Zone1 Where do you personally Stand on abortion laws.

What is the Abortion Regulation Level you most support?

  • Ban after 6 Weeks No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban after 15 weeks, No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The thing is since Roe was threatened States like NY and CA have modified their laws to basically do what is being claimed, i.e. as long as a doctor is OK with it for basically any reason an abortion is legal up to the moment of birth.

late term abortions are extremely rare ... & the 'choice' to abort at that time is even rarer.

there are more innocent post born lives who've already owned a life history, being killed every day on a much more catastrophic scale.

but but states' rights.
late term abortions are extremely rare ... & the 'choice' to abort at that time is even rarer.

there are more innocent post born lives who've already owned a life history, being killed every day on a much more catastrophic scale.

but but states' rights.

Yes they are, but again the point being made is these States felt the need to make it perfectly legal to do so as long as you get a doctor to agree. Not even determine that it is needed to save the life of the mother, just agree that for some reason it is OK.
Although I don't cotton to all of your nanny state policies, for the most part I agree with your post.
You can call it "nanny state policies", or whatever else you want, but nonetheless, in the modern age, with all of the technology and resources that we have at our disposal, there is no reason why we should have people living in abject poverty. We should afford people the right to the basics, and by doing so we eliminate a host of very destructive and expensive outcomes that undermine the standard of living of every member of society. Even if we don't do it from a position of "humanistic concern" or compassion but rather from cold, calculating pragmatism, it's still worth it.
You can call it "nanny state policies", or whatever else you want, but nonetheless, in the modern age, with all of the technology and resources that we have at our disposal, there is no reason why we should have people living in abject poverty. We should afford people the right to the basics, and by doing so we eliminate a host of very destructive and expensive outcomes that undermine the standard of living of every member of society. Even if we don't do it from a position of "humanistic concern" or compassion but rather from cold, calculating pragmatism, it's still worth it.
We've gone round and round on this. When you "give" people all the shit you're talking about, then there is no incentive for people to earn things, or work harder than others to gain a higher standard of living.

I'm not going to rehash the arguments. What you propose has been tried numerous times and always failed.
No, that’s fine you’ve clarified that this thing you’re worried about essentially or now “effectively” never happens, so a ban shouldn’t bother you.

it doesn't. i've always thought that viability is the point of no return EXCEPT when the life of the pregnant female is compromised or the health of the fetus is.
I believe in no restrictions whatsoever.

1. Life is horrible. Each time a fetus is aborted, we are doing that potential human being a huge favor.

2. Also, of course, each abortion may lessen the potential criminal population.
I believe in no restrictions whatsoever.

1. Life is horrible. Each time a fetus is aborted, we are doing that potential human being a huge favor.

2. Also, of course, each abortion may lessen the potential criminal population.
Just monstrous and misanthropic and nihilistic. What an awful point of view.

Why stop at birth, then? Why not just kill wantonly, since everyone is better off dead as far as you are concerned? Or was that just the poor, or the racial demographics of those disproportionately targeted by Planned Parenthood et al?

Maybe clarify which groups you think should die for their own good.
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Dr. Joemoma says that if she brought 'em into the world then she can take 'em out of the world, no age limit.

So, post puberty abortion is fine?
So are unarmed black folk who get murdered by police.. but we sure as hell put millions of dollars and gov't intense focus on that.

Why the double standard

why the straw man?

why the false equivalency?

why the deflection?
We need a huge push to convince young couples to use contraception. That will end abortion for good. If less babies are conceived well that is not a bad thing.

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