Zone1 Where do you personally Stand on abortion laws.

What is the Abortion Regulation Level you most support?

  • Ban after 6 Weeks No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban after 15 weeks, No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
I know it's a lot of choices, but I want to see where people stand. I will allow two choices for those on the fence.

Some ground rules.

1. Non-viable fetuses can be removed in all cases
2. Ectopic Pregnancy treatment is allowed and is not an abortion
3. After 15 weeks if you can't figure out if you were raped or had incest, it's on you.

Think about what level you would vote for. Let's have at it.
Conceptually -- Banned from conception. Pragmatically -- Banned after just a few weeks, perhaps 6 weeks. Maybe 10 weeks. Of course life of the mother should always be an exception.

Abortion ends a human life in all cases if executed successfully.
I know it's a lot of choices, but I want to see where people stand. I will allow two choices for those on the fence.

Some ground rules.

1. Non-viable fetuses can be removed in all cases
2. Ectopic Pregnancy treatment is allowed and is not an abortion
3. After 15 weeks if you can't figure out if you were raped or had incest, it's on you.

Think about what level you would vote for. Let's have at it.

I voted the traditional liberal view. i.e. allowing them for rape, incest, and mothers' health issues. Being 'inconvenient' isn't a reason. Never knew of a baby that wasn't 'inconveniencing' somebody. Well, except for the Libertarian and social darwinists, who all claim to be self-sufficient and working 20 hours a day at birth.
ban after viability if pregnancy isn't compromised - & allowed in all circumstances if the life & health of the mother is compromised if the pregnancy went full term.
Medically there is no pregnancy at conception. Pregnancy does not begin until implantation in the uterine wall. I agree with that. Ectopic pregnancy is not a true pregnancy because there is no implantation. 15 weeks is a reasonable limitation.

What we have is an incremental, but foreseeable, expansion of the concept of abortion. If it's okay to abort babies just before birth, it's okay to abort them after they are born. If it is not a crime to abort your children, there should be no crime in aborting the children of others.
Emergency medical triage only; i.e. only when imminent death of the mother will result if action that will cause the death of the kid is NOT taken. If the kid is dead no matter what we do, then and only then could such action to save the mom could be justified.

Furthermore this is only valid as a concept if we are so early in the process that the unborn kid cannot survive outside the pregnancy. If we are past this point, just do an emergency c-section, duh, why are we even talking about this.

Humans have an unalienable right to life. We have it from the moment we are created. We are created at fertilization. Not any arbitrary point thereafter.
12 weeks since the fetal heartbeat and neural pathways are established by that time. Beyond that only if the health of the Mother is threatened. 12 weeks is plenty of time to abort if you are the victim of rape or incest.
Ban from Conception except under the following circumstances:

1. Prosecutable Rape with the victim’s assistance and testimony in prosecution.

2. Verifiable proof of impregnating by an immediate family member.

3. Imminent Death of the mother due to complications of the pregnancy.
I as a Canadian stand apart from Americans who are really only interested in a political fight over the abortion issue.

I stand with a compassionate approach of discouraging the events that lead to a woman's perceived need for an abortion.

But when those 'events' have been ignored then the only answer becomes one of 'rights and freedoms' of women.

In general, America has strayed far from 'rights and freedoms' in more areas than just abortions! Fascism is on the horizon and being seriously considered. That could decide the abortion issue against a woman's rights.
What we have is an incremental, but foreseeable, expansion of the concept of abortion. If it's okay to abort babies just before birth, it's okay to abort them after they are born. If it is not a crime to abort your children, there should be no crime in aborting the children of others.

what bullshit.
what bullshit.
Actually, it’s entirely correct.

And this is Zone 1, and you posted nothing of substance whatsoever and no argument.

There is no reason to not extend your support to killing kids before birth to after birth. They are not sufficiently sapient yet to warrant rights, if all you care about is current sapience.

Newborns are just highly inefficient milk to poop conversion engines, with ineffective feedback systems to notify their parents whenever something nebulously is wrong. If you think they deserve rights, while the unborn don’t, then you at a minimum MUST think adult dogs and cows and cats and countless other animals have rights to life and liberty and property, which means farms are prisons and meat is murder…
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I as a Canadian stand apart from Americans who are really only interested in a political fight over the abortion issue.

I stand with a compassionate approach of discouraging the events that lead to a woman's perceived need for an abortion.

But when those 'events' have been ignored then the only answer becomes one of 'rights and freedoms' of women.

In general, America has strayed far from 'rights and freedoms' in more areas than just abortions! Fascism is on the horizon and being seriously considered. That could decide the abortion issue against a woman's rights.

When a woman's responsibility to avoid unwanted pregnancy breaks down, enter "a woman's right". No different than a person who justifies theft because he refuses to work.

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