred to other bases to 'defuse the situation,' as a commander said at the time, instead of being disciplined."
"It is a capitalist crisis."
Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?


Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?
Maybe it's a false flag conspiracy?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"Watchdog groups that monitor domestic extremist activity were quick to cite the allegations against the Coast Guard officer, Lt. Christopher Hasson, as a fresh cause for concern, one of a number in recent years involving people with military backgrounds.

"They have warned that the armed forces can be a training and recruiting ground for hate groups.

[Sign up for the weekly At War newsletter to receive stories about duty, conflict and consequence.]

"'If you look at the list of domestic terrorism attacks, you will find a lot of veterans,' said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Let's see we've got qualifiers such as "can be".

We've got looking at it backwards. Sure you look at a list, subjectively sorted to be "domestic terrorism" and then you find " a lot of veterans". Geez, a "lot"? THat really nails it down.

Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
It sounds like you're on the same side as the racist, cracker ....."

Oh, the wonderful lack of self awareness of liberals.

Smearing me as a "racist" and literally the VERY NEXT WORD, is a racist slur?

Nick cruz shot up his school because his classmates picked on him for being a fucking spergy creep it had literally nothing to do with the war in afghanistan
Nick cruz shot up his school because his classmates picked on him for being a fucking spergy creep it had literally nothing to do with the war in afghanistan
In the same way ROTC has nothing to do with gun violence, Loon.

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"The case of Nikolas Cruz also raises another issue: the U.S. military's heavy recruitment presence in schools across the country, particularly through the JROTC program that targets low-income children as early as 6th grade.

"This includes teaching students how to shoot guns in preparation for future deployment to wars yet to be launched. In fact, Cruz was not only a member of ROTC, but he was part of his school rifle team, which received a $10,000 grant from the National Rifle Association before Cruz was expelled."

Moral degeneracy is at the root of the violence problem in the US. Most mass shooters were raised by single moms who failed to instill in their sons a sense of dignity. Probably grew up on a diet of antidepressants and frozen chicken tendies. Spent their adolescence looking at hardcore internet pornography and jacking off 5 times a day.
Moral degeneracy is at the root of the violence problem in the US. Most mass shooters were raised by single moms who failed to instill in their sons a sense of dignity
The permanent war economy plays a bigger role in producing unstable white killers than single moms.

Permanent war economy - Wikipedia

"The stabilising effect of armaments expenditures on the economy is more or less explained the same way as 'non-military' Keynesians explain the effects of their policy.

"Therefore, additional explanations are needed as to why it is necessary to use military expenditures instead of just civilian useful state expenditures. Several reasons are put forward[by whom?]:

"1) 'Legitimation crisis of late capitalism'

"According to Jürgen Habermas capitalism will suffer from a 'legitimation crisis' if there is too much state intervention, because this will lead people to ask for more.

"Capitalism will no longer be perceived as a system ruled by quasi-natural laws, but as something that can be formed by politics.

"An external threat to be countered by government expenditures on arms, however, avoids this danger for the.[citation needed]

"2) The balance of forces between the working class and the capitalist class will be shifted in favour of the working class if there is too much spending on social welfare and other items benefitting working-class people."
Nick cruz shot up his school because his classmates picked on him for being a fucking spergy creep it had literally nothing to do with the war in afghanistan
Nick cruz shot up his school because his classmates picked on him for being a fucking spergy creep it had literally nothing to do with the war in afghanistan
In the same way ROTC has nothing to do with gun violence, Loon.

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"The case of Nikolas Cruz also raises another issue: the U.S. military's heavy recruitment presence in schools across the country, particularly through the JROTC program that targets low-income children as early as 6th grade.

"This includes teaching students how to shoot guns in preparation for future deployment to wars yet to be launched. In fact, Cruz was not only a member of ROTC, but he was part of his school rifle team, which received a $10,000 grant from the National Rifle Association before Cruz was expelled."

Moral degeneracy is at the root of the violence problem in the US. Most mass shooters were raised by single moms who failed to instill in their sons a sense of dignity. Probably grew up on a diet of antidepressants and frozen chicken tendies. Spent their adolescence looking at hardcore internet pornography and jacking off 5 times a day.
Moral degeneracy is at the root of the violence problem in the US. Most mass shooters were raised by single moms who failed to instill in their sons a sense of dignity
The permanent war economy plays a bigger role in producing unstable white killers than single moms.

