Disinformation is enemy #1.

Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed. Cohen is also the guy who Trump sent to solitary confinement after being on his way to home confinement after Cohen refused to sign a document preventing him from writing a book about Trump.

BTW, your characterization of Cohen doesn't change the disinformation spewed by Luna.
Aw, poor berg…it’s all falling apart, and you can’t stop it….lol
Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed. Cohen is also the guy who Trump sent to solitary confinement after being on his way to home confinement after Cohen refused to sign a document preventing him from writing a book about Trump.

BTW, your characterization of Cohen doesn't change the disinformation spewed by Luna.
Speaking of disinformation
Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed. Cohen is also the guy who Trump sent to solitary confinement after being on his way to home confinement after Cohen refused to sign a document preventing him from writing a book about Trump.

BTW, your characterization of Cohen doesn't change the disinformation spewed by Luna.
Typical Dumbocrat passing the buck. Cohen has ZERO credibility and will say whatever it takes to shorten his 70 year prison sentence. He committed a crime. There is no evidence that Trump committed Cohen's crimes.

You can watch Trump sycophant Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R) outside the NY courthouse make a false accusation about Rep. Dan Goldman. She claims Goldman helped to prepare Michael Cohen for his testimony against Trump. The truth is Goldman interviewed and deposed Cohen in 2019 when he was counsel for the Jan. 6 committee.

Something like this pales in comparison to most of the lies spewed by Trump and RWM on a daily basis but is nonetheless emblematic of how routine it is for Don's defenders to lie at what is no doubt his direction.

Is it really the best use of time by Repub senators and reps. to go to NY so they can sooth the insatiable ego of Chubby Bonespurs? They have been told to go there and say the things Trump is prohibited from saying by virtue of the gag order. It's up to the prosecution to file a complaint about the daily violations of the gag order carried out by the Red Tie Brigade. Why they don't is beyond my understanding.

Poor Berg.
Satan has been preparing Cohen his whole life.
Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed. Cohen is also the guy who Trump sent to solitary confinement after being on his way to home confinement after Cohen refused to sign a document preventing him from writing a book about Trump.

BTW, your characterization of Cohen doesn't change the disinformation spewed by Luna.

Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed.

In total, COHEN failed to report more than $4 million in income, resulting in the avoidance of taxes of more than $1.4 million due to the IRS.

Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed.

In total, COHEN failed to report more than $4 million in income, resulting in the avoidance of taxes of more than $1.4 million due to the IRS.

Frankly, when Hunter does stuff like that, he gets no time. Once again we are seeing the two tier demafasict justice system
Cohen is the guy who served time for the crime Trump committed.

In total, COHEN failed to report more than $4 million in income, resulting in the avoidance of taxes of more than $1.4 million due to the IRS.

Let's see if we have this straight. Cohen failed to report income to duck taxes, and that's TRUMP!'s fault. TDS, baby, TDS.
So democrats and LWM have no competition when they do it.
I just posted a video of a Repub congresswoman stating a blatant lie, or disinformation. Show me where on RWM that the lie was called out.
Facts, truth, logic - never on their side.
I just posted a video of a Repub congresswoman stating a blatant lie, or disinformation. Rep. Goldman was interviewed on MSNBC last night exposing the lie. Cuck.
I just posted a video of a Repub congresswoman stating a blatant lie, or disinformation. Show me where on RWM that the lie was called out.
Sounds like all I need to do to destroy your stance is find a single video of a democrat congresscritter stating a blatant lie that was not called out on LWM. Is that really the road you want to go down?

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