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Military, Government, Architects, Engineers, Scientists, DON'T believe 9/11 story

you tired of being a goofball clearly this shit is full of unsubstantiated bullshit with the sole purpose of going through the list 9/11 patriots and finding slander an innuendo to somehow try and taint there disguised and meritorious service.. almost court martialed ? is that like a little bit pregnant.?.and the general pissed off some health supplement people ?? and studies the codex ??...so what ?? and what has the fact a eyewitness and pentagon employee wrote articles for this man once regardless..it is meaningless and the attempt to slander anyway possible is crystal clear..it is a disgrace as are you..

oh spare us your "patriotic" drama queen bullshit. You are quite willing to believe your government cold bloodedly murdered over 3000 Americans. I don't think there is a damn thing patriotic about that. So give us all the details.. you must have them.

I believe a cabal with assets within the government are responsible for the events of 9/11
and that these men and woman are heroes and people of courage



I know what you believe. What I want are details..
No details forthcoming I see. I knew it was bullshit.

details ..you mean speculation ?? the details are the official story is proven to be untrue and the investigations cover-ups and a new independent investigation is required to determine the truth and certainty as to the details

Who led the bomb planting squad? Who ran the wires, how did they do this undetected, What is his name, how old is he, where does he live, How come the congresscritters aren't raising a ruckus,, How come the media isn't raising a ruckus, did you write your congressman? what did he say. How long did it take them to plan 9-11? Who what when where how many how long what are their names? Go. don't piss away our money if all you have is theory? details we need all the details. truth.. now..

write a congressmen..I have listed both congressmen and top level military and NASA researchers that have petitioned the government for a re-investigation.. to warrant a new investigation all that is required is the fact that the initial investigation has been denounced by its participants and many of their peers and the family steering committees ..the whole purpose of an investigation is to find answers and determine facts
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I believe a cabal with assets within the government are responsible for the events of 9/11
and that these men and woman are heroes and people of courage

:disbelief: :ack-1: :confused:

so you take issue with this peoples courage ?...swine

Senator Max Cleland – Former member of the 9/11 Commission, resigned in December 2003. Currently serves on the board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. U.S. Senator from Georgia 1997 - 2002. Secretary of State of Georgia 1982 - 1996. Administrator of the U.S. Veterans Administration 1977 - 1981. Former Captain, U.S. Army. Awarded Silver Star and Bronze Star for bravery in Viet Nam. Triple amputee from war injuries. Article New York Times 10/26/03: "As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted." Common Dreams | News & Views

Article Boston Globe 11/13/03: "If this decision stands [to limit access to White House documents], I, as a member of the [9/11] Commission, cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the Commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised. . . . This is `The Gong Show'; this isn't protection of national security." ... fIENDISH.net ....

Article Salon 11/21/03: Regarding the 9/11 Commission "It is a national scandal." Directory - Salon.com

Resigned from the 9/11 Commission, 12/03, after having served on it for 12 months. Former Senator Bob Kerrey from Nebraska was selected to replace him. The 9/11 Commission Report was issued 7 months later.

Interview Democracy Now 3/23/04: "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up." Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News

Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Private pilot.

Statement to this website 3/23/07: "As a former General Electric Turbine engineering specialist and manager and then CEO of a turbine engineering company, I can guarantee that none of the high tech, high temperature alloy engines on any of the four planes that crashed on 9/11 would be completely destroyed, burned, shattered or melted in any crash or fire. Wrecked, yes, but not destroyed. Where are all of those engines, particularly at the Pentagon? If jet powered aircraft crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly, would be there.

Additionally, in my experience as an officer in NORAD as a Tactical Director for the Chicago-Milwaukee Air Defense and as a current private pilot, there is no way that an aircraft on instrument flight plans (all commercial flights are IFR) would not be intercepted when they deviate from their flight plan, turn off their transponders, or stop communication with Air Traffic Control. No way! With very bad luck, perhaps one could slip by, but no there's no way all four of them could!

Finally, going over the hill and highway and crashing into the Pentagon right at the wall/ground interface is nearly impossible for even a small slow single engine airplane and no way for a 757. Maybe the best pilot in the world could accomplish that but not these unskilled "terrorists".

Attempts to obscure facts by calling them a "Conspiracy Theory" does not change the truth. It seems, "Something is rotten in the State."

