Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah, but Trump did do this and that. He DID tweet 24/7 to satiate his inflated ego. He did say Kim and him were friends. He DID disparage gold star families. He DID say you could grab women by the pussy. Your premise, was "what if". Don't deal in what if's....
Do progs ever stop lying?
If that call is verified, Milley should be immediately removed and then tried for treason.
I agree regardless of who the President was He had an obligation and swore an oath to support the commander in Chief. Telling a Foreign leader "anything" without approval of the President. that could even potentially Damage national security is probably treason.
Trump was such a bad president, and was so totally gone and unhinged that US Generals had to step in and make sure he didn't literally destroy the country the way his Army of idiot brainwashed lemming supporters destroyed the Capitol in the most disgraceful display in US History.

Trump brought this on himself through his disgraceful actions. trump is an embarrassment to America.
no, he wasn't a bad POTUS...Bidumb is the bad POTUS
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Yeah, but Trump did do this and that. He DID tweet 24/7 to satiate his inflated ego. He did say Kim and him were friends. He DID disparage gold star families. He DID say you could grab women by the pussy. Your premise, was "what if". Don't deal in what if's....
..most of you [and you ] don't know shit about the military.....there are a lot of generals that are not smart--in fact they are Fact, it was a general that wanted to start a TOTAL, [ comma here, be careful ] unnecessary war with China, and the POTUS had to relieve the PSYCHO General = MacArthur....he wanted to use nukes
..don't try to argue wars/etc with me--you will lose and look very silly
Tramp was treasonous in his unsuccessful insurrection against the capital of the US and it was Gen Milly who saved our arse.
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It was not treason. Milley acted to protect the United States. Everybody knew that trump was crazy. History will show that Milley is one of our greatest heroes. what would you do if you knew that the president was nuts. I always worried that trump had his hands on the nuclear launch codes. Milley had a tremendous amount of responsibility on his shoulders and he aced it.

I for one would never want to see Chinese missiles hitting the U.S.
He should be executed in public. I think Biden is a demented fool, but it would be treason if he did the same to him.
Holy Shit !

Trump is unelectable.

Nobody that matters in America will support or vote for this failed piece of trash !

These retards still can't even admit they lost the election. Trumpers are the most pathetic losers in the history of America.
You do know he will be your president again?
LOL. Read the Constitution, you have no clue as to the elements to indict for treason.


Trump is a narcissist. When he doesn't get his way he will do anything. The general was correct, Trump lacks empathy, a character flaw which he has shown over and over with childish vindictiveness.

As to President Biden, he has empathy. He stutters, that is not a symptom of anyone's mental acuity. The fact that so many trump supporters echo each other on social media, claiming this malady is an example a a mental decline, is hateful, ignorant and wrong.

Biden can be trusted, Trump cannot be trusted, ask anyone of his appointees who he tossed under the bus.
So siding with our enemy just because you don't like the president? You're the enemy, I don't like Biden, but I would side with him before I would China. You people make me sick.
You're taking it out of context.
This happened after Trump went crazy and incited the insurection. China then became concerned over Trump's metal state and Miley told them they were going to strip Trump of military power and they would make sure Trump doesn't go crazy and attack them.

You are fake news, and the GOP is the party of lies and spin.
Well with that, Biden should've never been president. He is demented.
So you never noticed his frequent changes of mind, handling of the pandemic, ridiculous tweets and rants, rally speeches, name-calling, his obsession with himself, frequent changes of staff, the low quality of his appointees, the amount of his friends got in trouble with the law, etc. You must not have been paying attention.

You can still be arguably sane and still be a f**king sleazy bitch. Look at trash like McConnell, abbot, etc. But trump genuinely is a mental case.
I saw constant witch hunts you loons pulled on him. I remember you loons running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky. You have no credibility to call anyone else crazy.
All Milley did was reassure the Chinese that Trump was not about to nuke China. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Milley “warning” China in advance. Trumpers are either lying or are just plain unable to grasp the story.

This does raise the question why Trumpers think it is fine with them if Trump decided to start a nuclear war. I mean why are Trumpers defending Trump’s right to burn them to a crisp? I mean this is beyond Jim Jones.
He told China he would warn them if we were going to attack them. Your hatred of our military is noted.
trump had the where-with-all to start WWIII, and he is mentally incompetent. Somebody had to take his toys away. Note that this was done after his minions attacked the United States Government.
What war did Trump start?
So you want to hang Milley over something that never happened.

Did we go to war with China? Nope. Therefore they weren't warned beforehand.

Btw, military commanders speak with our foreign adversaries every fucking day of the week, idiot. That's part of their job.
The fact is he was willing to do it.
He plotted against nobody, fucktwit. What he did was to attemp to calm the nerves of our Chinese adversary who knew that Trump was out of his mind, an out of control maniac capable of ending it all, you Trump asslicking jerkoff.

Milley, who has devoted his life to defending this Country should be applauded for what he did, instead of being attacked by right wing hacks like you.
This is what we are dealing with. Liberals call Trump deranged, but Biden cannot even put together a coherent sentence. Even when he reads it off the teleprompter.

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