Permanent war economy - Wikipedia

"The stabilising effect of armaments expenditures on the economy is more or less explained the same way as 'non-military' Keynesians explain the effects of their policy.

"Therefore, additional explanations are needed as to why it is necessary to use military expenditures instead of just civilian useful state expenditures. Several reasons are put forward[by whom?]:

"1) 'Legitimation crisis of late capitalism'

"According to Jürgen Habermas capitalism will suffer from a 'legitimation crisis' if there is too much state intervention, because this will lead people to ask for more.

"Capitalism will no longer be perceived as a system ruled by quasi-natural laws, but as something that can be formed by politics.

"An external threat to be countered by government expenditures on arms, however, avoids this danger for the.[citation needed]

"2) The balance of forces between the working class and the capitalist class will be shifted in favour of the working class if there is too much spending on social welfare and other items benefitting working-class people."

Nothing in your post, supported your claim, at the start of your post.

Making negative sounding statements about things you don't like, is not an argument.
There sure are enough duped mofos on this thread. One doesn't say army without saying church at the same time, and we even see the stones to invoke 'mental illness' while conveniently leaving out religion.
If the US has a state religion, I would say capitalism is a likely candidate, and capitalism has distinctly Christian roots:

How Christianity Created Capitalism

"Capitalism, it is usually assumed, flowered around the same time as the Enlightenment–the eighteenth century–and, like the Enlightenment, entailed a diminution of organized religion.

"In fact, the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages was the main locus for the first flowerings of capitalism.

"Max Weber located the origin of capitalism in modern Protestant cities, but today’s historians find capitalism much earlier than that in rural areas, where monasteries, especially those of the Cistercians, began to rationalize economic life."
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

Mental illness is at the root of these random and marginalized young men.
Mental illness is at the root of these random and marginalized young men

Mental Health Professionals call for Trump to be removed from office

Link to Trump engaging in mass shootings? I missed those.
And of note:

- El Paso shooter is an enviro-nazi separatist.
- Dayton shooter is a satan worshipping Warren supporter.

And both were likely inspired by KLANTIFA.
El Paso shooter was a white supremacist.
Dayton gun pussy killed his sister because she was dating a black man.

Too much winning?

You are a loon.

The El Paso shooter is a nut. He included Enviro-Nazi progpanda and Racial Segregation (just like what is practiced on liberal college campuses these days).

So, if you really need to attribute an ideology to him, bub - he's one of yours.
Come try and take mine.
Come try and take mine.
Shoot up a Walmart and they will take your gun from your cold, dead hand.
Good riddance.

He invited YOU to try and take it. Too scared?
He invited YOU to try and take it. Too scared?
I'm not scared enough to vote for this pussy


You're scared of your own shadow little man. Let's put it on the table.....come take just one of my weapons?
You're scared of your own shadow little man. Let's put it on the table.....come take just one of my weapons?

S'ok coward. I get it. ;)
"It is a capitalist crisis."
Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?


Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?
Maybe it's a false flag conspiracy?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"Watchdog groups that monitor domestic extremist activity were quick to cite the allegations against the Coast Guard officer, Lt. Christopher Hasson, as a fresh cause for concern, one of a number in recent years involving people with military backgrounds.

"They have warned that the armed forces can be a training and recruiting ground for hate groups.

[Sign up for the weekly At War newsletter to receive stories about duty, conflict and consequence.]

"'If you look at the list of domestic terrorism attacks, you will find a lot of veterans,' said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Let's see we've got qualifiers such as "can be".

We've got looking at it backwards. Sure you look at a list, subjectively sorted to be "domestic terrorism" and then you find " a lot of veterans". Geez, a "lot"? THat really nails it down.

Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
It sounds like you're on the same side as the racist, cracker asshole motherfuckers?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"President Truman ordered all branches of the military to integrate in 1948, but for decades afterward, many in uniform still held extreme racist views, and commanders often did little to dissuade them.

"Klan members paraded in makeshift white robes and burned crosses on an American base in Vietnam to mark the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Marines wore KKK patches and held Klan meetings in 1976 at Camp Pendleton in California.

"After black Marines tried to forcibly break up a Klan meeting, they were charged with assault, while 17 Klan members were transferred to other bases to 'defuse the situation,' as a commander said at the time, instead of being disciplined."