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.
Member: Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Association Statement:

"Scholars and professionals with various kinds of expertise---including architects, engineers, firefighters, intelligence officers, lawyers, medical professionals, military officers, philosophers, religious leaders, physical scientists, and pilots---have spoken out about radical discrepancies between the official account of the 9/11 attacks and what they, as independent researchers, have learned.

They have established beyond any reasonable doubt that the official account of 9/11 is false and that, therefore, the official “investigations” have really been cover-up operations.

Thus far, however, there has been no response from political leaders in Washington or, for that matter, in other capitals around the world. Our organization, Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, has been formed to help bring about such a response.

We believe that the truth about 9/11 needs to be exposed now---not in 50 years as a footnote in the history books---so the policies that have been based on the Bush-Cheney administration’s interpretation of the 9/11 attacks can be changed.

We are, therefore, calling for a new, independent investigation of 9/11 that takes account of evidence that has been documented by independent researchers but thus far ignored by governments and the mainstream media."

Video 9/11/04: "A lot of these pieces of information, taken together, prove that the official story, the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It’s impossible. … There’s a second group of facts having to do with the cover up. … Taken together these things prove that high levels of our government don’t want us to know what happened and who’s responsible.…

Who gained from 9/11? Who covered up crucial information about 9/11? And who put out the patently false stories about 9/11 in the first place? When you take those three things together, I think the case is pretty clear that it’s highly placed individuals in the administration with all roads passing through Dick Cheney.

I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that’s much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder." http://video.go

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
why ain't the obamalama on this???

He said he did not want to investigate 9/11 because it may hurt the relationships of the U.S. with some countries..................GO FIGURE!

I should find the media links for them statements....unless someone else helps and finds some...
Ah are your witnesses maybe not as clean as you would like them to be? I could dig deeper if you would like. And I am not making the claims I simply wanted to know who these people were that out ranked me and believed in Bull Shit at the same time.

Found out that they may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack. Why doesn't that surprise me?
First I would like to say the BOTH my brothers are high ranking military officers...

I have owned a steel framing construction company for over 10yrs...

This is why I question 9/11 and want a new and independent investigation...

I am going to show well documented statements from many prominent people with disturbing things to say about 9/11....

Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
Video interview 6/28/09:

General Stubblebine: I am Major General Albert Stubblebine. I am retired Army Major-General. In my last assignment -- my last command -- I was responsible for all of the Army's strategic intelligence forces around the world. I had responsibility for the Signals Intelligence, Photo Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Human Intelligence. They all belonged to me, in my last assignment. …

I was supposed to find out what the enemy was doing, before the enemy did it so that we could take action against the enemy. That's Intelligence, OK, before the fact. So, we always -- always -- rely not on a single piece of data, before we make a statement, but on multiple and the more pieces of data that you have that correlate, the better you know exactly what is going on. …

So I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. I have looked at many, many different kinds of photographs, from many, many different platforms on many, many different countries, around the world.

Interviewer: OK. So on September the 11th, in 2001, what hit the Pentagon?

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Interviewer: What made you believe that?

General Stubblebine: Well, for one thing, if you look at the hole that was made in the Pentagon, the nose penetrated far enough so that there should have been wing marks on the walls of the Pentagon. I have been unable to find those wing marks. So where were they? Did this vessel -- vehicle, or whatever it was -- have wings? Apparently not, because if it had had wings, they would have made marks on the side of the Pentagon.

One person counteracted my theory, and said, "Oh, you've got it all wrong. And the reason that it's wrong is that as the airplane came across, one wing tipped down and hit the ground and broke off." I said, "Fine, that's possible, one wing could have broken off." But if I understand airplanes correctly, most airplanes have two wings. I haven't met an airplane with only one wing. So where was the mark for the second wing? OK, one broke off -- there should have been a mark for the second wing. I could not find that in any of the photographs that I've analyzed. Now I've been very careful to not say what went in there. Why? Because you don't have that evidence. …

I did -- I've never believed that it was an airplane since I've looked at the photographs. Up until the time I looked at the photographs, I accepted what was being said. After I looked at it -- NO WAY! …

We pride ourselves with the "free press." I do not believe the "free press" is free any more. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. And the press is saying what they have been told to say about this.

