Military Photos


AWAC's... The real reason we hold battlefield superiority.

It ain't glamorous but it's vital.

Can you imagine being stuck in the spot in the back where they control the boom?

Absolute boredom. Even handling the refuel boom would be more exciting.
But no less important.

There is no boom.

So the fuel magically flows from the tanker to the fighter?

AWAC's... The real reason we hold battlefield superiority.

It ain't glamorous but it's vital.

Can you imagine being stuck in the spot in the back where they control the boom?

There is no boom. It's not a tanker.

I see the confusion now.
Obviously I know what AWACS
AWACS is not a tanker.

I see the problem.
I answered to someone else's preconceived notion without thinking.
I know the difference between AWACS and a Stratotanker.

Visiting there is a very moving experience. Highly recommended.

I'll never forget my first visit when I was around eight or nine.
It gave me goosebumps seeing the bullet pock marks on the walls.
The place just oozes history and Texas Pride.

It amazed me how many people failed to remove their hat when entering.
The guards set them straight right quick!

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