Clearly you've never served. You have no idea what race relations in the military are. You don't see color in combat kid, you see the guy beside you who has your life in his hands.
"It is a capitalist crisis."
Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?


Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?
Maybe it's a false flag conspiracy?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"Watchdog groups that monitor domestic extremist activity were quick to cite the allegations against the Coast Guard officer, Lt. Christopher Hasson, as a fresh cause for concern, one of a number in recent years involving people with military backgrounds.

"They have warned that the armed forces can be a training and recruiting ground for hate groups.

[Sign up for the weekly At War newsletter to receive stories about duty, conflict and consequence.]

"'If you look at the list of domestic terrorism attacks, you will find a lot of veterans,' said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Let's see we've got qualifiers such as "can be".

We've got looking at it backwards. Sure you look at a list, subjectively sorted to be "domestic terrorism" and then you find " a lot of veterans". Geez, a "lot"? THat really nails it down.

Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
It sounds like you're on the same side as the racist, cracker asshole motherfuckers?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"President Truman ordered all branches of the military to integrate in 1948, but for decades afterward, many in uniform still held extreme racist views, and commanders often did little to dissuade them.

"Klan members paraded in makeshift white robes and burned crosses on an American base in Vietnam to mark the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Marines wore KKK patches and held Klan meetings in 1976 at Camp Pendleton in California.

"After black Marines tried to forcibly break up a Klan meeting, they were charged with assault, while 17 Klan members were transferred to other bases to 'defuse the situation,' as a commander said at the time, instead of being disciplined."

Clearly you've never served. You have no idea what race relations in the military are. You don't see color in combat kid, you see the guy beside you who has your life in his hands.
Clearly you've never served. You have no idea what race relations in the military are. You don't see color in combat kid, you see the guy beside you who has your life in his hands.
What percentage of those who've served have ever seen combat, Gramps?

White supremacy is baked into this star-spangled cake:

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"In 1986, after soldiers and Marines were photographed in uniform at a rally with a flag that read 'KKK rally, no Jews allowed,' the Pentagon issued new regulations barring service members from belonging to extremist organizations.

"The troops in the photo had joined a paramilitary group begun by a retired Army Special Forces master sergeant that government prosecutors said was training to overthrow the government. The master sergeant was later convicted of murder."
Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?


Any doubt that this is all a communist conspiracy?
Maybe it's a false flag conspiracy?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"Watchdog groups that monitor domestic extremist activity were quick to cite the allegations against the Coast Guard officer, Lt. Christopher Hasson, as a fresh cause for concern, one of a number in recent years involving people with military backgrounds.

"They have warned that the armed forces can be a training and recruiting ground for hate groups.

[Sign up for the weekly At War newsletter to receive stories about duty, conflict and consequence.]

"'If you look at the list of domestic terrorism attacks, you will find a lot of veterans,' said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Let's see we've got qualifiers such as "can be".

We've got looking at it backwards. Sure you look at a list, subjectively sorted to be "domestic terrorism" and then you find " a lot of veterans". Geez, a "lot"? THat really nails it down.

Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
Oh, and the Southern Poverty Law center, those fucking asshole motherfuckers? lol!!!!!
It sounds like you're on the same side as the racist, cracker asshole motherfuckers?

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"President Truman ordered all branches of the military to integrate in 1948, but for decades afterward, many in uniform still held extreme racist views, and commanders often did little to dissuade them.

"Klan members paraded in makeshift white robes and burned crosses on an American base in Vietnam to mark the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. Marines wore KKK patches and held Klan meetings in 1976 at Camp Pendleton in California.

"After black Marines tried to forcibly break up a Klan meeting, they were charged with assault, while 17 Klan members were transferred to other bases to 'defuse the situation,' as a commander said at the time, instead of being disciplined."

Clearly you've never served. You have no idea what race relations in the military are. You don't see color in combat kid, you see the guy beside you who has your life in his hands.
Clearly you've never served. You have no idea what race relations in the military are. You don't see color in combat kid, you see the guy beside you who has your life in his hands.
What percentage of those who've served have ever seen combat, Gramps?

White supremacy is baked into this star-spangled cake:

White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

"In 1986, after soldiers and Marines were photographed in uniform at a rally with a flag that read 'KKK rally, no Jews allowed,' the Pentagon issued new regulations barring service members from belonging to extremist organizations.

"The troops in the photo had joined a paramilitary group begun by a retired Army Special Forces master sergeant that government prosecutors said was training to overthrow the government. The master sergeant was later convicted of murder."

