Zone1 military spending on longlasting/endless wars while people suffer cripplingly high food and gas prices : should we just vote no to all that?

I suppose but I’d argue that. I don’t believe anyone deserves the shit we’ve endured.

I suspect the end of the Empire is near.
Did it start with the DHS? AUMF? Patriot Act?
Did it start with the DHS? AUMF? Patriot Act?
No it’s been a long process. Probably started with Wilson lying us into WWI and instituting the Fed. Then after WWII, the state expanded grotesquely and we became an evil empire. Got dramatically worse after 9/11.

Americans love to cite their love of the Constitution, but somehow don’t know the ruling class ignores and violates it without consequences.
No it’s been a long process. Probably started with Wilson lying us into WWI and instituting the Fed. Then after WWII, the state expanded grotesquely and we became an evil empire. Got dramatically worse after 9/11.

Americans love to cite their love of the Constitution, but somehow don’t know the ruling class ignores and violates it without consequences.
nobody likes a war, especially so when they get stuck in one.
and for the umpteenth time : we humans have barely grown towards a peaceful nature (not to mention what we feed our children on their action cartoon shows) since their 1st days as countries on the map. i think my own country of the Netherlands does a fine job by describing public violence attacks (which we only get in minor forms) as something to be avoided at all times.

we constantly try to out-do eachother, over minor payraises or risky bigger donations.
and it is at least bad and sad.
that's far as i've come since 9/11 when i accepted a hobby (or : the work, rather) of hawk-ish online diplomat for NATO, the EU, and our other allies.
i recommend we seek an alternative and lives-respecting multi-polar world-order.
now if only the MICs, top generals, admirals and politicians (on both sides of the west vs brics argumentation) could just switch their spendingmodel to military excersises instead of tug-of-war turf-battles (that will keep us drunkenly-violent as a species), and agree with eachother to never again go for a real or economic war between ourselves (disregarding the maps here).
this is our HOMEWORLD, the only 1 we got (according to my 37 years of reading the news)
What I cant understand.
See the complaints about gas & food
NOT A WORD about BANKS, large Interest rates, on credit,
additional fees,, low saving rates on saving accounts.
Raises on Insurance rates, with fights to get claims paid.
Constant raises on utility costs, little add on meaningless extra costs.
WHY the pass on corporations. Not even mentioning that Huge food corporations who are making record profits,
Keep raising prices???
It is a case of priorities

Global military power is a priority over domestic investment
The US spends 40 cents of every military dollar spent in the world
It comes at the cost of a crumbling infrastructure and healthcare and education being unaffordable for working families
Is this Dick Cheney’s burner account?
And the Democrats / Deep State have brought in 20 million illegals and plan to bring in 80 million more per WEF. Thats ONE THIRD of the US Population that we are PAYING FOR while millions of Seniors and Homeless are struggling to survive. Here in Metro Detroit,, half of the people I see in stores and restaurants are Spanish speakers.

The Democrats are for the Working man they say ??? Yes the working man from everywhere except the USA !
It is a case of priorities

Global military power is a priority over domestic investment
The US spends 40 cents of every military dollar spent in the world
It comes at the cost of a crumbling infrastructure and healthcare and education being unaffordable for working families
The Reason we have bases in over 100 countries is because of our Dollar hegemony. We use force to ensure the Dollar retains its reserve status.

How come NATO doesnt police their own backyard ??? Why does the USA always have to be the major player in these conflicts ?
The Reason we have bases in over 100 countries is because of our Dollar hegemony. We use force to ensure the Dollar retains its reserve status.

How come NATO doesnt police their own backyard ??? Why does the USA always have to be the major player in these conflicts ?

I agree
The US should not be the worlds policeman

Yes we should support NATO, but EU nations should bear the brunt of defense in their region.

Japan, S Korea and Philippines should have the lead in Asia
I agree
The US should not be the worlds policeman

Yes we should support NATO, but EU nations should bear the brunt of defense in their region.

Japan, S Korea and Philippines should have the lead in Asia
or, we could opt for the US as the leader in NATO+EU+Allies' military R&D and arms production,
while we fight wars with soldiers from every part of our alliance on a specific-expertise-needed-somewhere basis.

i probably don't need to press the urgency of staying vigilant against both the BRICS and Muslim extremist groups...
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