Zone1 military spending on longlasting/endless wars while people suffer cripplingly high food and gas prices : should we just vote no to all that?

The Draft doesn’t work anymore

We no longer need low skilled Grunts in the military. Most positions require trained troops who want to be there
Unfortunately, I think you're right; too many people would refuse to serve, which means it's only a matter of time until we are the subjects, slaves, of either the Chinese or the Russians. If I'm forced to choose, I'm going to choose the Russians, because at least with them as our overlords my grandchildren can learn to speak Russian, claim they've always been Russians and hide in the herd. That would be hard to do with the Chinese. most of us don't look Chinese, Mongolian or any form of East Asian, and the Chinese are considerably racist. Not looking like a Chinese person would have consequences. Whoever becomes our master will significantly populate this country with their own people. They would call the shots and enjoy the benefits of our economy, because it'd be the logical thing to do.
think you're right; too many people would refuse to serve, which means it's only a matter of time until we are the subjects, slaves, of either the Chinese or the Russians

We are the most powerful military in the history of mankind.
Neither Russia or China are capable of invading us
We are the most powerful military in the history of mankind.
Neither Russia or China are capable of invading us
That's true on paper but wars are not fought on paper; look what we have learned from Ukraine Russian war, it was not the professional army of Ukraine that held back the Russians it was the militia and their draftees, there just simply were not enough of the professional soldiers to do the job. By now, in a fight with Russia or China we would've lost half of our fighting force with no way to replace them; our people have lost their grit. We outnumber the Russians two to one, but they could put an army in the field twice the size of ours, if they can supply it, they can beat us.
I would support reducing the budget across the board equally, including foreign aid, military spending, welfare, and entitlements including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ect

Along with that have a reduction in force of the entire federal departments

It used to be called the Penny Plan and its still a good idea

The way it works is freeze this year’s spending for next year with no automatic increases and then reduce spending by a number we can agree on

About 1-5% each year till the budget is balanced
The military is mentioned in the Constitution all that other crap isn't. Unfortunately with the world the way it is the US needs a powerful military.
The military is mentioned in the Constitution all that other crap isn't. Unfortunately with the world the way it is the US needs a powerful military.
I agree that the military deserves priority

But human nature being what it is you cannot target one group for cuts but not others

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