You can keep cutting and pasting from bullshit sites all day but that doesn't change the fact you've never served and you don't know what you're talking about. Your citation is behind a pay wall kid.

So if 10 guys pose in a picture that means the majority of the other servicemen agree with them?
Is that what you want to go with?
AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall
He smeared NO "IMMIGRANTS."

What you're doing to the language is at the root of the problems we're having today.
He smeared NO "IMMIGRANTS."

What you're doing to the language is at the root of the problems we're having today.
Are you familiar with the
"Definition of immigrant

: one that immigrates: such as
a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence"

Definition of IMMIGRANT

"Why are we having all these people form shithole countries come here?"
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

So much stupidity regarding this...
So much stupidity regarding this...
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.

A site called Socialist Worker. Try again.
A site called Socialist Worker. Try again.
Try to find any errors in the following:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"Years of gearing up the military-industrial complex has further enriched the ultra-wealthy barons of war and death who profit from increased weapons sales.

"The most recent boom in domestic gun buying came during the Obama years, after a racialized 'they're coming for my guns' scare, which, of course, never happened.

"U.S. corporations like Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin are the largest global exporters of weapons.

"In 2015, U.S. companies accounted for about half of worldwide weapons sales that totaled more than $80 billion overall."White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.

THe same pattern of fear of gun control that drove gun sales during Obama, also drove gun sales under the White Bill Clinton.

Crying "Racism" is just the last resort of a piece of shit lefty, who knows that he has nothing but shit coming out of his face anus.
The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.
That's the single most ignorant post you've made so far.
I'm sure you can do better.

That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
There's nothing nice or vague about the claim the US is and has been for the last 75 years the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on This Planet. Only those whose definition of "Americanness" as a skin color would act confused.
A site called Socialist Worker. Try again.
A site called Socialist Worker. Try again.
Try to find any errors in the following:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"Years of gearing up the military-industrial complex has further enriched the ultra-wealthy barons of war and death who profit from increased weapons sales.

"The most recent boom in domestic gun buying came during the Obama years, after a racialized 'they're coming for my guns' scare, which, of course, never happened.

"U.S. corporations like Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin are the largest global exporters of weapons.

"In 2015, U.S. companies accounted for about half of worldwide weapons sales that totaled more than $80 billion overall."White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.

THe same pattern of fear of gun control that drove gun sales during Obama, also drove gun sales under the White Bill Clinton.

Crying "Racism" is just the last resort of a piece of shit lefty, who knows that he has nothing but shit coming out of his face anus.
The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.
That's the single most ignorant post you've made so far.
I'm sure you can do better.

That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
There's nothing nice or vague about the claim the US is and has been for the last 75 years the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on This Planet. Only those whose definition of "Americanness" as a skin color would act confused.

Your point was some sort of claim that conflated domestic arm sales with international military weapons sales, as though that made some sort of point.

Oh, and racism. Also, conflated racism into it.

I pointed out that what you said, made no sense, and your response to that was more senseless filler.

Now, you've made another, unrelated and unsupported assertion, about the last 75 years, interestingly enough, starting right after the end of WWII.

So, really, talking about the Cold War, though without actually saying that, because God Forbid you should be clear.

But of course, you got another "racism" in there. Never miss that.

Dude. Would you have preferred that we just let the Soviets run rampant during the Cold War?
Try to find any errors in the following:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"Years of gearing up the military-industrial complex has further enriched the ultra-wealthy barons of war and death who profit from increased weapons sales.

"The most recent boom in domestic gun buying came during the Obama years, after a racialized 'they're coming for my guns' scare, which, of course, never happened.

"U.S. corporations like Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin are the largest global exporters of weapons.

"In 2015, U.S. companies accounted for about half of worldwide weapons sales that totaled more than $80 billion overall."White Supremacism in the U.S. Military, Explained

The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.

THe same pattern of fear of gun control that drove gun sales during Obama, also drove gun sales under the White Bill Clinton.

Crying "Racism" is just the last resort of a piece of shit lefty, who knows that he has nothing but shit coming out of his face anus.
The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.
That's the single most ignorant post you've made so far.
I'm sure you can do better.

That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
There's nothing nice or vague about the claim the US is and has been for the last 75 years the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on This Planet. Only those whose definition of "Americanness" as a skin color would act confused.

