Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
If true this has very serious implications.

This amounts to a military take over of one of the Executives prime responsibilities.....control of our nuclear retaliatory capability.

If he had felt that strongly then he should have talked to somone about invoking the 25th amendment which would have also bordered on insubordination as in there was no firm or real evidence Trump was mentally incompetent.

Now on the other hand joe biden? What does General milley think about bidens cognitive problems? Is milley ready to take over for Joe?

There was no time to go through the process of invoking the 25 Amendment. Remember that trump's minions had attacked the U.S. Congress only one or two days before, and trump had been acting out of control for some time. Biden does not appear to have any cognitive problems.

trump was in a position to cause the deaths of millions of people. I've depended during the entire trump administration on the wisdom of the Joint Chiefs and related officials and they came through! Milley deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor, at least.
There was no time to go through the process of invoking the 25 Amendment. Remember that trump's minions had attacked the U.S. Congress only one or two days before, and trump had been acting out of control for some time. Biden does not appear to have any cognitive problems.

trump was in a position to cause the deaths of millions of people. I've depended during the entire trump administration on the wisdom of the Joint Chiefs and related officials and they came through! Milley deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor, at least.
'Minions'? What are you, 3yo? STFU, you TDS-suffering, hate-driven partisan psycho!

Democrats are calling for this traitors head. That should mean something, even to a partisan infant idiot like r yourself.
Millet-gate isn't about Democrats versus Republicans. It's about a traitor who volunteered to be a spy for the CCP.
Why do you think Trump had the right to launch a nuclear strike because he feels like it?
He doesnt much like Milley doesnt have the authority to call his counterpart in China and "assure" him that he'd call him first if the President ordered a strike. If that had happened the proper thing to do would be to go the the cabinet and VP to enact the 25th amendment if he thought the President were unstable you don't call a foreign entity. No President has the authority to just launch a nuclear strike any time they want. Biden cant get drunk one night and phone up NORAD at 3am to launch a nuke at NK for shits and giggles.

I truly hope this story isnt true but if it is Gen Milley is in fact a traitor and should be removed quickly.

Even your hero Vindman said he should resign if this is true.
of an attack by the US on that country would that person be a traitor?

"In the calls, Milley sought to assure Li the United States was stable and not going to attack and, if there were to be an attack, he would alert his counterpart ahead of time, the report said."

Wait....did the US attack someone?
'Minions'? What are you, 3yo? STFU, you TDS-suffering, hate-driven partisan psycho!

Democrats are calling for this traitors head. That should mean something, even to a partisan infant idiot like r yourself.
Why should I STFU when you are denying that it was trump's minions who attacked the U.S. Government on Jan. 6, when they even were carrying flags with trump's name on them?

Milley acted to save our asses.

I am not "partisan." I was always an independent until the republican party totally trashed itself. I am old enough to remember when the republican party was respectable and had some decent people in it. Now it consists only of racists, misogynists, homophobes, and jackass far-right "religious" cults. Don't insult me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the republican party choosing to dive head-first into the sewer.
Why should I STFU when you are denying that it was trump's minions who attacked the U.S. Government on Jan. 6, when they even were carrying flags with trump's name on them?

Milley acted to save our asses.

I am not "partisan." I was always an independent until the republican party totally trashed itself. I am old enough to remember when the republican party was respectable and had some decent people in it. Now it consists only of racists, misogynists, homophobes, and jackass far-right "religious" cults. Don't insult me. I had absolutely nothing to do with the republican party choosing to dive head-first into the sewer.
Again, what are you, f*ing 3yo?!

No one has 'minions'.

Americans, conservatives, some Trump supporters marched on the Congress building.

A BLM radical named Sullivan is shown on video before the riot inciting it, celebrating when he gets people to join in. He is seen inside illegally doing the same thing. Capitol Police are on video opening doors for people to enter...

And NONE of this has to do with ChiCom traitor Milley committing the act of treason himself, willingly, volunteering to be a CCP Spy.

You want to keep attacking Trump go to one of the many discussions created to do so - STOP VIOLATING USMB TOS!

The fact is, like every f*ing Democrat & POS snowflake like you, you are against personal accountability for fellow Democrats.

Again, there is no excuse, no justification for what Milley did. The UCMJ does not identify what he did as treason EXCEPT when a President Democrats don't like is in office.
- THAT is thinking like a child, not a reasonable adult, which you have proven yourself NOT to be.

So, again, STFU, GROW up, and come back when TDS does not control every aspect of your life.
This story came from Reuters, not Fox News. And, it clearly said that if Trump ordered an attack on China that Milley would warn China in advance.
IF he is re-elected, every one of them should be court-martialed and separated with loss of all rank, privileges, and pensions. Milley deserves to be put against a wall.
Well, the story was a lead on a couple of the nightly news shows.....and all covered it to one degree or another.
So clearly it is of interest....and thus, is now getting a lot of reportage to fill in details, and add context.

It seems that American intelligence (spy? commint?) revealed that the Chinese general in question, and others, had grown concerned over the signals they perceived were coming from Don Trump and American political discourse, specifically Trump's heated rhetoric that China needed to pay a price for releasing Covid.

Responsible Americans were getting signals that some in the Chinese leadership feared Trump would start something in the movie 'Wag The Tail' shore up his re-election chances by throwing red meat to his base. Which then motivated Americans to take steps to ensure that the Chinese themselves didn't do something stupid in anticipation that Trump, with his widely reported instability, would start something

In addition to Milley, American civilian governmental leadership called their counterparts in China to signal them and re-assure that American leadership wasn't gonna do something really stupid to begin a shooting war. Milley's call was in that context. One of a handful of calls to China re-assuring that there really were adults in charge.

I personally think this is much ado over nothing. Book galleys are being seen by industry-insiders and this tidbit leaked out.....and the media reported it, as they should. And then the partisans began pounding down shots for their Rambo posturing.

And here we are.
Will blow over soon.
And no, Milley ain't gonna be hung, shot, gassed, or dumped.

here was no time to go through the process of invoking the 25 Amendment. Remember that trump's minions had attacked the U.S. Congress only one or two days before, and trump had been acting out of control for some time. Biden does not appear to have any cognitive problems.

trump was in a position to cause the deaths of millions of people. I've depended during the entire trump administration on the wisdom of the Joint Chiefs and related officials and they came through! Milley deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor, at least.
A big fan of treason, I see.
Since when does usurping powers and authority not entitled to, for the first time in American history,
earn Mark Milley a medal of honor?

When Congress changes hands next year that fat overly decorated traitor, General Milley, will be
out of work. Maybe Xi Jinping can use a quisling like Milley.
Let's see how his CRT goes down in China.
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It seems that American intelligence (spy? commint?) revealed that the Chinese general in question, and others, had grown concerned over the signals they perceived were coming from Don Trump and American political discourse, specifically Trump's heated rhetoric that China needed to pay a price for releasing Covid.
This part is particularly dishonest and a product of someone's imagination. I won't call them bald faced lies....but if someone else did I would agree 100%.

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