Now, do I have proof of that? No. But I believe that what is being -- what certainly the -- the stories that were told -- all about 9/11 were false. I mean, you take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at Building 7, for God's sake. It didn't fall down to its side. It didn't fall to this direction or that direction; just like the two Towers. …

When you look at the temperatures that you can create with fuel in a gas tank or a fuel tank of an airplane, and then you investigate the amount of heat that would be required to melt -- to melt -- the superstructure of the buildings that came tumbling down, when you put all of that together, the one thing that shows; It does not match the facts. What is it they do not want the public to know?

Excellent job of taking these loyal Bush/Obama dupes to School Creative.:clap2::clap2:
This is the best thread yet EVER posted here at this site.This is information the disinfo agents here such as Fizz,Gam,Gomer Pyle Ollie,and Cornboy troll CANT get around.

That high ranking very credible people dont accept the fairy tales of the 9/11 commission report that muslins and Bin Laden were behind the attacks.I love the logic of the Bush/Obama dupes they have when they say WE have no logic,common sense, facts or evidence to back up our posts.:lol::lol: "WERE" not the ones ignoring the voices of very credible people and experts,WERE not the ones who have the mindset that if FOX news and the government said it,its automatically true.:lol::lol: "ROLLS ON FLOOR HOWLING OUT LOUD IN LAUGHTER OVER BUSH/OBAMA dupes logic."

Were also not the posters that are cowards either who when you post videos like these 47 videos below,run off with thweir tails between their legs when asked to refute them by commenting on them.they NEVER take the challenge to watch these videos and comment on them and refute them.cause they know they CANT.:lol::lol:
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos i have yet to ever see ONE person in the hundreds of Bush/Obama dupes when asked to refute and comment on these 47 videos ever try to.:lol:they wont cause they have no interest in the truth.they just want to keep their heads buried in the sand alongside those ostriches.:lol:
Excellent job of taking these loyal Bush/Obama dupes to School Creative.:clap2::clap2:
This is the best thread yet EVER posted here at this site.This is information the disinfo agents here such as Fizz,Gam,Gomer Pyle Ollie,and Cornboy troll CANT get around.

That high ranking very credible people dont accept the fairy tales of the 9/11 commission report that muslins and Bin Laden were behind the attacks.I love the logic of the Bush/Obama dupes they have when they say WE have no logic,common sense, facts or evidence to back up our posts.:lol::lol: "WERE" not the ones ignoring the voices of very credible people and experts,WERE not the ones who have the mindset that if FOX news and the government said it,its automatically true.:lol::lol: "ROLLS ON FLOOR HOWLING OUT LOUD IN LAUGHTER OVER BUSH/OBAMA dupes logic."

Were also not the posters that are cowards either who when you post videos like these 47 videos below,run off with thweir tails between their legs when asked to refute them by commenting on them.they NEVER take the challenge to watch these videos and comment on them and refute them.cause they know they CANT.:lol::lol:
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos i have yet to ever see ONE person in the hundreds of Bush/Obama dupes when asked to refute and comment on these 47 videos ever try to.:lol:they wont cause they have no interest in the truth.they just want to keep their heads buried in the sand alongside those ostriches.:lol:

Thank you!:thup:
Still waiting for details..

Here is 157 pages of details of my efforts to present with evidence the true structure that stood and expose the deception.


Notice that there are no details for the supposed steel core columns and that there are no images from 9-121 that show them either.

These details come first, before any you ask for or expect. Either you investigate or stand in the way of the investigation. If you do not understand construction, then stand aside and simply keep track of who is accountable and consistent with their evidence in the debate.

To do anything else WILL be owrked against the Constitution by the infiltrators perpetrating mass murder in an effort to divide America and exploit it THEN destroy its Consitution.

Observe laws, when they are violated, those violating ARE the details you seek.
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I believe a cabal with assets within the government are responsible for the events of 9/11
and that these men and woman are heroes and people of courage

:disbelief: :ack-1: :confused:

so you take issue with this peoples courage ?...swine

Hey, did you call me swine??? :lol:

Re-read your post...You worded it as if you thought the terrorists were people of courage so I was making a JOKE. :slap:
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David A. Johnson, B.Arch, MCP (City Planning), PhD (Regional Planning), F.AICP – Internationally recognized architect and city and regional planner.............. Contributing author to Two Centuries of American Planning (1988).

"So I was well aware of the strength of the core with its steel columns, surrounding the elevators, and stairwells."

I would like to know how he was "well aware" of the steel core columns.

The core is empty in all 9-11 images. The spire ont he right, outside the concrete core wall that really existed, left of it the end view of the WTC west end core shear wall. Left of that, an empty core.