Your point was some sort of claim that conflated domestic arm sales with international military weapons sales, as though that made some sort of point.

Oh, and racism. Also, conflated racism into it.

I pointed out that what you said, made no sense, and your response to that was more senseless filler.

Now, you've made another, unrelated and unsupported assertion, about the last 75 years, interestingly enough, starting right after the end of WWII.

So, really, talking about the Cold War, though without actually saying that, because God Forbid you should be clear.

But of course, you got another "racism" in there. Never miss that.

Dude. Would you have preferred that we just let the Soviets run rampant during the Cold War?

He gets cornered and he throws shit against the wall to try and obfuscate.
The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.

THe same pattern of fear of gun control that drove gun sales during Obama, also drove gun sales under the White Bill Clinton.

Crying "Racism" is just the last resort of a piece of shit lefty, who knows that he has nothing but shit coming out of his face anus.
The markets for domestic gun sales and military exports are very distinct.
That's the single most ignorant post you've made so far.
I'm sure you can do better.

That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
That was nice and vague. I guess on some level you know that you can't back up the crazy OP.
There's nothing nice or vague about the claim the US is and has been for the last 75 years the Greatest Purveyor of Violence on This Planet. Only those whose definition of "Americanness" as a skin color would act confused.

Your point was some sort of claim that conflated domestic arm sales with international military weapons sales, as though that made some sort of point.

Oh, and racism. Also, conflated racism into it.

I pointed out that what you said, made no sense, and your response to that was more senseless filler.

Now, you've made another, unrelated and unsupported assertion, about the last 75 years, interestingly enough, starting right after the end of WWII.

So, really, talking about the Cold War, though without actually saying that, because God Forbid you should be clear.

But of course, you got another "racism" in there. Never miss that.

Dude. Would you have preferred that we just let the Soviets run rampant during the Cold War?

He gets cornered and he throws shit against the wall to try and obfuscate.

Like a monkey. And not one of the smarter monkeys.
From February 2018:

Militarism at the heart of a violent culture

"AS THE president continued smearing millions of immigrants as violent gang members to justify racist deportations and a border wall, it happened again. A young white man entered a school, not far from where I graduated, and unloaded a legally purchased weapon of war, killing 17 innocent people in three minutes...."

"WE NOW need to expand the demand beyond gun control, and connect the issue of mass murder at home to state-sanctioned mass murder abroad.

"At age 19, shooter Nikolas Cruz has not lived a year of his life when the U.S. was not actively bombing or occupying other countries, and exporting war through lucrative weapons contracts.

"A teen who can't yet legally buy beer or rent a car was able to purchase a weapon made for tactical combat--but then again, the same legislators who allow the AR-15 to be sold more easily than a Bud Light have supported every U.S. war and every bloated military budget presented to them.

"The U.S.-manufactured ammunition that kills abroad kills just the same in Parkland, Florida.

"The crisis we have before us is not about rap music or video games, as has been charged in previous mass shootings.

"It is a capitalist crisis."

A crisis groomed since 1945 during which the Exceptional US has exterminated millions of innocent human beings from Korea to Kandahar.

Only someone as dense as Trump would be surprised when these chickens come home to roost.


The solution to gun violence is in the violence and hate in people's souls to pick up guns just to harm others in the first place. And that comes from TWO THINGS:

  • Socialism (progressivism) and
  • Statism (secularism).
Outlaw progressives and bring back morality to our dehumanized society.
The solution to gun violence is in the violence and hate in people's souls to pick up guns just to harm others in the first place. And that comes from TWO THINGS:
  • Socialism (progressivism) and
  • Statism (secularism).
Outlaw progressives and bring back morality to our dehumanized society.
Why didn't you mention white supremacy or corporations when it comes to "violence and hate in people's souls"?

"In short, America is rotting from the inside out, and peaceful means to stop this seem to be nearly impossible. The inconvenient truth is that our leaders, both Democrat AND Republican, have been failing us for decades.

"They are either complacent or involved in one of the biggest betrayals of the American public in our history. The takeover of the United States government by unchecked corporations. I could write a ten page essay on all the damage these corporations have caused, but here is what is important.

"Due to the death of the baby boomers, the increasingly anti-immigrant rhetoric of the right and the ever increasing Hispanic population, America,"

Here's the El Paso Shooter's Full Manifesto: Read it Before You Believe the News

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