Below, the core is empty to the right of the 50 or so pieces of 3" high tensile steel rebar which was in the north core wall and under, then right of the spire.

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Still waiting for details..

Here is 157 pages of details of my efforts to present with evidence the true structure that stood and expose the deception.


Notice that there are no details for the supposed steel core columns and that there are no images from 9-121 that show them either.

These details come first, before any you ask for or expect. Either you investigate or stand in the way of the investigation. If you do not understand construction, then stand aside and simply keep track of who is accountable and consistent with their evidence in the debate.

To do anything else WILL be owrked against the Constitution by the infiltrators perpetrating mass murder in an effort to divide America and exploit it THEN destroy its Consitution.

Observe laws, when they are violated, those violating ARE the details you seek.

you may want to look at the construction photos......no concrete core...no concrete shear walls.....
Ah are your witnesses maybe not as clean as you would like them to be? I could dig deeper if you would like. And I am not making the claims I simply wanted to know who these people were that out ranked me and believed in Bull Shit at the same time.

Found out that they may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack. Why doesn't that surprise me?

uh...because you are an idiot ?
Still waiting for details..

Here is 157 pages of details of my efforts to present with evidence the true structure that stood and expose the deception.


Notice that there are no details for the supposed steel core columns and that there are no images from 9-121 that show them either.

These details come first, before any you ask for or expect. Either you investigate or stand in the way of the investigation. If you do not understand construction, then stand aside and simply keep track of who is accountable and consistent with their evidence in the debate.

To do anything else WILL be owrked against the Constitution by the infiltrators perpetrating mass murder in an effort to divide America and exploit it THEN destroy its Consitution.

Observe laws, when they are violated, those violating ARE the details you seek.

you may want to look at the construction photos......no concrete core...no concrete shear walls.....

The perpetrators of mass murder would want people to look at construction photos used to misrepresent elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns". Left and right of the central crane are "butt plates" on the tops of the elevator guide supports. Such plates are convienent and fast for aligning guide rail suppport, but have no strength and cannot be used for core columns.


The infiltrators of the US government have removed all of the construction photos from any publically available source that show the concrete. They would not want the public to use photos of 9-11 that evidence the concrete walls falling.


The perpetrators of mass murder would not want people to know what Newsweek learned from Leslie Robertson, the lead engineer of the Twin Towers and the fact that he identified a concrete core on September 13, 2001.

Here is the same portion of the WTC 1 east concrete core wall falling into the core.

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Ah are your witnesses maybe not as clean as you would like them to be? I could dig deeper if you would like. And I am not making the claims I simply wanted to know who these people were that out ranked me and believed in Bull Shit at the same time.

Found out that they may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack. Why doesn't that surprise me?

uh...because you are an idiot ?

No because if they were ever questioned in court these things may be actually brought up. You don't know much about the real world do you?
Here is 157 pages of details of my efforts to present with evidence the true structure that stood and expose the deception.


Notice that there are no details for the supposed steel core columns and that there are no images from 9-121 that show them either.

These details come first, before any you ask for or expect. Either you investigate or stand in the way of the investigation. If you do not understand construction, then stand aside and simply keep track of who is accountable and consistent with their evidence in the debate.

To do anything else WILL be owrked against the Constitution by the infiltrators perpetrating mass murder in an effort to divide America and exploit it THEN destroy its Consitution.

Observe laws, when they are violated, those violating ARE the details you seek.

you may want to look at the construction photos......no concrete core...no concrete shear walls.....

The perpetrators of mass murder would want people to look at construction photos used to misrepresent elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns". Left and right of the central crane are "butt plates" on the tops of the elevator guide supports. Such plates are convienent and fast for aligning guide rail suppport, but have no strength and cannot be used for core columns.


The infiltrators of the US government have removed all of the construction photos from any publically available source that show the concrete. They would not want the public to use photos of 9-11 that evidence the concrete walls falling.


The perpetrators of mass murder would not want people to know what Newsweek learned from Leslie Robertson, the lead engineer of the Twin Towers and the fact that he identified a concrete core on September 13, 2001.

Here is the same portion of the WTC 1 east concrete core wall falling into the core.


Do you have any comprehension about the thousands of workers who were involved in the construction of the towers or that there has been asbestos litigation concerning the towers and that these documents have been in the public domain for 30 years?

Good truthers are idiots

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